' R. E. Markham . Mrs. R. E. Murlzhun
  SUITE 914-915 Fayette Nat. Bank Bldg. Fayette Phone 261 `
Hours By Special Appointment
R. L. 1*01.K & cofs LEXINGTON crry D1R1acToRY 15
Route No 8——Nicholsville. Stones Road. lrligby Mill,
You ~ Bryan`s Lane, Brannon. llarrourg_ (`l:1y’s Mill and
lm-- Bowman Mill Pikes
ing. Route No g—'l`odd°s Road, lloone`s Ii’il ltluilding and Repairs—Ne\‘ille. Norwood
>os1— Supplies and l’rinting—Norw<>od. Lowry
iadc Rules and (}rievanees——Neville. Freeman
Schools and Teachers
viflg Xl .\ Qassidy, superintendent; Ll l·` Croxton. supervisor ol
unusic; Anna Bean. supervisor oi physical science
_ U Arlington School——`Rol>ert;i .»\ NC\\'1ll2lll_ principal
mms Dudley School——Mrs Milfred \\`hite. principal _
(llarrison) Second \\`ard School—l’ R Parks. principal
·?l“*'— loligh School—Xl li l.igon_ principal; Xlazie \Volvert`ou.
i asst principal
and johnson School—»_l T llruner, principal
Maxwell School—lCva l‘ l·`aulconer, principal
mpi l.incolu Scliool—lilizal>e1li Cloud, principal ‘
Kinder arten De artment
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