completion of the work. Except under exceptional circum- Students who withdraw after these dates or who are dropped
stances, the studentwill initiate the request forthelgrade. An from class shall be given a grade of W as reported by the
I grade will not be given when the student's reason for instructor of a class.
incompleteness is unsatisfactory to the instructor. Grade AU represents a completion of a course attended on
· Agrade of lpfust be replaced by a regular final letter grade an audit basis. It is valued at zero (0) grade points and zero
not later than 12 months from the end of the academic term in (0) credit hours.
which the I grade was awarded or prior to the student's Grade IP. The grade IP may be recorded for students in
graduation, whichever occurs first. ln the event the grade of I zero-credit courses if at the end of a semester the student,
is not replaced by a regular final letter grade within the because of the nature or size of the project, has been unable i
allowable period, the University Registrar shall change the I to complete the course. The project must be substantially
grade to a grade of E on the student's permanent academic continuousin its progress. Whenthework is completed, afinal
record and adjust the student's grade-point standing accord- grade will be substituted for the IP. This grade may not be
ingly. A graduate who had an I grade on his or her academic given to a student who has done unsatisfactory work or to one
record at the time of graduation (and which grade was subse- who has failed to do a reasonable amount of work. It is valued
quently changed to an E by the Registrar) may be allowed a at zero (0) grade points and zero (0) credit hours.
maximum of 12 months following the end of the term in which Official Withdrawal from a Course: Any student may
the course was takento satisfactorily complete the course and withdraw from any class (except for those used to meet the
receive a grade change. lf the instructor is not available, the University Writing requirement) during the withdrawal period ·
‘ department chair or dean of the college may petition the Chair which is defined as:
°i ih° S°"iai° C°Uh°ii i° °Xi°hd ih¤ i Qiade- a. end of the ninth week for fall or spring semester;
For each lgrade assigned, the instructor shall complete an b third dey erihe fifth weekier eiehrweek summerseeeieh.
appropriate file record on a standard form provided by the ` . ’
I University Registrar, which shall include the following: (a) the a' .Sac°nd day Oi the mira waak far iam waak aummar
name of the student; (b) the course number and hours of aaaalaa . .
credit; (c) semester and yearof enrollment; (d) signature ofthe . in araar ia waharaw’ the Salaam must Submit a Campiataa
instructor; (e) a brief statement of the reason(s) for recording wltpgiawai far? iaihls °r aaiieaaaa Thiaaan shall iapaa tha
the incomplete; (f) specific instructions on how alternate iam rawa ia i. a mvaraity agiairaa nv iiudsm Withdraw
grades on the work to be completed will affect the final grade; mg during the iirsithraawaaka °iiha °°u;Sa in tha iran arsprmg
(g) the specific time requirement (not to exceed 12 months) set iamaaiaziiai a pmpamaiiaia tzmaurii if Uma I? i, adaunliaai
bythe inetrtreterierremeyei ofthe i grade and consequences wi g' ° °' °°(;‘iS°$ °h °$f· a"if‘ “d$°"‘°sd°' S we Q"}
of not removing the I grade; and (h) signature of the student, S a aramava rami aaaaa ra 'an, na gra aarraaar °
ir reeerbiel enrollment shall appear on the student s transcript. Students
i The instructorshall provide acompleted copy of this record wha wiihlhraw daring the iamammg pamaa at tha witharaixvai
` to the student and the department chair at the time the I grade panaa im racawa a graaa ai W which will appaar an I an
re reeenedr transcripts. A student may withdraw from a class during the
The term student in titie context exeitttiee only eteeertte in iasi i‘a'i§"“?‘€'"” “°°'l aiii"‘?"a' °i ai°°"il°'T °°"'iY"?9 "'9°"'
- The Graduate School and the Colleges of Medicine and Qgnralagrii:;ceTig;?1?_a;g;:S;ngea;gsgi (;;a;?n2ir:r?'F;:L;ii;;i11;l
Dentistry. . . . . .’ . ’
i Grade P represents a passing grade in a course taken on aaigura imangiai a'm°ui2aa' rt. th d .ir it .th
t a¤¤$S·*¤**¤aS*S— **m¤v¤*$¤¤¤==~$S*¤¤¤¤ bythe Univiisiv ri.eii?e1iEZ’e$2`r‘ii?2§§§eTrZZél°2‘et§ieZ?§§“' fZ,‘i2Ti“b‘lLe
i Appeals Board in Casas involving a Violation Oi student aca- dean ofthe student's colle e the dzan shall iniigrm in wiiltin
demic agma Credit hours succassiuuy completed under this the instructor of the class gf the action and the student shaii
grade will count towards graduation but will not be used in be assigned e grade or W '
°°`$§“Z2ZlZg~grT$’rZ§’SAT§ ZYZL?ES2ry grade to be submitted er I A sguienggijvnaisg igitign the <*;=;¤ i¤ hihgiaw im g
- · students who have been entered by the Registrar into official ‘ C aaa imag a a ar a ° . a am" a ar S a as axauaa
class rolls but have never attended class and who have not abaanaaa in axcaaa °i analmh ¤i*l·=· aiaaa aamaai aauia in a
officially withdrawn. The Registrar shall remove their names aaursa whara ananaaaca ia raquiraa Oi is a cmanan for a
from the official class roll and the student's enrollment in the giada _
class shall not be recorded in the student's official academic _ U"°"i°'Fi withdrawal i'i°m “ c°“"S°i Airy siudani “li‘°
record. (As a temporary mark, “N" carries no credit hours or miszas ii: i"s?“;‘;i$i?$fSi’°QPdi°i itwgisa wi;ii¤¤i ngiiygg
erede points). ‘ e epa men o eir in en ion o a en may e repo e y
Grade S may be recorded as e eermerierir mark in eeureee the department to the dean who shall drop the studentfrom the
carrying no academic credit- This grade may not be given to course and notify the Registrar that the studentrhas been
astudgntwhn has done unsatisfactcrywork erie eriewhe hee removed from the class roll. The Registrar will inform the
I failed to do a reasonable amount of work. It is valued at zero siudam that She/he has b°°" d'°pp°fi· The Siiidam ‘”'ii haw
(0) grede points erid zere (O) eredii hours. no record of the class appear on their transcript.
Grade W-withdrew—shall net be given unless the stu- WlIhdI’8W8l to EI`I!8I' Mllllafy Service: Students WhO .
dent withdraws officially or is assigned by the University withdraw ir¤m the University after <=¤mpi¤ii¤9 the ¤~¤iiih week
Appeals Beard_ The University Appeals Beard may assign a of Ihé l`I0flTl8l SGITIBSIBI', Ih9 Ihifd week of Ih€ f0Ul’-W68k
W in cases involving a violation of student academic rights. lt S¤iTiiTi€i S¤m¤Si¤r¤rih¤ Sixth W99i< ¤i ih9 6i9hi·W99k $Umm°"
is valued at zero (0) grade points and zero (O) credit hours. No SGFTISSIBY. ¤•’ i¤i¤ir and Wiihih mh li 0) dalis °hi°i' ih° Aimed
grade will be recorded fora student who officially withdraws or SGl’VlCGS shall bB 8flIlIl8d to receive full credit and I’6Sid9ITC9
ls dropped frern a class during the first three weeks of a for Ihé COUTSB. The grade l'6pOl'I shall bethatattained inthe
semester (or a proportionate amount or time in tho summer course up to the time of withdrawal. If, with the credit and
term or other courses of less than a full semester's duration). i9Sid€ii¤6 ¥im9 Qiahiédr ih6 Siiidahi has iUiiiii9d aii "°‘7lUi'°‘