tw K
bell-Hagerman College and since the completion of her work at Columbia Uni- Jl]
versity, she has been connected with the Department of Home Economics at the  
State University. Two years ago she was made head of this department and  
_ quite recently she has been put in izharge of an important branch of the extension il;
work in Home Economics, in co—operation with the United States Department  
i ‘ of Agriculture, thereby greatly extending the influence and activity of the  
, department of Home Economics among the women of the State at large and  
contributing greatly to the uplift and betterment of the general condition of  
women in the rural districts and upon the farm. Two years ago she organized  
the Kentucky Home Economics Association, a branch of the American Home  
Economics Association, an organization that has increased in membership and ,;
numbers in unexpected proportions. Last ]une, she was made chairman of _,4[
the department of Home Economics of the State Federation of Women’s Clubs,  
and on September 4, 1915, she was made a member of the Council of the ,
American Home Economics Association for a period of five years. ii
As a teacher, she has done a most faithful service by the University. As a ~‘,
leader of young women, she has been an inspiration and a guide of rare refine-  
ment and intelligence, and for older women, she has had a helpful message,  
calculated to greatly relieve the nagging strain and responsibility of their ,
every day lives. It may be truthfully said that Mary E. Sweeny has done ,
much to lighten other people's burdens. _  
· We quote below a portion of an editorial in The Outlook of September 29,
on “A Post Graduate School in Banking," of the National City Bank of New
York. From a list of sixty of the oldest and best universities of this country,
the bank selected twenty, Mr. Holbrook being one of the twenty. This institu-
tion has found that it pays to give special training to its men who are to be
in command of its campaign for business. ~
“The National Bank of New York is one of the first large financial con- 4
cems in America to recognize the importance of meeting the foreign buyer on  
his own terms. From a list of sixty young college men the City Bank has `
selected twenty who are receiving one year’s special training in practical bank- ,
ing, to fit them for special service in the branch banks maintained by the New ‘
York organization at Havana, Rio de janiero, Santos, Sao Paulo, Buenos
Aires, and Montevideo. Only American-born men were selected for this
picked advance guard of American commerce, the men chosen coming from
universities all over the United States—Yale, Brown, Columbia, Cornell,
. Bowdoin, Kentucky University, the University of Virginia, the University of
California, and Harvard being a few of the institutions represented? ,