


Editor W. C. Wilson, Alumni Secretary
Assistant Editor, Helen J. Osborne





Detroit, October 30 (Last Friday
Regular) dinner nt Dixieland Inn.
November 7 (First
Saturday Regular (luncheon nt 1:15


of the lnw firm of Jacobs and McCaul-leLake City, Iowa.
Louis W. Macloskey, 350 King's
Highway, West Hnddonfield, N. J., In
nn attorney in the Herbert J. Keohlcr
law offices, Suite 203 Van Russ building, 23-2- 5
Broadway, Camden, N. .1.
James M. Morris is captain in the
Tank school, Camp Meade, Md.
Jesse B. Nichols, attorney, has offices in the City National Bank building, Pnducah. Ky.
Ira M. Nickcll, attorney, in the
Robson-Prichnr- d
building, Huntington, W. Vn., is a very interested member of the nssocintion.
All mail
should be addressed to him at P. O.
Box 301.
Ben L. Nisbct is practicing law at
Madisonvillc, Ky.
James M. Niedinrr is with tho Clove-lan- d
Trust Compnny. Euclid and East
Ninth streets, Cleveland, Ohlo
James Park Is referee In bankruptcy, with offices 606 Security Trust
building. He is living at the Pres-

Philadelphia, Novcmbcr 7 (First
Engineers' Club, 1317 Spruce street.
November 14 (Second
Saturday Regular luncheon
Chamber of Commerce, corner Main
and Seneca 3trcct.
Lexington November 14 (Second
nt Lafayette
Lexington, November 26 (Thanksgiving) Luncheon for law alumni at
the Phoenix hotel nt 12 o'clock.
Lexington, November 26 (Thanksgiving)
day of nlumni;
game with Tennessee.
Lexington, November 2G (Thanks
giving night)
dnnm ton Arms apartments, Lexington.
Younger E. O'Neal is assistant
in tne basketball building,
manager of the New Hotel Poplin,
Eliznbcthtown, Ky.
Gustavus A. Rico is assistant
Lewis P. Watson, of Ashland, Ky,
of the Kank of Italy. Los
died in the spring of 1U1C.
Angeles, Calif. He should be address'14
ed care Hcrshcy Arms Hotel, 2600
Please send us the address of Wil
linm W. Chambers, who was formerly Wilkshire boulcvnru.
J. Owen Reynolds has law offices
secretary-treasurof the Pioneer
Jcllico Coal Company, Pioneer, Tenn 604 Trust building, Lexington. He is
living nt 431 West Seconu street.,
George A. Chrismnn is living near
is farming
Thomas H. Robinson
Nicholasvillo, Ky.
Guy L. Dickinson is attorney and near Winchester, Ky.
A. Schobcrth, of Vercoal operator at Barbourville, Ky.
sailles, Ky., died in France, NovemMajor Allen W. Gullion is living
ber 3, 1918.
Governor's Island, New York.
George R. Smith nlso has offjecs
Leslie Guyn is a rancher nt Acme,
at 604 Security Trust building. He
Alberta, Canada.
Hamilton, of Lexington is living on the Richmond pike, Lexington.
Ky., and Miami, Fla., is at present
Zcphaniah Wells is a member 6f.
the real estate business nt 401 N.
the law firm of Wells
and Wplls',
29th street. Miami. Fla. He is
member of the executive committee Paintsvillc, Ky.
Harry C. Williams is office manaof the Alumni Association.
Henry T. Hardin "Doc," 1609 Olive ger of the Williams Coal Company;
street, has law offices with his brother, Mannington, Ky.
510 Old State Bank building, Evans
ville, Ind. He has shown much in
Clarence A. Beutel is teaching
terest in the work of the association mathematics in the Manual Training
Elmer D. Hays is living at Win high school, Louisville, Ky.
Anthony B. Combs is practicing
Chester, Ky.
law at Prestonburg, Ky.
