reported to the Board, CLI was fonned to expand and commercialize pharmaceutical manufacturing
research in development in the Coldstream facility. On behalf ofthe Finance Committee, Mr.
Stuckert moved adoption of FCR 1. The motion passed without dissent. (See FCR 1 on the Board of
Trustees website, www.uky.edu/ Trustees, under agenda.)
N. Expand/Renovate Ambulatoy Care: Orofacial Pain Clinic (FCR 2)
Mr. Stuckert said that FCR 2 involves the expanding/renovating the Ambulatory Care
Orofacial Pain Clinic. A feasibility study has been completed and yielded an estimated cost of
$1,448,000, well within the 2010 legislative authorization of $20,000,000. The project will be
funded from clinical revenues. He noted that this is space that has been designated in the Kentucky
Clinic to allow the Orofacial Pain Clinic to relocate and expand. After the Orofacial Pain Clinic has
been relocated, the vacated space in the Dental Sciences Building will be used to provide needed
expansion of space for the Oral Surgery program. On behalf ofthe Finance Committee, Mr. Stuckert
moved approval FCR 2. The motion passed without dissent. (See FCR 2 on the Board of Trustees
website, www.uky.edu/ Trustees under agenda.)
O. Construct UK/Nicholasville Road Flood Mitigation (FCR 3)
Mr. Stuckert said that FCR 3 involves the construction of a University of Kentucky/
Nicholasville Road Flood Mitigation proj ect. This is the area where two youngsters died in a flash
flood several years ago. The $8,015,463 project will be funded with a $6,011,597 grant from the
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) ofthe U.S. govemment with the balance of
$2,003,866 being the in-kind value of the 3.6 acres of University of Kentucky land designated for the
proj ect, thus, no money from the University of Kentucky. The project will involve upgrading ofthe
existing culvert at the upstream side ofNicho1asvi11e Road, removing and replacing portions of
impervious pavements at Commonwealth Stadium with pervious pavements, and excavating the area
between Alumni Drive and Shawneetown Drive for additional stonn water detention. On behalf of
the Finance Committee, he moved for the adoption of FCR 3, and it passed without dissent. (See
FCR 3 on the Board of Trustees website, www.uky.edu/ Trustees, under agenda.)
P. Renovate/Upgrade Softball Complex (FCR 4)
Mr. Stuckert said that FCR 4 involves the renovation/upgrading ofthe Softball Complex
capital proj ect. The proj ect will allow the University to host the 2013 SEC Softball Toumament as
requested by the Southeastem Conference. With these improvements, the softball complex will meet
all requirements of the Conference. The scope ofthe project is not expected to exceed $7,500,000
and will be funded by Athletics.
Mr. Stuckert recognized Rachel Lawson, coach of the ladies softball team. He told the story
of Ms. Lawson coaching the Westem Kentucky team and beating UK continually. Athletics Director
Mitch Bamhart decided to hire Ms. Lawson, and there has been a wonderful success ever since. On
behalf ofthe Finance Committee, he moved the adoption of FCR 4. The motion passed without
dissent. (See FCR 4 on the Board of Trustees website, www.uky.edu/Trustees, under agenda.)