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 -  1¤· ‘*>: ¥é ’III - EIGHTH ANNU XL Rnrorr or `
  ': halt the s1ze ot the main lill)Olilt0l_}1 and 15 eqmpped yy1tl1
   ··—  1 1
    Y K ventilating hoods, work tables, etc., 1n the same 1.11&111l€1‘ as
  1 the general laboratory. The ettuipment of our chemical -
»,$*L:!- · g= T;  i Y _
i}};_ “ -él  'l1ll)Ol‘ilt()1‘j' IS very complete.
42  _` ·· s._ ,;j    . _ _ _ V _ I
  A11 inseetary has been btnlt tor Prot. Gartnan, costm;4
1  " _ °;`4!·S·  _ '; _ .
  2 ii 1 5,$1,l1lllll. Prot. (,li1l‘11l£l11 has ])Ul'SUQ`1illlj' Sll1)Cl‘lDt(¥].1(l(f(l. tl1e
s,,,..·-,,,~—?7?i??  V  I . . . . . _
°  C0llStl'l1Cl`l011 ot 1t. It 1S constructs d \VItl1 all the latest inod-
  1 1 €l'11 11Ll1)l*0\'C1llt’11tS, such as slate and t1le benches, etc. A
- 1_ tlillllrtl da111·y-l1o11se tor (3X]_}€1'1lH(;‘lZlill purposes 1S l111(l(’l con-
  fi; SJ[l'llCl'lU11 and w1ll be ready tor our experiments lll lull). It
,¤m1.t..¥1;;f~1·   _ »‘
    contains a cheese room, an (}ll§§l11(i room, a general work
‘••!\n’n~»•·,,· ,.·.. xt _ ,1
 {fi, l room, and a cream and butter room, illlll {lll ice-house at-
1 .1w.:¤:i#?   T
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1 1..,,,, 1%;. . tathed.
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T`Z‘£TL11.;;.;, ·ri*   1 ` , . . . -‘¥ ¢ ·
  = l Analysis and Inspection of Commercial Ferttltzers.
a¤.&.,';.`ZtI'_.Z~;.{f ’_ V ·
i¥€·EiS5E£i`TY}°€ 1   1I11 accordance witl1 the State law we have Clllltllllllill the 1n-
;_;r,;··?:1?..i1_.1:·‘.   _1l _ _ _ . .1 . . ., _
    spet1·t1o11a11tlanalystsoteo1n1ne1·e1altert1l1zers. Thtsltastalten ·
  _ I 1 the grreater portion of the ti111e of Oll(i of ot11· chemists. The
-?`L;J'“.‘.1~L.'°‘.;% ; V _ _ , , . . . · ` _
  it use ot tert1l1zers IS constantly 1l1(f1‘(‘&lSll1g lll our State, and, 1
    l (‘0llS(*l]llC11lil)', this work l_)CC l , . . 1 _ . .
  .°1,.  ¢» l ers lleeome more ilC1llltl1l1l<*(l \\`ll'l1 tl1e use ot terttltzers,
  l i 1 l when so manysamples 1nay he sent i11 for free analysis that
  "   the ttmtls 2l(‘(‘l'lllllg' from this sonree may not meet the e·x·
V 4··`-—-hl     l { . . .
  _»‘_~   l penses lIl('lll`l'(’(l. The resnlts ot our analyses Ellltl insprr-
  E"`;     tions are given in ltnllelins llllll1l)l*l‘S Sli illltl ($0. n _
.· .»,. .1 1 "
    ~ 1 ·l Crop Tests
1 l l' ·
    t \\'e have eontinnetl the tests of erops mainly for the 1l\ll'· ·
  l— pose ol studying varieties. lltese vartetal tests have been
r 1   nntler the rharge mostly ut the l'lUl‘l'l(Illll'lll‘2ll l)1v1s1on. and _
l — 1 1 . . .
_   l 1 may he tonntl tn the report ot l’1·ot. Mathews. herein lllC(>l‘·
._ *     poratetl.
l l Grass Plots
l Prof. tlarntan ltas eontinnetl and ettlargetl the tests of the
  y (llll·<‘l‘(‘lll varieties of grasses. elover and forage plants.
  — .,1.. esill L
 .   s .
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