G. Proposed Revision to Goveming Reggglation: University Athletics Committee (CR 1)
Dr. Brockman reminded the Board that this is the second reading of CR 1. It has been vetted
amongst various constituencies. CR 1 is a recommendation that the Board of Trustees approve the
attached revisions to Goveming Regulation (GR) II, relating to Board committees, which was
received for preliminary consideration at the October 25, 2011, Board meeting.
The proposed revision of GR II establishes a University Athletics Committee within the
committee structure of the Board of Trustees and defines the Committee’s responsibilities. The
revision also includes housekeeping and fonnatting changes.
In March 2011, the Chair ofthe Board of Trustees appointed a Special Committee of the
Board to review UK Athletics with benchmark institutions and current best practices. The
Committee met on October 20, 2011 and recommended that the Board of Trustees create a new
Athletics Committee within the committee structure ofthe Board and to include community advisory
members. The Committee further recommended that in order to remain compliant with NCAA rules
on institutional control over intercollegiate athletics, the committee membership and its chair should
be appointed by the President in consultation with the Chair ofthe Board of Trustees.
The Committee’s responsibilities will include: providing counsel to the President conceming
matters or activities ofthe Athletics Department, reviewing the Athletics Department’s annual budget
and audit reports, major expenditures and acquisitions, and construction of facilities if the cost is
expected to exceed $400,000, and, providing needed infonnation to the Board of Trustees. The
Committee will be composed of five Board of Trustees members, up to three non-voting community
members, and the Faculty Athletics Representative as an ex officio non-voting member.
The revision to GR II has been reviewed by the University Senate, Staff Senate, and Student
Govemment Association. A revised copy of GR II is attached. Proposed additions are underlined,
proposed deletions are lined through.
Dr. Brockman stated that this is coming out of committee, and no second is required. He
asked for any discussion regarding the second reading of CR 1. Ms. Brothers asked if the University
Athletics Committee would report its findings to the Board and then the Board make a final decision
or would the Committee have its own authority to make final decisions. Dr. Brockman said the
Committee will function as every other committee on the Board and would report to the Board.
There being no further discussion, Dr. Brockman called for a vote, and CR 1 passed without
dissent. (See CR 1 on the Board of Trustees website, www.uky.edu/Trustees under agenda.)
H. President’s Report (PR 1)
Before beginning PR 1, President Capilouto said he wanted to take a moment to recognize
someone at the University. Some ofthe big things done at the University are "heavy lifts,” and he
wanted to recognize Executive Vice President Frank Butler who is a terrific, champion "weight
lifter.” This is Mr. Butler’s last meeting as the executive vice president for finance.