xt708k74xc9z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt708k74xc9z/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2001-04-16 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 16, 2001 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 16, 2001 2001 2001-04-16 2020 true xt708k74xc9z section xt708k74xc9z LEFT OF CENTER

Home Alone 6
The empty campus

I'm sure most of you
went home this past
weekend to spend

time with your family

and loved ones and I
hope you enjoyed it.

However, I was stuck

up here on campus
the entire weekend,
but it was my own
fault so I'll just drop
it and hope you feel
sorry for me. I did
have a nice weekend
though, especially
Friday night out with
my friends, but I'd
rather not get into
that because I don't

feel like incriminating

them or myself. This
weekend gave me

some time to think of
activities to keep you

entertained if you
ever find yourself
alone on campus.

With hardly anybody in
Holmes Hall, they’ll

need someone to yell

out the windows at
all the drunks
walking along
Limestone. If you've

never witnessed this.
your experience here

at UK is incomplete.

The empty campus is a
perfect place to try
out the Razor
scooter or in-Iine
skates you got for
Christmas that are
too embarrassing to

By the way, take
extreme caution
when walking on
campus alone; one

person is not enough
to keep the squirrels

at bay.

This is also a great
opportunity to clean
up that room of
yours. Notice how I
say “yours" and not
mine. It takes a lot
more than boredom

and loneliness to get

me to clean.

I suggest going out and
renting all those

movies you were too

self-conscious to
watch with friends. I
really want to see
how bad of a movie
Battlefield Earth
actually is.

I should have cleaned
out my e-mail
account with 834
unread messages,
which is good
compared to my

friend with more than
3,000. I also suggest

e-mailing a certain
rail editor at your
school paper, but

that's just a thought.

I know that some of us,
especially me, could
use a tan on our
shimmering white
bodies. I need more
light shining on my
body than my TV
alone can deliver.

Finally, the most
important rule when
you find yourself on
an empty campus:


-Jonathan Ray

3.9 2.8

Oh no! Where did the

pretty weather go?
Come back, please!

{4. . .
K1 . 5,1 1
VOL. 13106



Hours tips

Call: 257-1915 or write:





ISSUE 33138


Going to greenways

Rethinking land use: Cities seek to revitalize,

protect natural treasures with modern trails

By Becky Heisel


Some liost seores ofioggers.
rollerbladers and easnal

Some provide gi‘eenspaee to
beautify towns.

Some proteet wildlife liahi
tat and water quality.

(ireenwzns popping up all
over the nation serve multiple
purposes. but they all have one
thing in 1‘1ililliitill

“They inst benefit every
one." said Kathleen Williams.
direetor and president of T1111
nessee I’arks and lireenw'ays

The foundation Williams
works for has led the burgeon-
ing greenways and trails move-
ment in 'I‘ennessee. Sometimes.
Williams said the greenways
are in plat‘es "where people
don't even know :1 river

"They are exposing people
to so mueh.“ she said.

Lisa Ilite. planning admin
istrator for the Louisville Ilevel

Lexington to adopt greenway trend

opinent Authority. agreed that
L'reenways bring people to unta
iniliar plaees.

"They ran see parts of
Louisville they ean‘t see from
the road." she said

Louisville has se\eral pro
_iet'ts 1-on1pleted and more on the
way. One proieet. the Itiverwalk
trail. travels along parks and
suburbs along the ( )liio River. A
small path on Be:1rgrassl‘r1-ek
11alle1l Iluteliertown (ireenway
will slitillltilll it

Nile and other inspired
piiblii- ollieials hope to see Bear
grass (reek. an urban 1‘reek
with :1 list of envir1ininental
problems. restored and ineorpo
rated into the city‘s developing
greenways system,

“The more greenways we
get in and the more eonneeted
they are. the more we see people
out on weekends and holidays."
she said. "We see families out
using them. espet‘ialb on the
retreat ion areas."

That's good for Io1‘al busi-
ness and tourist destinations.
said at least one person.

