Q. Lease/Purchase of Medical Equipment (ECR 5)
Mr. Stuckert said that ECR 5 involves the lease purchase of medical equipment. The
recommendation is that the Board of Trustees approve a $10 million UK HealthCare Enterprise
Medical Equipment Lease Pool for 2011-12. Any lease arrangement of maj or equipment and
infonnation technology items costing $200,000 or more where the method of procurement involves
debt in the fonn of capitalized lease obligations has to be submitted to the Board for approval. The
individual leases will not come for approval, but this negates them not being able to accommodate the
opportunity that is presented. He noted that this is an annual approval. On behalf ofthe Finance
Committee, he moved adoption of ECR 5, and it passed without dissent. (See ECR 5 on the Board of
Trustees website, www.ul