Charles W. Hoskins is practicing
Sewcll S. Combs has law offices at
law at Hyden. Ky.
Guy A. Huguelet is city attorney, Hazard, Ky.
706 Security Trust building, Lexing
Robert E. Cullen, of Flemingsburg,-dieton, Ky. Mr. Huguelet is a very in
of pneumonia in France October
terestcd member of the association 15, 1918.
Taylor N. House, 133 Roscmant
John S. Deering is living at Nicho
avenue, has law offices, 577 McCIel lasville, Ky.
Please send us the address of
land building, Lexington, Ky.
George E. Jones is an attorney
Devera, as the same has been
Morganfield, Ky.
missing in this office since 1921.
William H. Jones is professor at
Frederick L. A. Eichelberger is livOgden
Business College, Bowling ing at Coraopolis, Penn.
Green, Ky.
Richard J. Fogg, for several years,
Ted B. Kelley is an attorney in the an annual payer of dues to the asoffice of Osmond and Call, Great Bend sociation, has law offices at 1204 Fayette Bank building, Lexington.
Henry C. Kimbrough, Jr., is now liv
is 304 West High street.
ing at 3355 Wilshire boulevard, Los
Logan N. Green is an attorney at
Angeles, Calif.
in the
Dallas, Texas, with offices
Arthur L. King is county attorney Western Indemnity building.
for Henderson county, Ohio Valley
Fred A. Harrison is county judge
Bank building, 10B S. Alves street at Williamstown, Ky.
Henderson, Ky.
Joseph S. Hays, Jr., is living at
William M. Magruder is in the in Winchester, Ky.
surancc business, 231 West Short
Owen b. Lee, attorney, has oifices
street, Lexington. He is living at in the Security Trust building,

The College of Law of the University of Kentucky was organized under
the provisions of nn act of the legislature of the State of Kentucky passed
in 1008 as one of the colleges of the State University.
It was opened
ior ine acimission oi siuocnis in bcptemnor, iuuo, ana the first class grad
present scs3ion is the eighteenth session of the Col
uatcd in June. 1910. The
lege of Law. The school lias always been open to men and women students
Within four years after the organization of the school, it became r
member" of the Association of Amcr.can Law School, and it has endeavored
to advance steadily the ideals of legal education in the state. In 1921, the
American Bar Association made certain recommendations for standard colleges of law, and in 1924 the College of Law of the University of Kentucky
was placed on the approved list by the American Bar Association as a
class A school. Beginning with the present session of 1925-2the College
of Law roouires two years of Collece work for entrance. It is the nurnose
of the school to maintain the standards prescribed by the most competent
authorities in the fieldi of legal education in America nnd to give to the
yuung muii in tins suction ui tuu uuamr1' ine ujipurtuiiity 10 prepare
for the bar in the most thorough and scholarly wav. It is believed
that the lawyer can be worthy of the great profession he represents only
if he has had adequate prcliminarv education and a throe-yea- r
study of legal principles through the use of leading cases.
The enrollment at the present session is 100, which is only four less than
the enrollment at the first semester last year. This is an extremely credit
able showing in view of the lact that the entrance requirements have been
increased. From this session on the law school practically ranks as a graduate school for the reason that the great majority of students in the law
classes have received their academic degree or will receive it before grad
uating from the law school.
A student must now give five years to college
nnd law work
order to obtain the law degree alono, and with one additional year, making
six in all, he can obtain both the aculemic and law degrees. Every student GRADUATES FROM THE
is urged to take this combined course.
