l)\aStl(r (;l•€€llh0l|S€ X/elltllatloll hltl.llx(1 1)1l(.(h, lld.lV(hlf (ltlt(5, d.ll(l l)10l)e1l)l(t QIOBS '
((y,,,,,im,,,,I fm", pugc 7) returns to the grower are presented 111 rlahle   ()n ·»
Table 2.- Mean maximum and minimum temperatures recorded Table 3,.- Market pi-ice$* paid ar the Cincinnati produce ~
inside and outside ot the tieldhouses from March 6 to April 21 terminal on April 3, 'I7, and May 19, 1961, for vegetable ~
in l96`l crops and the probable gross returns to a grower on basis of
~ " *i   highest yields obtained in this experiment
IIon.w· I _____,_, ;
7 7 >",rll;7.lj;ll1) _A. ljllilll 77 ll"HSl,_2_? Outfulll (Irop Iluruestzlulox Unit priee (Irosxrr1lurn.»·  
Mai ........,. so.? $16 ° s`t.t‘ 108 1-;*.9 lt)8 T6.2("7 +d*"’*r‘*‘*‘4_*,"’_’?Y_ ’7rr_’jj"‘ `
  ,.r..i.7..§ta.§ .a.Et:a,’ $6.02%)) ;§.z.»té3§ y·¤»»; 11;- ··<»<· · -ri-·-r·-·» »;¤»··e; =g sg-¤;;»§U··;I $=;;<;·g;;
,\ _ |; ‘| — ., _- (·; _··   __ ·; _; _ y_ rea e nee .....1........ r pri i ¤ .:>   » J.)! .
` 7i 112] L_j,f_Y M 1 __ 63 ° l’ [ tetra ...,..............,...,. Apnr 17 1.s<>/rat 145.00
°Qlli;1(i:li:;;i‘:itures within part·nthst·s ret`t-r to single high and single low         lh   A
‘ ltl I; I .......... . ....... Ap‘il 17 ".()0,»’7() ll 2 7.00
  ....,...... , ..1...... Mziy1$) $1.00/liu I 54.00 i
the crops, except leaf lettuce, did not respond well t0 E“<“"° ·--—··-·-—·—-·····-··· *i=‘>' 19 W5/l(*‘1*"l“ U5-Ol)
the nnitortn growing toinperatures. Growth was 1111- ° U.$.1).z\.l\1t11'l(L’tS(’l”VllJ('11L‘]_}t)1't.
(‘V(‘ll \Vl1(?l`(€ 1l`l() itlll \V21.S llSC(l, \Vltl`l ll1()1`€ gl'()\Vtl1 thc basis Of Prices paid at the tixnc th€ Crops in tllis ‘
()(`Clll`l`lI1g l()\Vt11`(1 1110 CCl1tC1` 211SlC 111}.111 t1lO11g 1116 0111- CxP€1·h—n€ut “;€l·€ harvested, lettuce OH€1·€d u greater V
$“l" Willl (FW- 4)· return per area ot growing space than did any of the l
A _ H _ ,   , other crops even though yields of the other crops
F ‘ /      ’,3·.z"; ·¥-7*   t~ ‘  1 K ey ‘w%@'1,t . ·’ . . ~
    i»_   Ax $#-4  sv ·»  were satisfactory and market prices were high tor
I" it A »   *1   ’   df}!  ¤ ·` '{ lll€1T1·
  l'-Z       "   l@°i .1*
' *·.;"’ ·r~§»?¤’T .,___.¢L_ ~ ESM ·` _'.. rx  ' • ‘¤,_`;~’_ V   r*
V . I;4 y ,·‘; 1 ,%•‘U » _ ,    V-. '.¢  wt n
·.    ’~.::,_,.g,     _ · ,,4;*,    rx.?   , _ _
        ·’  »   kentucky Research Results 111 Brief
f_  _; V"-·   :1    ` ‘ *4 -`,.;vi;31 W   (Conlnnzecl from Page 3)
\ ·=:··j_'vZ;:`;.} Lfv.    Ah,. `V ; / YP; IN _ VV! ·. VM ( vv  _` ·     V I u “ l Y
V ··   I "  ’*’/  A-—‘   L,  »_t   _1 dough stage; another group was ted srlage made
  ir`‘   ei   sh A t F  Q   r ’ ,,_y  ’i‘ "  {rom early milk stage Tracy; and a third, allallia.
3   , V ’; · ._   ~ » } ~ e J J ‘.   =‘ ,_._  , ' . ’
· `»   “’$)l ,;`k°»_` , _ `_ &l '    '* ·- it (i()\\’S (ll] 1l1(} (l()tlQl1 Stt1E_(‘ SIILIQC l11C ll1()1`(¥ (11`V Il121lZ· .
  W  -   ger     V 1  :.-·7_..   ·4 7 ter and )l`()(ltlC(‘(l more milk than Cows on ea1‘lV ln1ll<
 hL`4· ..r  -A · I gy  _,  yggw ’  _, .   I   I. ` M
  gag.,     · .·.‘     , .,.-    ¤"€‘¤ ( eg, stage silage, it was lound. The dough stage silage
T.-"   ·. ‘‘__   il" .       e   ‘ had 65.9 6lDN total difestrble nutrients >er 100
" ¤»· ·»·t’   ·: ..  .·  v·.   *
.. . . . . l)()11l1(lS oi i()1`t1Q`C‘ (11`y 111211101 CO111D211`(3(1 to tl1(‘ C2l.l`1y
l·tg. ·l.—-l\ote the uneven growth ol lnbli lettuce grown in _ _ L _ _ _ _ _
. . . - — ., milk sta YU sila res 61.6 '1DN ner lnindredweurlit.
tlu. nottlt pottion ol Houst I. L _ ev
But protein digestibility ot both types was low (less
z\lthough the crops tested were considered cool- than 50 percent) and the protein Content also was
St‘ttS()tl l{lll(lS, tll(’y S(‘(‘ll1(‘(l to I`(‘(l11ll`(‘ \\’t1I`ll1 (lily 1(‘lll· l()\V. r1`11(;‘1`(‘i()1`C, _li.1C()l)S()l`l $21yS, ]T11ll( 1)1`O(lllCtlOl1 (JOtll(l '
peratures lor proper developtnent. \Vll(‘l`(‘ the inside NOT he maintained at levels as high as that ot Cows » .
donhle layer ot plastic was well ahove the crops in on aliallia hay tll1l(’SS the sorghum-ted animals got a
Ilouse 2. eool nights and warm days. cotnhined with grain supplement to raise the protein level. 7
sullieient ventilation. ereated a iavorahle atmosphere lle said the superiority ot the dough-stage sorghum
lor plant growth and high yields, Eleyating the inter- silage over the early milk stage was proved in the test. I
layers ol plastie allowed a lower mean temperature .·\nd, he added, it the protein is added to the ration,  
than did either treatment in llouse l., hut the aver- the dough-stage sorghum silage should maintain milk
nge daily tnean temperatures were ahont the same production at levels C()ll1Pt1l`tIl)l€ to that ot cows on
lor lroth houses. the alfalfa hay.
Keotuelty .‘\l[t'lCtllt\lI’t\l lixperirnent Station l‘l*iN:\l.'1`Y FOR P11lVA'I`E USE 'l`O AVOID '
Unixiersilty pl Kcggittteky l".’\YMEN'l` OF l”OS'l`ACE, S300
1(‘XIl\l[ 011,   ~
1"llEE—Al\l1\1i\l Report nr Bulletin
_m1·£'tep0rt nf Pmuress
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