The Kentttckian
j Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering.
B. S., Michigan State College, 1903; C. E., Kentucky State University, 1908; Instructor in Mathematics, Michigan State College, 1903-04; Slinchmal Iron Works, Detroit, Michigan, 1905; Structural Engineer, Kahn Reinforced Concrete Co., Chicago, 111., 1906; Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering, State University of Kentucky, 1906.
FREDERICK WILLIAM MILLER, A. B.. B. PED. Assistant Professor of English.
JAMES EDWARD TUTHILL, PH. D. Assistant Professor of History and Political Economy.
A. B., University of Chicago; A. M., 1903, University of Missouri; Ph. D., 1908, University of Wisconsin; Fellow and Instructor, University of Missouri, 1903; Assistant in European History, University of Wisconsin; Assistant Professor of History and Economics, University of Colorado; Assistant Professor of History, Sociology and Economics, Kentucky State University, 1908.
LOUIS EDWARD jSTOLLAU, M. E. Assistant Professor of Drawing and Shop Work.
B. M. E., 1904, and M. E., 1908, State University of Kentucky; Assistant Pi'ofessor of Drawing and Shop Work; College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, 1908.
ROBERT CRAIG TERREL, 0. E. Assistant Professor of Rural and Highway Engineering.
B. C. E., 1906 and C. E., 1907, Kentucky State College; Assistant in Civil Engineering, Kentucky State College, 1907-08; Instructor, 1908-09.