Piece of the pie: Trails could provide new
recreation opportunities, boost local economy

By Becky Neisel


In :1 town where preserva-
tion is a fighting word. green
ways just might be neutral teri‘r

The Lexington (lreenspaee
(‘ommission plans to incorporate
miles of greenway trails into the
city. connecting downtown to the
edges of the 1‘ounty and beyond.

"I‘ve illsi really ”one ti (on
yin1ed tl11t thisi s going to be a
great thing for Lexington. said
Doug tireene. Lexington's (ireeii
spare Planner and a central fig»
ure III the Ioeal m‘eenways move-

"These trails are going to
give Lexington a new type of
publie space to get baek together
as a community,“

Bike and walking trails will
eonnet‘t areas in town. and hope-
fully encourage people to use
them for daily 1‘omniutes instead

"Right now in |.e\ington the
only was to travel is by rar."
(li‘eene said. “We love it. were


stuek on it "

A new demand for green
ways eould not only provide an
alternative to Lexingtons erowd
ed streets it eould turn a prolit
for some local businesses.

.Ioey Ward. depamnent store
manager for liit‘k's Sporting
Goods. thought that sales of bikv
mg equipment and hiking sup
plies. along with workout wear
would increase He believes
greenways are a muehneeded
1-ommodity for Lexington.

“I think there‘s a void in this
town of a lot ofoutdoor aetivities
such as hike paths and walk
paths.“ Ward said, "All there is
to do right now is restaurants.
(ireenways gives them some
thing to do outside."

The attractive trails 1‘ould
also boost tht1 value of homes Io
eated nearby.

"(Ircenways have :1 p1 isitive
influence on land values. It‘s a
11onit‘ort amenity." said Matt
Miniard. senior residential ap-
praiser. and chief appraiser with
Bluegrass Appraisal Service Inc
“1 It is) mueh more comfortable to

The Greenspace
Commission has
proposed a green-
way near North
Elkhorn Creek and
some Indian burial
grounds off New-
town Pike.

NICK iontctx i
11110101 11111011

"We‘ve been open for about
a year and two months. and inst
about every (la). people are stop
ping over for water or lee tea or
lemonade." said Trey Ilennis.
manager at the Java House Ilar
riet Tubman t‘ultnral l‘enter.
The 1‘11Iilet‘ sits near the River

“More and more people are
hearing about this pla1‘e. and as
tl11-\ use the trails they are stop-
ping in to see the cultural 1.11111
ter." Ileiims said.

Several outdoor and reere
ational 1l11\'el11pttieiils have
opened their doors near green
ways in (‘hattanooga Tenn..
Williams sillil.

The greenways have done
111111 I1 more th in add helpiust a
let businesses. she sa.itl

liowntown ihatianooga

was blighted. but beeaiise of

Tennessee River Park it‘s had
11omplete turnaround.“
Williams said.

The Bit-mile greenway has
the longest pedestrian bridge.
1‘alletl Walnut Street Bridge, in
the 1-ountry. Williams said that
bet-ause ot' the b1‘i1lg11.8:530111i1»
lion has been invested in (bat-
tanooga downtown.

“Their eity just had a re-
birth." she said

liat‘k' up to a greenway. especial
I\ it you have kids."

(if eonrse. that amenity
1‘ould he a (loubltsetlgetl sword.

"If you are going to buy
greenspaee. then you are going
to make homes in Lexington
more searee.” Miniard noted.
"Less homes. more money to buy

(ireene said the (lreenspaee
(‘ommission had considered that
aspeet of greenways.

“We're developing this sys-
tem on 111iii-developable. unus-
able land." he said. "We, want to
reuse and retrofit land here in
l.t'.‘\'lllt_’l(ill. not take it away from
anybody "

Some people in greenway
11omtnnnities have also voiced
rout-ern about vandalism and
other erimes on greenways. The
I.exington-Fayette Poliee Depart-
menl does not believe the trails
will be a safety issue. though.

