; _ S. F. Mc Cormick Lumber Co.
s Rough and Dressed Lumber (Inc.) Contractors and Builders
6 Office and Yards, 643 E. 'Ith. Fayette Phone 512-X
BOX 46 Main and Upper ·
· BOX 47 Main and LimestOue
BOX 411 Upper and HerndOn Place
BOX 412 Main and Drake
BOX 413 High and Drake _
BOX 414 Kentucky and Central av
BOX 415 Main aud Park
BOX 416 Fayette and Central av ·
BOX 417 Main and Ashland
BOX 418 High and Ashland
BOX 421 ROse and Maxwell
BOX 422 Linden and Euclid av
BOX 423 Mill and Pine
BOX 424 LimestOne and Leader ay
BOX 425 ROse and COluml>ia av
BOX 431 Upper and BOlivar
BOX 432 Prall and \Vinnie
E Main, cOr \\’aluut
Standard Time
Executive DivisiOn—ROOm end Of \\1’alnut street cOrridOr
I Office hOurs 9 a In tO 4 p ni \\iilbur R Smith, pOst-
master; D N Zimmerman asst pOst1naster: llenry D
\\/ilsOn, stenOgrapher
Requests fOr imprOvements in the service and all eOm—
plaints shOuld be made tO the pOstmaster's Oliice
The entry Of new puhlicatiOns and the regulaticms
gOverning the mailing Of seeOnd—elass matter aud
Orders {Or request envelopes shOuld he made here
AccOunts against the pOstmaster paid at this Otlice
. Money Order DivisiOn—-()pen l`rOm 8:30 a in tO 9:00
p m \Valter M Bruce, Miss Katie T llardesty, Clerks
· DOmestic and fOreign mOney Orders issued and paid
in this department
Registry DivisiOn—Open irOm $:30 a m ln O:0O p in
Henry F Chapman, \\valter _] _IOrdan clerks. 1\ll
valuable matter shOuld he registered and mailed in
this DivisiOn
Stamp and General Delivery Dix·isiOn—<)pen 1`rOm 6 :30
a m tO Q p m Miss ltmma S (}ilrOy. Miss Mattie
\Valker, Mrs Sadrinia M lilkin, .\ndrew llamcin,
clerks .- .,,.
Mailing DivisiOn—_lOhn \\' Rucker, l*`leat1 M Hayes, Clar-
ence B Miller, llerhert Swartz. james M `\\`est.
GeOrge .-\ Bateman, lCrnest B l:Olc)’ clerks, This
diyisiOn has charge Of the elassilicatinn. distril>utiOn
and dispatch and mails