t ention directed to the s ubject of this investigation. T o P r o fessor G eorge F . Z ook, of The Pennsylvania State College, I am u nder obligation for reading and criticizing the manuscript. N o r c an I f ail t o mention the many courtesies shown me at the library of the Wisconsin State Historical Society, at the library of the U niversity of Chicago, where the Durrett collection of K e n tucky newspapers and manuscripts was placed at my disposal before i t had been c atalogued or thrown o pen t o the general p ublic, a t the library of Cornell University, at the Congressional L ibrary, a t Harvard University L i b r a r y , a t the Boston P ublic L ibrary a nd at the libraries i n C incinnati. T hrough the k indness of Miss Sophonisba Breckinridge of the University of C hicago much valuable material was obtained from the Breckinridge papers now deposited in the L ibrary of Congress but not y et available for public use. Above all I am indebted to m y w ife for valuable assistance rendered me in reading and c orrecting b oth manuscript and p roof. I n j ustice to the persons named, I should add that the a uthor alone is responsible for statements of fact and for conclusions. In a few cases, p erhaps unwisely, I have disregarded t heir s uggestions. D ecember 12, 1917.