Leeburn Allen is nn attorney at
of the general recognition in Kentucky of the fact
An indication
A. A. Bablitz is practicing law at
that higher standards should be required of applicants for admission to
The first graduates from the Col 230 McClelland building, Lexington,
the Bar, is the fact that the Kentucky State Bar Association at its last lege
of Law, University of Kentucky Ky. He is living at 276 Kentucky
meeting approved the recommendation of its committee looking to higher
standards. The changes suggested by the committee arc: First, that the were year the year 1910. Beginning avenue. Mr. Bablitz received his LL.
graduates from that college M. in 1914.
general educational requirements shall be a high school education as
have been as follows:
minimum: second, that study in a law office be not regarded as fulfilling th
Joseph B. Campbell is living at
requirement of law study, and third, that the applicants for admission to
Barbourville, Ky. He received his A'.
Robert L. Maddox, who received his B. in 1913.
the bar must be graduates of a law school having a two or three year
course. These recommendations are decided steps in the direction of a well A. B. in '09, is an attorney at Middles
Carl C. Croft is valuation engineer
trained bar. The matter is to be taken up with the court of appeals which boro, Ky.
for the I. C. Railroad company, 809
Alexander F. Baker, Jr., is living Vine street, Fulton, Ky.
has the power to make rules for admission to the bar, and it is confidently expected that the court will make the changes suggested by the at 615 Chapel Hill street, Durham,
Harry B. DeAtley is in the U.
N. C. Mail should be addressed to Internal Revenue Service at Wash
State Bar Association.
him at P. O. Box 11
ington, D. C. He should be addressed
The desicrn of the Collece of Law is to train the student in the funda
Charles E. Baldwin is practicing 3317 17th street, N. W.
mental principles of English and American common law so as to equip him
John Mason Brown, of Washington
to practice his profession wherever that system of law prevails. As most law, 312 Commercial building, Tulsa,
D. C, died in July, 1912.
of the students intend to practice in the state of Kentucky, special em
James T. Clay is living on the Mays
Richard V. Garred is an attorney
phasis is placed on the decisions of that state, but only as representing
the current of judicial authority or a dissent therexrom. The method used ville pike, G. ClugstonKy. newspaper in the title department, Guaranty
bank building, Lexington, Ky,
in all classes is the study of cases, the method of instruction followed
Jones O. Gill, attorney, has offices
in all the leading law schools of the country. Credit is obtained by the corerspondent with the United Press
City Post, 16 Orpheum
Gloyd building, Kansas City,
successful passing of written examinations at the end of each semester, and and Kansas
building, Topeka, Kans.
the student who successfully completes the course is awarded the degree
Henry C. Faulkner is assistant mine
Hugh Kelley has law offices 915
of Bachelor of Laws.
City Bank building, Los Angeles
Some indications of the high scholastic standards which are maintained inspector at Hazard, Ky,
John C. Fehrs is with the Standard Calif. He is living at 1528 2 South
in the College of Law, is found in the fact that for several years past the
Oil Company at Louisville. Ky
Vernon avenue.
grades in the law school correspond quite closely with the curve of grades
Wallace A. Gastineau, 115 Ironwood
Thomas J. Lee is living at Merigold,
Generally recognized by institutions of high rank throughout the country
This curve is as follows: 10 per cent A grades; 20 per cent B grades; 40 road, is running the Middlesboro Miss.
Pharmacy. 210 Ashbury avenue, Mid
Alexander St. Clair Mackenzie
per cent C grades; 20 per cent D grades; and 10 per cent E grades. A
manager of the New York branch of
recently published statement from the office of the registrar indicates that dlesboro, Ky.
W. Alpha Hubbard is attorney, the Albert Teachers' Agency, 437
the Law School has the lowest percent of A grades, namely 9.5 per cent. This
Du- - Fifth avenue, New York City.
farmer and breeder of
is an exteremely gratifying showing as, it indicates that the Law School
roc Jersey hogs, Prospect, Ky.
John E. Miller is prosecuting at
faculty is definitely holding the students to high standards of work.
Morgan F. Jones, attorney, with torney of the First Judicial Circuit
The ideal held before the student body is the lawyer who is honored
offices 104 Law Exchange building, of Arkansas. He should be addressed
not only as a successful practitioner before the bar, but also as a useful
citizen in his community. At no time has the lawyer enjoyed a larger oppor- Jacksonville, is referee in bankrupt- at Searcy, Ark.