“We don‘t have any special
1‘on1‘erns about the safety of the
greenways." said Major Bill
Thompson of the Bureau of

(if 1111111‘se. Users should be
aware of their surroundings.
iust as they would anywhere
else. he said.

Ifsludents w ant to get more1 involved in bringing greenways into existence. the Trails .md 1.1111111
ways (‘Iearinghonse has suggestions to get started.

“First find out what is already being planned."

said liai‘i‘eii Smith.11oordinator11I'tI11-11l11.1rin._:

house. “Some 1‘iti11s‘ already have greenway plans ineorporated into the eity plan ”
In Lexington. where greenways have been planned and are in the designing stage. (1111.111111-11\.i11111s
volunteer and neighborhood assm‘iations to be a big help.

Most Uieenw .1\ programs 1er on \oluntee r organi7ations."

ch in tip proie1 ts whit h l K students (an help with

( he1 k out maps of the proposed gree 11w: 1ys in I l‘KlllL'ltilT at http.


he said "We're going 111 ll.i\1‘ more

w w w ,lt'iit‘g 1111111 grn 11111.1. :1\ s



“Securing a
green area just
for wildlife space
and water quali-
ty improvement
is so important.“
said Lisa Hite.
planning admin-
istrator for the
Louisville Devel-
opment Authori—

"It allows
wildlife to mi-
grate, it keeps
populations ge.
netically healthy
and keeps water
cleaner by filter-
ing out pollu-


and healthy

offer people the
chance to exer-
cise in scenic
and natural ar-
eas. It’s a cheap
way to exercise
for anyone.


A 1992 Na:
tional Park Sets
vice study :8—
ported the aver~

. age user spends ,.

more than 811 a
day at the Talia.
hassee-St. Marks
Trail in Florida,
where approxi
mately 170,000
people visit
every year. Bust
Louisville. lndi-'
anapolis and
Tenn. have re-
ported economic
benefits of being
located close to


Residents of
northern Indi-
anapolis suburbs
can take the 7.5—
mile Monon trail
to work down-
town. Indy
Greenways, the
office that oper-
ates Indianapo-
lis‘ greenways,
reports thou.
sands of users
per day during
warmer months.


low-lying areas
where water
flows into or
floods. can ab-
sorb large
amounts of rain-
water that in
oped areas can
cause massive
damage 1 to
homes The Lex1
identified flood-
water manage-
ment as a major
reason to devel—
op a greenway

Greennays, Inc;
Indy Greenways;
reporting by
Becky Noisol.


of Kentuck, Lexington



Eat Dirt

New Spade
movie falls
short of


Forum will get
students to think
‘out of the box'

By Scott Sloan


l'atriotisn1 11111\ 1 1:1 l‘.l
.‘s’tatesliiit \1111-111 1111 11~1;1.

'l‘K‘KH slil’jIl-U'I‘s
it relat1-1 111 Ill
tonight spun-111111

'I‘lielor111ned1 1111111.1.‘1l\ 11I11111-
position to 1h |~~.1 11“. 1
ism in 1h» \I11l1l‘1 I
11 1\ s ll1111l ”well

llll ‘l‘t ll\“."
l|;1~1s.111 iiiil'leri‘l

ll is- 111 11111
person 111 the 11
Islanav 11111111

Vii-- dam-~11:

li"l 11t11111-1'11.111111:.,

ll.‘1s.s1iii 1 1
111 I'akistsin I - .
being 1 Third 1111111!
i11ison1-11nld 111-1
111 '. 1lnnes11111‘

"i hope ”11' 'l11
students will 11..
inhabiting 1111i

11:.1ll111lyiill We is 1 ll11“lll‘1"l 11, 1111 ,‘1L11111n
.1l\1111l1111tt11al11‘111i ,\:.11:i~t thi \\.111:1tl:1

l’11‘1 '11l.1l11
1 2111\11111111111» 1111’ L... -
11.11.v\11.1111'i1:1:1n1l \t1‘11 1

ll11l>11i11~'l11-’ Ii.11‘.,.21

The forum Will take
place at lionight 1n
the wt Young
iihtary Auditonurn

1.1,, ilk, l1" 1-1

"\Ve'wiltlieliwti.111 11-. 1.
gaps between the hi'ws stir: litit‘ pots ;~
\111\ widef

