_ _ 7   -<’‘*   »’ _, »1   \ "1~,_j (;1`21ll(l Rapids lettuce grew l)t‘ttt‘1‘ 011 l)0l£l1 sides ol?
’   , ‘ Vg, ~ 1, R . -
1,   77,/* /~ ,1/1     , ea    House 1 than on the south side ot House 2.
, 1.,1¤7"’ ,1#   11 /   1' V `  ·T;f;;1__   1
  · 7 7//» 7 ,1 /7 '   71§1` "*>»e;` 7 M
*’     V. /1/. ‘ 1*1, · 4.tZl     Table l.- Yields (lb of fresh roduct/`IOOO sq ft) for cool-
  ' ,   5     V _,_N!,,,7 season vegetable crops harvested in fieldhouses in l96`|
1 ` _ j 9 ` 1,1 "`V " .~ T 1 '
  V V 27 *"J   , ’ V Ilouxr 1 Ilonxw 2
1 1  1  7 ;   927; ‘" "¢    Louv (Toner High Cotcer
··       _ Crop Vurirly N111‘I]1(Fu11) Sonllt North Soul}:
¤-·        ` 4-—~—-—i-——·—f_—~——·——··#1 ~
_ V    _•""‘4l;ijFj . Lettuce: Bihlr ...........,..,............. 52,3 ($53 748 787
1   "  (Irand Rapids ............,. 970 965 l.l7l 851
  Kale: glieri€t% , .,,,,.............,.. 542 758 893 $49
1   *%;.2*-:1 ,__v war yreen ......,......... 1 .,.., 1 .,... 887 845
L  ' yf  C1 Spinach: Dixie Market ......,.....,. 120 173 860 374
`     ' Long Standing Bloomsdale ...... ., .... 490 -l5l i
    _>>_ ·~ Parsley: Vauglins XXX ....(not harvested) 172 384 ?l(i~I
*     `     1 Endive: Moss eurled .,,.....,.....,... 617 787 8330 816
_, {IM     1   1 ` Broad leaved Bataviuni ....,... 1 ..... 1 ..,.. 854 838
7 V   1   1 Raclish: Crimson Giant ............ ](`3 Ill" 8l(` (`(`2
o _ _ _ _ Cherry Belle .............,..   ....   60}::  
Fig. l.-T Layers ot l>lHS(lC W€1‘€ Sll7Sl)€l1(l€(1 011 No. 9 Wll‘€,   797 750
approximately 2 feet above the soil level to trap solar heat ——7*·——‘ »
i H e l. 1 . .
1 n Ous hvltlllll House 1 all cro us, exce at Grand Ba nds
» 7 7 ,7,,,. lettuce, yielded greater on the south side than on the
1   north side. \Vithin House :2 yields for all cro as exce it
,7 ~ ,1 W V 1; < 1 1   bibb lettuce, were sli thtl treater on the north side
¤   1 ,1,77;  t t
' . 1 we 1g _~ ,2% Q . . _ . .
. ·     ” /1 1   than the south side. Figure 3 shows lnhh lettuce in
7/], 777777 ,» 7 A *,_7 Nj _7   \»1§? 7 ) O •
7 X/,   *77*,1,, 7 7 7   House ..1
” 1 ” 1     < “ *%.1 `    
,. t     **45  __.  T1 "  1   1 11   `°’i 1 __
    1   11 ,   V  ‘ ‘‘1   t’‘T   ··--..    1=.·   i   i’’‘ 1` -_ V   _ ·-·‘’,»   ‘’‘·1- -:1  11        ‘1’   ..i.  