Jesse I. Miller is an attorney with
tunity to serve the cause of justice and good will through his professional cy, Jacksonville division of the U. S.
National 456 Rose Lane.
Ky. He lives at 350 Ayles- skill and right motives than at present. It is the purpose of the College of District court for Southern district of office's in the Commercial
Bank building. He is living at 14
Harry B. Miller, is city representa xord Place.
only those who by reason of adequate preliminary educa Florida.
Law to graduate
Clement F. Kelley, 541 Davidson Oxford street, Chevy Chase, Md.
tive of Lexington to the general as
John W. McDonald should be adtion, diligence and ability in their professional studies in the law school court,
has law offices 1004 Fayette
Herbert H. Moore is county attor sembly. He has offices 705 Trus dressed at Mayfield, Ky.
ana souna cnaracter are quaiinea io De lawyers in ine nignest sense oi ine
Bank building, Lexington, Ky.
ney of Clark county, and is living at building and lives in the McCormick
Erie M. McGuffey, left Lexington,
George R. Pope is an attorney at Winchester, Ky.
apartments, Lexington.
several weeks ago for Florida, where
Instruction is not limited to those who choose the law as a profession
George B. Morrison is with the Ken
Frank R. Parks, of Lexington, died he expected to practice law. Mail
but is open .also to students who desire to take the whole or a limited course Harlan, Ky.W.
Prewitt is owner and tucky Jockey Club at Lexington, Ky, in 1916.
should be addressed to him care Clarin law as a preparation for business or public life. The study of law
Leo J. Sandmann, attbrney, has of ence Humphrey, Lakewood, Fla. His
Charles Otey has law offices at
as it is now taught is recognized as an important part of a liberal educa conductor of the Prewitt Abstract and
Bank of Osceola 201 2 Public Square, Marion, 111
fifices, 514 Louisville Trust building partner, W. B. Martin, '20, is with
'tion and as an excellent foundation for a career in financial or com building,
Osceola, Ark. He is also a
Stephen L. Pannel, who received his Louisville, Ky. He is living at 10
mercial circles.
Dee L. McNeil, Hickman, Ky., ia
The Kentucky Law Journal is a publication issued four times during the practicing attorney and lives at 407 A. B. in 1914, is with the U. S. De Garvin Place. Mr. Sandmann is
partment of Justic, 304 Federal build very active member of the Alumni county attorney of Fulton county.
college year by the College of Law, and has for its chief purpose the dis- Pearl street.
Samuel P. Reed is an attorney and mg, Cleveland, Ohio.
semination of legal literature among law students and members of the
Walker P. Mayo is practicing law
Walton Perkins present address is
William J. Sariford, Jr., is superin at Prestonburg, Ky.
bench and bar of the state. It contains contributions from leading law also engaged in the insurance busiGeorgetown. Ky.
Walter E. Mobley, county attorney
teachers and members of the bar both in and outside the state. This jour ness at (I. Ogata, of Kumanshiyo, Ku- - unknown in this office and we would tendent of play grounds at Jackson
appreciate hearing from some of the ville, Fla. His residence address
of Elliott county, is living at Sandy.
nal has been made the official, organ of the Kentucky Bar Association.
manotc, Japan, died in 1914.
29200 Hershel street.
members of his class regarding his
.look, Ky.
The Journal is published under the supervision of a member of the
Basil D. Sartin is a member of the
Everett S. Penick. whose record for
faculty, Prof. w. L. Roberts, and the board oi editors is selected from ed Squire W. balyers address is mark whereabouts
this office. The last
laying dues is unbroken since
the. student body. Appointment to the editorial board is regarded bv time we heard infrom him, which was James G. Pfanstiel, attorney, has firm of Sartin and Coleman, suite :i
offices in the U. S. National Bank Friberg building, Wichita Falb, Tcxar
is an attorney at Elkton, Ky.
the students as the highest scholastic honor in the law school, and the
several years ago, he was practicing building, San Diego, CalifA
He is also county judge.