Tre\11r Sandets. a history 1nd l’ren1h
senior and the event's orgarn/ei‘. said the to
ruin will shed new lltflil on the struggles

‘lloth speakers will make peoplr step
outsideol the box and . turn lllli‘lls 111; 1h1 I!
hea1l.”hesaid. "I! will Iletirateb open 111111
iil“‘- :ninds‘

\lll'll'l's‘Itlll the \lll‘1'llfi“l~« .111; waipw

"li1e‘.'t'1-:.1'1:i1,: t1l1rin; 1lzif-11‘~“'

~11 1 1 1. the: 111d 1.1.1-1


ll1111111I‘.111_'h- said


Kernel summer and
fall editors selected

': ;~.';1’

,\sl‘1l1 \111'1 :1 ltlllllll'lllslli iiinioix
11111111131111‘1311113 llein1l eitltorin1hief by
the K111 n1 l I’ 11 oil ol II111 1 1111s Thiiisd 11

hi. 1 ~1111d sh1 11111Id11 t be happier

"I 11.1 11I1s11l11t1-l't delighted I l11\e the
Kei‘ii11l."slies11i1l York said she has several
ideasiortlieiiev 11111111111111‘3ear

“I'm espeeially looking forw 1rd to
working lloser with the staff.” she said
"It's L'UIII; to be :1 great \‘1-1‘11"

York is an assistant news 1‘1lIl11I'ftii1l
will l1lh1'11y1'l‘lll1'l“;ttl>‘l‘
ship :11 the IxT-rnel iron:
the 1 urrent editor in 1‘hi1-i
her sister .\ni:111d.1

"I am \111‘\ prend 11I
my sister ‘1111! look tor
ward to seeing the Kernel
grow under her leadership
and guidance.~ \ll'i.1titl.l
York said

Also 1111 'l‘lilii‘s1l.1\.
Scott Sloan. a ioin‘nalisni
and i)11llllt‘.’ll «11111111
sophomore was named
Illlll suininerKr-rnel editor 1111 hiet

"It will be an 1111 r111libl1 summer»
11ring the administratue transition 111111
Wethington to Todd. ’ he said

Sloan is1urrentl\ :1 statl' w .‘ i-t1 r

The Kernel will inteiyiew students t1-1
seetion 11lii111 andl teat 11- potting positions
this Thursday .>\shl11\ York s.‘lltl she en
111111171ges anyone interested to 11ppl\

\pplieatiens for s1111t111n editors and
beat reporters for the summer and fall '11‘11
ax .1il.1ble in the Kernel new sr1 111m and bust
Iit‘s’s office The Kernel is Io1‘at111l in the
basement ot the (ire-ban Journalism

‘If you are remotely interested in ioiir
n.1lism. the Kernel strongb encourages you
to come by and talk with someone here."
Ashlex York said

Ashley York



 Matt Mulcahey
Scene Editor
Phone: 257-l9l5 I Email: kernelarteyahooxom




The Americanization of Bridget



By Paul Halter

Sim we Yb?

Another bestselling British novel
that was big on both sides of the At-
lantic has been turned into a movie
with an American playing the lead
role Brit/get .lotics‘s Diary is based
on the novel by Helen Fielding.
which is based on her column in
l.onden‘s ' independent" new spaper.

