Certain conditions concerning the number and level of the community college, the credit hours obtained at the other
courses required, the patterns they must follow, the amountof institution being considered a part of the student's maximum
time to be spent as a full-time student, grades and conduct load. Ifthe simultaneous registration has not been authorized,
have been established by the University Senate for all Univer- the transfer of credit from the other institution may be denied.
4 sity of Kentucky students who are pursuing a degree. Those
which relate to academic requirements are listed below. CLASSIFICATION
Others will be found in the University Senate Rules, pertinent A student in anY uiidel'9i'eduete e°iieQe is eieeeitied bY the
portions of which are printed in the booklet StudentHights and UniVer$itY Registrar es e Selilhemere uP°n completion et 30
neepehaibilillee, which is available to all eiileehie through the credit hours. e iunier upon completion ot 60 credit hours. end `
Dean Ot Students Ottice a senior upon completion of 90 credit hours.
A law student is classified as a second-year student upon
STUDENT LOAD completion of 24 credit hours and as a third-year student upon
With the exceptions noted below, the maximum load to be completion of 53 credit hours. However, a student is not I
carried during any semester by any student in an undergradu- classified as a second-year student until that student has been
atecoIlege(including residence and correspondencecourses) in residence for at least two semesters, nor as a third-year
is 19 credit hours. The 19 credit hour limit applies to courses ‘ student until that student has been in residence for at least
taken on an audit basis as well as other courses. three semesters.
The maximum allowable load to be carried during any Apharmacy student is classified asasecond-year student
summer term for undergraduate students (including resi- upon completion of28 credit hours and as athird-year student
dence and correspondence courses) is 9 credit hours in the upon completion of 56 credit hours.
eight-week summer session and “4 credits in the four-week Creditgranted by examination is included in determining a
intersession. student's classification. X
Students may be enrolled in a maximum of nine credit ‘
hours of classes meeting concurrently during an eight week GENERAL MARKING SYSTEM '
session. For this purpose, a course meeting for a four-week The general marking system USeS ai series of letters. to
period duringthe eight-week session must be counted double. which ere aeeigned grade·Peint velues· The system is based
Thus a student may enroll in two consecutive four-week(three neither on an absolute r1Ur'r'l8riCal SySIBr`l’1 r'lOr Ori a distribution -
credit hours) classes plus one eight week class, or as many as curve, but on the following descriptions: »
three eight week (three credit hour) classes. A student would Grade A represents exceptionally high a<>hieVement es a Y
not, however, be able to enroll in two four-week (three credit result of aptitude, effort, and intellectual initiative. It is valued r
hour) classes meeting concurrent|y_ at four grade points for each credit hour. .
Astudentmaybe permitted bythe dean ofhisorhercollege Grade B represents a high achievement as a result ot
to carry such extra credit hours as in the deans juegmeng ability and effort. lt is valued at three grade points for each
based upon the student's past performance, the student can credit hour.
complete successfully. Grade C represents average achievement. lt is valued at
A student on academic probation can take no more than 15 two grade points ter each credit hour. —
credit hours in a semester, 3 credit hours in the four-week Gradei) rePreSentSthe minimum Pa$$inQ Qrede lnotte be
intersession, or 7 credit hours in the eight-week session. used for graduate Students)- it is velued et one Qrade Pettit for
Students in the combined Bachelor's/Master’s degree pro- each credit hour. _
gram (University Scholars program) should not take more Grade E represents uneatieiaeteril Pertermanee end indi-
than 16 credit hours per semester. Permission to exceed that eatee iaiiure in the course. it is velued et zero orede points end
humbermueibe given bythe oireetereieraeliale Studies and zero credit hours. A student receiving this orede cen obtain
the Dean of The Graduate sohool_ i credit in the course only by repeating the entire work of the
The professional colleges and The Graduate School may course in Class, or by Special examination in accordance with
set lower maximum loads which are consistent with their the procedures outlined under Special Examinations. ln rare
degree requirements. cases in which undue hardship is involved in repeating the (
The maximum allowable load to be carried during any work in class, the dean of the college in which the student is
summer term for graduate students is 9 credit hours in the enrolled may approve repeating the work by correspondence.
eight-week summer session and 4 credit hours in the four- Grade F represents failure in a course taken on a pass-fail
week intersession. The maximum load for graduate students baeie- it is valued et zero (0) grade Peinte end zero (0) credit
in any combination of the four- and eight-week sessions is 12 hours.
credit hours. Grade l-——incomplete—means that part of the regularly
A student may be registered simultaneously at the Univer- assigned work of the course remains undone. lt is given only
sity of Kentucky or a community college and at another when there is a reasonable possibility that the student can
institution only with the approval ofthe dean ofthe college in complete the work within the aiiewabie period ot time for
which the student is registered at the University or Kentucky or removal of an I grade and that a passing grade will result from