lll Ol l l’*»l   ll    
t me at /at/iioic  ono ol ici t oooict yl.  y  
.. A l __4_ l i ._  
_ 3 My Vehicles are all new, stylish and up-to·do.te; and you    
. can get any style desired. _ V  
Picnic w agon to carry fifty-live persons
My prices are very low; I sell all styles of Columbus 2`tl1(].Cl1l‘· l
tis & Reed Vehicles and will save yon 25 per pent; call & see
  }>< y . .   , •<{  
Q/L/l.lrl»(? bl lltllli , l x W Q l.Cl(. IIlll~i/lil., i
t y !
· BlI\lllllil(‘Y»ll1'(‘l' of Fine Boots uml Slioes. Repairing Nuntly Exec Med. ` l
‘ 105 E, Main. . `§T{,$.·S[lCClJlllll!SL'Ol1I1l'l(|Hl\l(l(‘lllH-. l
    L6Xllli[ll0ll Slilidlll L(1llll{ll°ll.
· "` -109 and 111 East Main Street. y
i Qllooern Zllocbinerg. — f)igb=OZlc1ss IDorl1, . _ .
.; ` , XV. C. BROA@2\L'LiQ STATE ()(”)L4LliGE. l
y. · F`   E E 44N. LIMESTONE.  
A. . E L   R, il is
furniturc ono all [amos. Iqousebolo gooos, stoves   l
_ si=·is©n¤u. RHTE, TO siulmisnres. l
· Ll - "t" ' "':TT'T * 1
P O E R & B EA N i
. Dealers in Paints, ()llS,`72l.l‘1llSll€S, ‘Win