Renee Zellweger comes off her
(lolden (llobe win in January with a
more that might garner another
nomination. deserved or not. Al
though she worked with the same
dialogue coach that transformed
(lwyneth l‘altrow into an linglish-
woman for Slzala'spcnre In Lore. Zellr
wegers British accent is the vorst
since Madonna decided she was

'l‘hankt'iilly. she‘s the only
.‘tiiiei'iczin cast in a tiiajor role Apr
nearing to eii_io\ himself more than
in previous films. Hugh (Erant does a
superb job as Bridget's boss and
lover Daniel (‘leaver The clever
-_ .isting hes in (‘olm l’irth. who plays
Mark Darcy. In the novel. Bi‘idget's
character obsesses over a character
at a llritish miniseries. who also

happens to be named Darcy and was
played by Firth

The film starts off with a hung
over Bridget attending a New Years
party with her parents. Her mother
introduces her to Darcy. famous bar
rister. or lawyer who is wearing an
embarrassing (‘hristnias sweatshirt
made for him by his mother. After
she mocks it. Bridget decides she
hates Darcy. She then decides to
start a diary because she felt unless
she changed her life. she would die
alone. destined to be eaten by dogs.
She also resolves to lose weight and
to give up drinking and smoking as
she sips her wine and lights a ciggie.

After Cleaver comments on
Bridget's attire. or lack thereof. in
the work place. Bridget imagines
herself married to t‘leaver. She then
manages to get drunk and sleeps
with (‘leaver at a party where Darcy
is also in attendance.

Predictably. Bridget finds her
self caught between two men who
had fought over a woman before. At
first. the movie keeps pace with the
novel but quickly neglects to update
the viewer on Bridget's weight and
alcohol units consumed throughout
each day. which gave the book a

Renee Zellweger slips
into an English accent
alongside Hugh Grant
in the film version at
the best selling novel
Bridget Jones '5


unique twist.

The movie also leaves out some
of the more amusing moments. such
as when Bridget finally gets to the
perfect weight and everyone tells
her how horrible she looks.

Although Zellweger tries her best.
she isn‘t the best one suited for the
role. She never seems quite embar—
rassed enottgh iti instances where
she‘s dressed as a Playboy bunny at
a fancy party. botches her first story
as a reporter or in her immodest
clothing sliding down a tireman‘s pole.

(‘alista Flockhart. who has been
compared to Bridget Jones several
times as "Ally McBeal." would have
done a much better job with proba-
bly a better accent. Hiring Helen
Baxtdale of “Friends" fame would
have given the film a cast that was
entirely British.

Despite Zellweger's daft accent
and iinmodesty. the film was enjoy-
able and the predictable end had an
unpredictable route ofarriving there.

If the movie makes enough mon-
ey and the cast has another go. the
supporting cast will have another
chance to outshiiie Zellweger's
American acting. Bugger.

Rating: B-


By Matt Mulcahey
SEErifiiiho? __~__

1 have never walked
out ofa movie. Never. And
I‘ve seen some all~time
turkeys at the multiplex. I
sat through (‘ahin Boy.
Clifford. Almost Heroes
and Double 'l'eam without
skulking out.

I didn't walk out of
Joe [)irt. but I should have.
I stayed until the end be
cause that’s my job. i sit
through terrible. boring.
unbearable movies to tell
you how horrendous they
are so you don't have to
find out for yourself.

Most people have bet
ter things to do with their
time than suffer through
a bad movie. I. however.
do not. So instead of just
telling you “For the love
of God don't see this
movie" I'm actually going
to write about the plot
and throw out sortie
clever diatribes for your

Joe [Jim is the story of
a quintessential redneck‘s
search for his parents
who abandoned him at
the Grand Canyon when
he was eight. Apparently.
Dirt (David Spade) just
kind of wandered the land
for the duration of his
childhood like sortie kind
ofJohnny Moron Seed.

The story unfolds in
flashback as janitor Dirt
recants his tale of woe on
the air to a radio shock
jock (the usually funny
Dennis Miller going down
in flames).

Being the film was ex
ecutive produced by Adam
Sandler. the brand of litt-
nior in store shouldn't
come as any surprise. But
no matter how idiotic and
mindless Sandler's films.
they are usually funny.

