-——-——— CHEAPSIDE —————————   B1
  D. H. JAMES, Pm:. GEO. s. wrzmcs, cantaer  
3 J. H. GRAVB, v. P. ANDREW s. MITCHELL, Am.c¤.n. To ;;· Eg
j 22 1<. 1.. r·o1,1< & co.’s LEXINGTON crrv DIRECTORY  
i r Public Halls and Buildings- Concluded . St .
. Lexington Bank and Trust Co Tluilding, 259 \\° Short ‘ qt ·
P Lexington Union Station, 162 E Main ` ‘
t Loughridge ljnilding, 268 W Short Sa
Y McClelland liuilding, 163 \V Short  
. Masonic Hall, 262 XV Main gm
‘ Merrick Lodge Building, 107 \/V Short (
Phoenix llotel Block, 106 E Main Ste!
Q . Post Ofhce, E Main n w cor Vttalnut Tm
Q _ Pythian Castle Hall, 349 \\’ Short (
‘ Second National Bank Building. 1.23 Cheapsidc
A A Trust Co lluilding, 271 \\’ Short
_. "‘United Brethren of l"l'l(il1(lSlll]) liiuilding, ISO N l,llllC—
stone `
- U S Governtnent Building, E Main, cor \V·alnnt [lex
‘ VVaverly Apartinents, w s Hampton Court
‘ T/Vithers Flats, 139 N Upper
. \Voodland Park Auditorium, E High, cor Kentucky ar ” {jc,.
‘ Young l\1len`s lnstitute Hall, 143 N Broadway
_ Chesapeake and Ohio Dept, Union Station, City Ticket
` Office ,l’hoenix Hotel
  Cincinnati, New Orleans & Tex l’ac Ry Co Depot, 701 Wa;
S Broadway; City Ticket Ottice, 101 li Main
_ Kentucky Traction & Terminal Co, 2d tloor (`ity Natl
i W Bank bldg Wel
4 Lexington and [Eastern Railway Co Depot. Cnion Station _
. ` Louisville Zlll(l Nashville Depot, Union Station, (`ity Ticket
i Oftice, 129 E Main ` Lex
Queen and Crescent Depot. 701 S ltroatlway. City Ticket
: Office. 101 E Alain
~ Southern Ry Depot, 7o1 S llroadway. City Ticket Office.
‘; lOl E Main A [xx
‘ *lnt
?- Bible College oi Transylvania University, X Iiroadway.
bet Third and Fourth Hall L Calhoun, dean i T
i Clay’s Business College, IO.2 \\* Nlzun \nn
` Collier’s School, 335 N Iiroadway Lucy S Collier, prin ..
College of the Bible. e s X leiroadwaybct 3d and 4th
. (iordon School, TSO li `Xlaxwell lityz
  llatnilton College, 443 N liroatlway
  Industrial School, 402 X L`pper joln
{ Kentucky 1/\gricultural lixperiment Station _] Il Kastle, Lexf
· director and chemist ,
Law College of Transylvania Matt S \\'alt0n, dean
‘· Lexington School of .\