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/ The Kentucky Alumnus       ‘°``  L V.v    __ V
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J Sports News         _`’V    X Former UK College of ·
    n»li·l         »‘               l°§`§"[,°$’§°f,§’,,'l,,k,
·’ Tf¤V€lAdV·=¤¤**€S     i Er  `     sings a..`er....t ofthe
            i portrait beuring his
J Mm hmdiss <>ff·=rs      n ‘   ou r     ‘T°¤i,**°*.j"""
i t , . 7   is-,¢     A .‘`‘   ``*`` '  ~ ,e          Nye- In l E ;
  g     yl,           I   I’EC€pfI?n (ITEC O
/ . . . and MUCH MORE!     j V ‘·»_,_     _»., _  »   y.:. _ ··»tL ,  _, W the Office of the Deon
·     `‘=  n'   L. Q     2-thrhe college of
  ~ I ·‘·‘t gay; l’»,.a4:’T-· · ` an   —- si   qrmqqy,
LQ Address (Attach Label) Graduate Schools" survey. the Pharm.D. and other post-gradu-
UK and Michigan State are tied ate scholar programs, and the devel-
Name for third place in primary care, elim- opment of pharmacy clerkships,
inating the fourth place. externships.
Address Primary care: The portrait of Swintosky is dis- A
1. University ofWashington played in the reception area of the
State Zip 2. University 0fCalifornia at Davis [ Office of the Dean, UK College of
3. University of Kentucky   Pharmacy.
(tie) Michigan State University t
5. Universit of Iowa .
  ,¢\(l([t·(rg5 y `    
Atltlrt-ss FOTITIBT DECH HOI`\OI’€d l The UK Center for Women’s Health  
TTT l now offers the option of a nurse- 1
State Zip A ceremony and reception was held in   midwife specialist for gynecological
March at the UK College of Pharmacy T and obstetrical wellness care such as
'l`elepltotte to commemorate the unveiling of the routine, annual gynecological
portrait of former UK College of exams, and for obstetrical care when
Pharmacy Deanjoseph V. Swintosky. the pregnancy is low-risk. The nurse- p
Swintosky, nationally recognized i midwives are UK College of Nursing
for a number of pharmaceutical inno- g Nurse-Midwifery faculty. Because lt
\ vations, including bringing the con- they work as team members with T
Mail to; l'li.»\lumui .—\ssociatiott cept of the biologic half-life of drugs physicians, specialized care is readily y
King.»\lttmui llottse to American pharmacy, served as accessible.
lrxittgtott.Ii\'»l<>50t+Ull9 dean from 1967-87. During his To schedule an appointment
ti4N%2T¤7-8905 tenure, he was instrumental in imple- y with a UK nurse-midwife, please call
l·`.\X 6