.Ioe Dirt is not. The
film basically consists of


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David Spade and Jaime Pressly are part at an incest subplot
in the new ode to bad taste Joe Dirt.

fart jokes (cow farts. no
less). frozen airplane poop
jokes. mobile home septic
tank jokes and dog testi
cle jokes (think
Daniel‘s tongue
Dumb and Dimmer).
Spade‘s character. with
his mullet wig (don‘t ask).


acid-wash jeans and Def

Leppard 'l‘-shirt. is more
pathetic than humorous.
Spade only plays one
character well: the smart
ass. The same character
that worked in Tommy
Boy and to a lesser extent
in Black Sheep. Sense/ass
and PH '. The same char
acter he plays on "Just
Shoot Me." The only char-
acter he's ever played
with any success.

Since I had to sit

through the entirety of

this tiasco. i came up with
some of my own little
games to entertain myself.

i tried counting the
excrement jokes. but just
couldn‘t keep up.

For a while i tried to
think of comedies that are
worse than this one. Hot
to ’l‘rot. the Police Arm/e-
my sequels. (‘arrot Top in
(‘hairmmi oft/1e Hoard.

l'nivrrstn Health Sen HI‘

Rlfil Kentucky (‘Iinn

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t‘hevy (‘hase movies from
the last decade. etc.

After that I tried to
decide at exactly what
point Fred Ward stopped
being a respected actor
(Short Cuts. The Player.
Henry & June. The Right
Stuff) and started appear-
ing in movies like Road
Trip and Joe I)irt.

At the end. i came up
with some new movie laws.

(me: No matter how
god-awful a movie is.
(‘hristopher Walken is
fun to watch.

Two: David Spade
should stick to being a
smart ass.

Three: (‘arson Daly
and Kid Rock should nev»
er again be allowed to ap-
pear in a movie.

liven the type of low-
lQ rednecks that the film
lampoons won't find it
funny. 'l‘hey'll find them-
selves scratching their
mulleted heads on the
way to their Trans Am
thinking “There goes an
hour and a halfof my life
and seven bucks I
could‘ve spent on Pabst
Blue Ribbon."

Grade: F








1mm: mmmmmu










UK shortstop Vince Harrison hit a home run against

Vanderbilt on Friday. Harrison was four for 12 on the
weekend as UK won the series two games to one.

By Ron Cox

With their all will on lr‘riday. the Hi hasehall
Wildcats won the three-game series with the
Vanderbilt (‘ornmodirres alter a Trl victory Sun
(lay at (‘litT Hagan Stadium.

"1 really feel like Friday and today we put it
all together." ETK etiarh Keith Madison said. "We
had solid defense. got good pitehinu and hit the
ball well."

The Bat (‘ats (Till. 3-H) get a hi'illiant
pitching perforiiiani'e from let‘tliander Bryan
Felkel (it-Ill. who [)lt‘kt‘ll up his third \tiii in as
many starts.

Feller] went six innings allowing I\\'ii hits
and one unearned run while striking out three.


iravts Hubbard
SportsDaIly Editor
Phone;257*l9l§ | Email: kernelspottsI-xyahoorom

making: his longest (ii)pt'1[i‘:ii1t't‘tilillt‘ season.

"(helkelt had a good lasthall. and when he
l()(‘£iit‘.\ his tasthall he's \‘t‘l'_\' good.“ Madison said.
"It was good to see him L’iVe its six (innings).
That was a hiL' Iil't llil‘ its.”

Alter .‘lllli\\lli;,: Kevin lieshke to start the
game ot‘t‘ \\'ith a single. Felliel held the [hires
hltless until (‘hris ltrtradus l\'llli('l\'i‘(l a single
with one out in the sixth liiililifJ.

“hi the t'il‘th inning. l started getting really
tired." li‘elkel said. “They threw me hark lllll
there in the sixth. and l gate it all 1 had. That last
pitt'h \.\'as' one peri'eni rrt‘uhat I had left.”

