1 1	The Kentuckian		
	"^^^"^"^afaf*^"^"^"^"^"^"^^^"^^^^^"*	SQUIEE WEBEE SALTEES	
		Frankfort,  l\y.	
	                        flafa^aW       \^''	LL. B.; Patterson Literary Society and	
		Henry   Clay   Law  Society.     The  king  of	
		frivolity  and    the   prince  of   foolishness.	
		'Tis said  that  by   i  man's words yon  can	
	      ?	judge  of his character and   thoughts.     If	
	^      \	this   he true, the   necessary conclusion  is	
	*^k         ^Ja^afe	that the Squire never possessed a character,	
		and that his thoughts never rose above the.	
		foolish and senseless, for it is a well known	
II		fact that he never was accused of uttering	
		a   sane   sentence   in   his   college-   career.	
		Shakespeare   might   label   him   with   llt7.	
		''Prince  of fools."	
		Frankfort, Ky.	
		n K A ; Henry Clay Law Society.   The	
	1      ^     J^k,      1	distinguishing trait of Judge Sims is his	
		supercilious manner.    King within him-	
	j h      	self, he  inspires  all  with  the  magnitude                                         j	
		of   his   greatness   ind   relies   on   personal	
	^                             af 5	magnetism for all of his accomplishments.	
		His one fault is-----, and his chief virtue	
	^^H                       ^P^ irporations.	might be called a habit of staying at home	
	1    T c                                   irship. ^             rQ                            pal Property.	when he is not at home (two homes).	
		".1 type of Bohemian manhood."	
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