He is living at 306 East Main street.
editorial work affords the stuaents a valuable opportunity for accurate law
at Frankfort, Ky. We would apHenry L. Spencer is an attorney
William A. btannu is a member ot
Joseph Carr Reynolds, of Nicholas- legal analysis and discussion.
The highest honor in the College of Law is the Lafferty Medal for preciate it if anyone could send us the law firm of Faulkner and Stanfill at Jackson, Ky. He also has coal ville, Ky., was killed in France.
Hazard, Ky
interests there.
Scholarship, given by the alumni of the College of Law in honor of the his address.
Carl W. Sinclair is living at George-owRobert Lee Sims is also on our
Duran K. Tackett is accountant foi
William H. Townsend, city attor
late Judge William T. Latterty, the founder of the College of Law and
"not located" list. He was formerly ney and corporation lawyer, has of the Combs Lumber Company, Lexmg
its beloved dean from 1908 until his death in 1922. It is awnrded to that
William Lee Smith is a member of
who .has the best general average for the salesman with the American Cement fices at 605 City Bank building, Lex ton, Ky. He is living at 210 Bell
ho law firm of Smith and Waller.
member of the senior class
Plaster Company, and the last ad ington, Ky.
Court West.
Furniture building, Evansvjlle, Ind.
three full years in the law school.
Willard Utley, Jr., is an attorney at
Charles C. Wilson is pro3ecutin;
The library of the Collece of Law, is an excellent workincr library con dress we had for him was Paris, Ky.
Carlisle Spencer is living' at Jack-ioMarvin C. bpradhng can be reached Eddyville, Ky,
attorney at Meade, Kansas.
sisting of about 10,000 volumes. It contains the reports of the highest courts
Edmund P. Wesley is agent for the
Ward C. Yeager, Warsaw, Ky., l
iKing Swope,
of all the states, with the exception of six states where the reports prior to by addressing mail to his homo, Ber
lot)5 have not been obtained,
ine need ox lining this gap is the one out ry, Ky. He formerly had offices at Travelers Life Insurance company. county attorney of Gallatin county he Eighth district' has law offices.
409 Security building, Tulsa, Okla., Dallas, iexas
standing need of the library.
1300 Fayette Barik building, Lexing
Philip A. Whitacre is on our "not
In addition to the reports of the American courts there is a complete under the name of Baldwin and
Dues and Subscription to The her ton, Ky.
list. Please send us his ad nel, $3.00.
set of English law reports of the supreme courts and federal reports and
Ivan P. Tashof, who has regularly
J. Harry Staples is agent of the dress.
paid dues for the progress of our
a great number of annotated sets, digests and text books. The library has Union Central Life Insurance Com
James A. Wilmore, city attorney,
work is patent attorney, ,724 Ninth
the finest collection in the South of bound volumes of the Law Journals
street, N. W., Washington, D. C. He
from all the leading Law School of America. The library is kept up to pany, tJOz Irust residence building, has offices at 509 Security- Trust
Lexington. His
William S. Berkshire is practicing ivos at 42U sixteenth street, N. W.
date ana current reports, law journals and text books are added as they 232 South Ashland Avenue. address is building, Lexington. He is living at law
at El Paso, Texas. His business
401 West becond street.
Joseph E. Torrence has resigned his
are published.
address is 607 Republico Life build oosition as assistant professor of mil- -.
The great need of the College of Law is for a building. The faculty Jackson, Strong is practicing law at
and students are looking forward eagerly to the time when they can move
Mail should be addressed to Hodge ing.
itary science of the University of
who is re
Joscnh C. Carter is citv attorney at Kentucky, and will leave soon, for his
into the old Chemistry building.