The l)l)i‘r‘s with run i'aiiie in Ilie seeiind
inning. With a runner on first and mi» outs.
(‘ltit‘lit‘l‘ l)a\'id Wallat'e \\li.‘il'l\'etl a line di'i\e to
[K right tielder titrrdiin 'l‘y lei'

‘l‘_\'lei‘ iiiisiudged exai'tlt \\ here the hall ‘.\:is
and it siiiaeked hint on the head. .lirhii KilH' \\:rs
ahle tir st'tit‘I‘ ll‘tilll tirst aiiil Vanily ttrrrk an earh
lit lead.

;\llil .is it always seems to happen. the plaxer
“he eiiniiiiits a seeiiiiiiuli i'irstli error has a
i‘liani'e to make .‘lllll‘lltls. and this ease \\:is lit)

'l'i ler was the lirst iii hat for the liar t‘ats iii
the hiittrrin halt‘ritthe .saiiie inning. and he sent a
(‘hris .\laiilt.s piti'h ll\t‘l' the Mt tield lent». \ iii:
the game at tillt‘.

"You teel the pressure alter you iiialw a his;
error." 'l‘_\‘ler said. "When I unite to the plate. l
tririk ad\'anta:e iii a good pitt‘h."

'l‘he (‘ats serired one in the llt'\l inning. .riId
t\\'ii ”hire in the lllili. making it a l l ‘_.'.lllli'.

Sophomore .lriseph ltlantiiii mine in In re
lie\'e l’elltel and ltlllllll hiiiiselt‘ in .i llilil split Ill
[lie t'llellli \S'lili l\\tt ltlllx \Vllllll) ('Iillei'ti'rl llll'r‘r‘
Sii‘llltllil iiilield sitiL‘les to load the hases

ltiit ltlantiiii. \s'hii pieked up his set-rind s.i\‘e.
get .liihn Kate to ground hariiilessh ti» \'Iiiee
llat‘i‘lsriii, ‘.\liir tilli'l‘ieil tlie lizill [It lii‘ail l’li'lxi‘ell
l‘tii' the three iitit at .sei'iiiiil,

'l‘he (‘ats seiit eight hatters til the plate iii
their hall til the eighth. \\ Ith three I'l'tisslllLi the
plate tor a tiiial serire iii 7 l.

New up tor the liat (‘ais \till he a eiiiiple ill
in state i'i\als l‘llI'SI. a road game (ltllllilsl the
lilillls‘\ ilie I‘lii'ilinals on 'l‘uesda_\ at Ii pin.
t‘irllimed h\ (l home game against \\'estern

Kentui'k) on Wednesday at It pin.




Pedro Martinez. of the Red Sox, and the Yankees' Roger Clemens went head-to-head Saturday. Martinez
m two runs on six hits with nine strikeouts in seven innings. Clemens allowed two runs on five hits in six
innings. Alfonso Soriano's lOth inning homer vron the game, but Boston took a 2-1 series lead after Sunday's
5-4 win. The teams finish the four-game series at Fenway Park at 11:05 am. for Boston's Patriots Day.

urns: W












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prayer 'r'aiw .arnotr uixann‘n av .I vprv PM “it .9...“ . ‘ WW,‘ > . . .» .
'll Miter >- Teiirn Mtg EITIIIW . to “(It mime Marie a; Mrr'tr-i . ‘ Im‘. A ”m V“ . ":w w,
Miler titlflt‘, at all levels weltomel
united iiudenrx Agomzt ‘wixtiuriatr Mrg 3 Ti zinc - MElllNGS
' N V Pin-V lnr‘. rim Wino;

Errol we E’tilt‘mnr andlthrddletas vr _ a , ray »
iegor. :t «We irrioerioirv' and 'Jdc» ' “a: Sl‘llplS
lrblal. IIJC‘h‘l‘ilt' 5
lVi/~"""'.> “ul' it I: r
itIsMowts r, .. i .. ,
J Mame "-rzi Emir SiegIelor. ’t' nix SPEUAL EVENTS
INTRAMURALSAREEREATION ‘zr'i'o' i~ Ir, t ;.I rI‘mI , m. .i . ~

,i~, Saga,” i‘r

Tues 17






'GreenParinrg 9pm, ioégm p,

.nllege Home


(a Brngliom Oar-n Semmar Rm


'ReudenlStud larwrliiwardsNiqht sum Mari W

'Eredtrve Writing Group 6 ll llrpm w-Imq 1: 'orrnq Iihrur.