> ’ _1  -     ·..·   ·‘    1‘   *`.g1,.., »  *1  .;     1   2    1 1;
.·  ·*—     /1‘'` ·=1<   V ··t·=   Av,     1- ·——‘‘ ·"j     1 ‘   1 1 1   ‘.1   .,;·     1   1 1.   1
‘ti' ’»  ~   _·-—   1   " .·.’               -"'“"      
 .1  1°i.     ‘‘:o=.;‘‘‘*‘ 1   —1»’   1 ’.,. . 1T;   11 1   ....’ 1 1   ~’ ‘i``’ 1 ·11‘      
 ,       ,2;% » ;      —.;. f   'T‘1;Q,__·  " _    " ; (,1   ··     " gv `·¥` 1 ,·*. "<'L.,
1   - at      I   °..—. 1 -=-1. .   ·...1· 1   ‘`‘’   1   1   14   T? ‘‘‘·       -2;*   ._ -7*. ___,,1 1
  ‘t‘   i"i`         `i `   :t‘’°   '‘‘ti`‘1‘‘1‘*-·i`1:‘‘ i ‘ii1ii`° `  V      1 »»`.       1:       °         1
    `VV‘1        1      ;  .", ·1  _ J 1"`»!·xV 1 7 -       r 1.-l 1
    °'· ' ·.     ')‘;  7; .-‘;=·:1 7  7;.9. 7 . 7 ,~1  · y       '7   Q
V · —?”Z`=`  =`Z:'°i1   in l"~‘”  ’  · '         et ~ W
Fig. 2.- Layers ol` plastic were suspended approximately 4   7___   ¢--·1   ’‘_`·*· · ··   ;_ _1 ` ' ‘*‘ · 7  
leet above the soil level in House 2.   1.,; 11 1,1,} 1 ·   ,       **77 ··  
1     --.—. -   ·‘‘7 ..»· et tt.  - ‘t‘‘ "   1¤ 1
  ·.’   -1 1   ` _.,, ` · 1 , 1 iv Ag;  
~ . . . . .  l?’¥=‘i”§¥1 ¥‘;  ‘=V %'r}fl   1- . -‘   8 ¥ *   ‘
TNVO VZIl'1€tl€S ()l’ l€tlZllC€, kale, Sp1112ICll, €ll(llV€, Hlkl     ;j;_·_   __ ~ 1 1-y.  Q;
· · · · ~ ·¢1*="f’ *#’.·“i¤·#%  . 1 1 1 " V ` VT. ’··1· ` ’·/· .,11   ....
radish were grown with one varnety ot parsley and   \.,_.   _ 1;     We
1 .- _·‘_ <;i,;. 1{&<1·_. ', _ 7 1 ·_’ 1_» .1 V __   ja 1  
one variety ot rl1t1l)a1‘l). Lettuce Rliil l<8l€ W€i`€` l$I`¥Ul$'   _· 1i *‘“‘#'/Vw     ~        VV
planted. Rhubarb was g1`()\Vll from two—year-old   ,1 *  Q   **.1:
. 11 ’1`*   ~~·.. J   7, _ .1   .     , W, .. 1.1   V1';   .2 -11‘ '  
Cl'()\Vl1S. Tl]€ ()tl]€l` Cl`()]_)S \V€l'€ (llI`€Ct S€€Cl€(l l`lll(l   La 71»;1‘·:.#     V, .   ` iv     11 { il
. .   *1    1-1. 11*   *‘     {5 ’‘’71. .:3   7 %~ .
thinned. All cro s were ylanted on Februar 15, 1961. t" ·   -1 ~ 1  *1 ~*’*    ··  1
_ 7 l
Lettuce, kale, and endive were spaced 9 x 9 inches. Fig. 25.- Note thc even growth of bibb lettuce in House 2.
SplllHCl1 Zlllll l)HI'Sl€y \VCl`€ tl1l1ll]€(l to Stk`l1l(l   X 6
-,,1, 1. -1 1. · , 1, :;.:;·,_,. _
‘“;l“°= {md "‘d‘“h ‘;"“7tl"i‘;‘S‘l {O “‘E"l 1* * i ‘“°l‘°°· House 2 had cooler mght temperattues and wat-mer
R ‘7‘l’*“ ’;""*_*l"‘F‘*‘ IL * 7 ‘“° 751 7°‘_¥‘“‘°?' “"‘l* day temper·etu1·es than either side of House 1 (Tahle
7°`l”‘°*“°1§lt""i"‘“_t‘°f“‘”;‘ "“‘ *E“lt‘ *‘°_°* 2 °"°; 2). The south side of House 1 was also warmer
1 "";f‘ " ;"t_*‘;° "T7‘tt“i‘~ i‘°» f”P“‘7°" im tlurmg the day and cooler at night than the north
(lu nl “,J;     CLL M P Ot SML Ol tlc Ot lll 8l(lC ()l` tll€ SLIIHC llOllS(‘. Tll(‘ 1811 lll tll(‘ l1()]`tl] Sl(l(‘ ol
UOPS Wim xl " ECL H0t1se 1 l]1lllllt2llllC(l kl l1lOl`(‘ llllll()l`Il] tem )(’l'1ltlll`(‘
_ _ during the day a11d night than did the other lortns
Results Gnd Dlscusslon ot \‘e11tilati011. ll0We\1’e1‘. t·\‘e11 tll()llj§ll the l(‘Ill])(‘l'-
. Yields (Table 1) for all crops. except (lrand Rapids atures were within the range lor good plant growllt.
- lettuce, were higher in House 2 than i11 House 1. (cwnlimml UH [mw, 8)
V K1;N111u<:1;v FAHBI Axn Home Sc:11;xc1;—Sux1x11;1t, 1962 7