  CLUB HOPPING ·r u E 0 P E ni 0 0 0 n  
as , i    I  1  l   y Central Indiana
it ·  _ I `   I   tf, .t 1       The Central Indiana UK Alumni Club invited C.M. Newton and
ll  ‘     it  E .*5 his wife, Nancy, to a dinner in August at Mangia Italian Restau-
fz _ `•. ` ' rant. Eighteen alumni club members gathered to eat and social-
it · ` ize with the former UK Athletics Director.
  4.. . . rr Dayton
      i. t _A_; l       , _( V _ .     · The annual Dayton UK Alumni Club picnic took place on Sun-
tr t    l  i t  _ t ‘ it   “   day, August 4 at Bass Lake at Wright Patterson Air Force Base.
  l   i   D    _   is  r Members- of the Dayton UK AlumniClub worked a booth dis-
t t  i t   ,t    tr ·§ i K tributing information about UK and joining the Association at
jr gi   · · M_ -=· ·. _ .  \vi     the annual Mountain Days Festival, August 17 and 18. The two
l _ I  . _ V;.     y. it  ·_ day festival is a celebration of the culture of the Appalachian
  _  **21 =  _,‘t . '   people. Over $200 was raised for the Dayton club scholarship
  i t   " I * "  fund. Nearly 20 Big Blue football fans were at the Fox and
S    ` ._ _   Hounds Restaurant in Dayton, Ohio to watch UK beat Louis-
1 ¥  ville.
Q Arizona Fayette County
i The newly formed Arizona UK Alumni Club met Tho Fayette County UK Alumni Club and the UK Alumni ASSO-
S fer their first game_Weteh party On September li ciation co—hosted a reception in August tat the Alumni House for
, Fifteen alumni Celebrated UK»s Victory Over LOuiS_ head football Coach Guy Morriss and his wife, Jackie. University
. Ville Officers Of the riewlytemied Arizona UK President Lee Todd and his wife, Patsy, addressed the group
1 Altirrrrii Club ere, left te right, Chris McDaniel _ briefly. Eleven members of the Fayette County Club helped
president, -l-im Cetlireri _ Viee president, Jim Best _ servetover 4,000 new students and their parents at President Lee
Jl treasurer, arid Seett Gold _ secretary.  stlgilg Blue Barbecue. The barbecue was held on Stoll Field
I   Northeast Ohio
Q _   Ten members of the Northeast Ohio UK Alumni Club, including
  r   { ., tt . Tom and Lynn Loyal who recently moved to Beachwood from
I  it   , ~  Lexington, attended a concert at the Blossom Music Festival in t
.   it   " ` _ August.
  lt. H
l   I —   ' Jefferson County
E  _   . . ....e   `Q l L _ ` .
t it    Tl l   ` _ X E More than 1,000 Big Blue fans
i ·     in   U Q ii: A _   is A attended the second annual
_     ‘··· ·· ·r···~* I ` CUB Bank Wildcat Football
i   _ _ ’ ’ I `   __ e  ` ‘ § _  Kickoff Party with Coach Guy
Yi ...   . _' ,, _ _ T ` x Morriss at Louisville Slugger
  E '“ is t   i` `   Field. Plenty of UK Alumni
  » E! . Association members were in
  clark county . .  {M   the crowd, including Mike and
g The Clark County UK Alumni Club operated a . i_ =— Kathy Bragg and their Children
Q booth at the Pioneer Festival held in Winchester - L B   , r Bent Patrick, Parker, and Alex.
5 over Labor Day weekend. The purpose of the * ` —
  event was to promote membership in the Associa— _   it _   l ; ~¤
t tion. Altogether 311 people registered at the booth. _ *_ if    i t  ll!  ` .
  Individuals honored for outstanding service to the   s t ;§   I   L Q central Ohm _ _
li Clark County UK Alumni Club at its annual din- ./al il is _   é  - ~5 ` UK Provost Mlko Nlotzol
z ner meeting were Cameron Williams, Scarlett “ ‘ —·t J if i i - » o Slaoka to tha Blaa/While award
E Ryan (accepting for husband Andy Ryan), and     _` $5 t, winning Central Ohio Club an-
i Michael Rowady shown in photo above. ig? ’ `. ; Y"` aaal maallag Nlalzal T€Vl€W€d
  T the US. News and World
L Report magazine criteria for
g its top 50 list.