‘Alro lubon All Slum 80m \tud " Hallow ali ." ’ ' ‘z- 'Irie'

‘DMA Rental 3pm Srngietury lit RH

‘UK Saxophone Quartets 8pm SrngIetory (tr RH
‘Ult Symphony Orthestra (ontert Bum Singletury (tr (H
'Eloyd (oilins Miisrral Bpn‘. Gurgnol Theatre (all 257 4929 lor trtkets

:‘lnflel iii lite Downs Hillel 10,in Itud 7r; - ‘ yum ”lan’ m" 'nrn -' an intuit

‘39“, LONG")? “Pitt'- mung-Ina Iv HID ihpi'r alfi‘D Writ 7" ,;'.— mg Ir Ir" MEETINGS

Muslim‘md Amt Mtg Mar“ . rm . ' . , Ihul's
'lleIINM CT' lOI llil'fil V[JIV‘ All rltl‘ " Anlllesly ln'e'n01'OUUl 89m 278 8106 L"

imn'huma Mtg Ilium . c .m it 'Ereshmen lotus 7am Bap' Stun Union (hovel

'P'gyet Ai’uufiiablllh .I'iua'. ,pl rII arnou. Ma‘a'rei ‘ ‘ III .a It I lla;t ‘ w *

‘Drnnei and Worship Se'me llplml :II'W va'w I r II‘iii'I' altar. t'intlt' It ‘ UK Lambda Mlg 7 300m 23“ SlUd (ll

Tier II Dari-0th .. ‘ “Devotions n Lunth l? lSpm Boat Stud Union Multipurpose Room
.Eslgfixfgxgmmgo; lifltons‘shfrihi' '(ampus Erusade lor Christ 7 30pm Stud (tr Worsham Theatre

.meevm Mia rm,” may. am}; will," Miami». ‘(hrisI'ari Student Fellowship Synergy 8pm (SE tower at Woodland and (olumbra

UK Judo Iiub i 6 T00!“ alumni WW .7“ .UK RUGBY PTMTKE 68pm ElUD Spo'ts Eleld


'Ianel Rorranova Spore and “0900‘" i‘: 'Il‘tw “BIW” J ID'“ wt“ "0"“ “H'W‘Im’l’ ANTS MOVlES



'Guesl Tuba Master (lass Artist Dowd Glidden Bari“ Singletaiy Et'




'UR Mrdo (Tub HO 8 309m .‘l Alum” "r" .3“ .

'Medrevd and temmetuimI 0am now an 3mm I. Newman (enter Mass 6pm


'(uliural Event in Erenrh Mtg 560m Keenelona Hall BaseIEri 2“

‘Toe Rwon 00 (lot: Prairie: Hours SbSOpm Alum” are [3“

'Dept olEnlomology (ollogurm ipm Ag Sxierireltr Narrh A 7

'Eloyd (ollrns Marital 89m Gurgool Tlreatre roll 78} 4979 lot mixers
‘UK Wind Ensemble Born Smgletary (tr (It

'Open Gym Volleyball llplInIr (amput Ministries Barri (alva-‘y Baolrsl (hard

‘Tennis Doubles 8 Mixed Doubles Tournament

'DMA Retrial Brim SingIetary (Ir RH


'Tennis Doubles 8 Mixed Doubles Tournament


”Toe Kwon Dc (iub Prattire Hours I lam l7 300m Alumni Gym Lott
'lnterstholastit Dressage ASSOiIOlIOl‘. Finals Virginia Interment (allege Bristol VA

'Eioyd (ullrns Musita- Sam Guignol Theatre