the retreat. He said that he had the privilege of echoing it in his Investiture speech entitled "The
Kentucky Promise.”
He conducted focus groups as he visited many communities endorsing what the Board
concluded at the retreat. He shared what will be the university’s guide and principles to further chart
the course.
First, everyone needs to keep mindful and be mindful ofthe priorities and mission of the
University. He wants to work to further enhance and improve the university’s transparency.
He heard often that it was just not enough to be a diverse university. The University of
Kentucky has to be inclusive, and it is important to continue gathering infonnation from key
constituents. A principle that has served him well in his administrative career is find good people, set
up a good process, and trust it.
Here are some meg or steps that will be taken over the next several months. Many have heard
discussions and concems expressed about the administration at universities across the country and at
UK. The first office that he will take under examination is the Office ofthe President. Listed below
are questions that will be answered as decisions are made for the best organization to serve this
• Are roles and functions clear?
• Are we the right size?
• Do we need to be streamlined?
Those are the kinds of questions to be answered. He wants it to be a leaming organization
where he receives feedback and acts on it constructively. He wants to develop that kind of culture
across all ofthe administration at UK.
Based on what was concluded at the Board retreat, steps have already been taken to enhance
the undergraduate educational experience. There will be more recruiters in the field. Top
scholarships will be increased. The Honors Program will be expanded. And, the marvelous living
and leaming environment that many have read about in an article in the Chronicle of Higher
Education will be improved. This is just one example that featured the university’s first generation
scholars program.
President Capilouto said there needs to be a transfonnation of many of the facilities on the
core campus. It has got to be attractive to students. It has got to support the creativity that is in many
ofthe undergraduate programs. It has got to be a fantastic work enviromnent for the faculty so they
collaborate and develop partnerships and relationships to extend their work and better educate the
students, and always, to remember the university’s commitment to fellow citizens in Kentucky. As
part ofthe facilities transfonnation, a public/private partnership to revitalize residence halls has been
explored. He asked Vice President Angie Martin to come forward and give an update on the
public/private partnership.
Ms. Martin said she was pleased to give the Board an update on the status ofthe housing
development plan. At the October Board retreat, housing was identified as a top priority because the