This building can be put in excellent membered R. Swectland, our "wonder" Lester at Cadiz, Ky.
as one of
home in Eau Gallie, Fla., where he.
shape for the use of the Law School. It is planned that at least one of the coaches of football at the University
James R. Bussey is a member of Mayfield, Ky.
rooms can be arranged in the lorm of a court room, where court practice
law firm of Lane and Bussey,
Mail should be addressed to James will resume his former profession is
ot Kentucky is now living at uryden, the
in Eau
work can be held. Another room will be set apart as a smoker for the N. Y. He received his LL. M. in 1912
and Miami.
".Aatlnal bank """ding, t, II. Mrs. Mary at Oak Grove. Kv. law a lawyer send us Gillieaddress of John
students. In no other college is it more important that there be quarters and has since received his B. S. O. Petersburg,
C. Love Col ins has
Albert D. Crenshaw, of Cadiz, Ky. oifices at 910, Fayette Bank building II. Williams, who is on our "not lo
where the students can assemble to talk over matters of common interest. and Ph. M.
The new building will contain adequate class room facilities, offices for the
oted" list.
i, ium.
Carroll G. Taylor is owner of C. G. died juiy T,. Dnvln la nnw livinir n Lexington, Ky.
faculty, a large well lighted room for the library and a girls rest room.
buns Dishman s address and occu
Taylor and core
The Law School expects to add an additional instructor beginning with joint stock land ipany, specialists 27 lhWi N c " Ynrk
pation is unknown in this office. We
Amos C. Preston ia manager of the
bank securities,
The present staff consists of Judge Lyman
the fall semester of 1925-2would appreciate information rela Tug River Insurance agencies, Patter, New
Chalkley, Prof. W. Lewis Roberts, Prof. II. J. Scarborough and Dean lives at street Manor York City. He t
son building, Williamson, W. Va.
r.Vo ,
Land, Pclham
e?BSL""u tive to these.
Charles J. Turck A fifth fulltime instructor will permit an enlargement Manor, New York. Mr. Taylor has n"
Miss Lena M. Phillips is attorney
Paul E. Dixon is a member of the
of the curriculum and a strengthening of the intensive work in each course. always been an active member of the jgjg- Wrfce.
law firm of Chancy and Dixon. Hines and counsellor. 120 Broadway. New
The faculty has the assistance of a group of distinguished lawyers
building, Bowling Green, Ky. His York City. She is living at 20 East
and judges who without compensation have conducted classes at the school.
it;ut;iiis iuw ut residence address is 628 Thirteenth 35th street New York.
firnvnr f. Thnmnsnn nnrl T.inzv O. , V "
Honorable Richard C. Stoll, judge of the circuit court of Fayette county, Thompson have law offices. 1512 Fa-- :
Johnst Northcutt. attorney, has of
EL""uro uctt, prosucuunir auor street.
conducts a special course in private corporations during the month of ...ii r. i. l.. n.ii
William P. Drake should bo ad fices at 402 Coppin building, Covingii iuur Owensboro, Owensboro, Ky.
January. Other lecturers are: Flem D. Sampson, justice of court of apdressed at Bowling Green, Ky. He ton, Ky.
Edgar iv.JZ.flu is salesman for the!1? :?r
died daring the summer of 1925.
peals of Kentucky; Jame3 Park, referee in bankruptcy; Hugh Riddell,
was formerly with tho U. S. Veterans
James W. Norris, formerly of
president Kentucky State Bar Association; J. P. Ilobson, commissioner ExZnVe Rose building, Cleveland,
Miss., is on our "lost" list.
Cincinnati, Ohio.
J0 X- - Johnson' "ttorney, has Bureau, J.
offices in the Foyotto National Bank
.court of appeals of Kentucky; David U. Hunter, William E. Nichol, George
Emmert. attorney, has of Wo would appreciate receiving his ad
Chaplin street. Wheelinir. dress.
Lexington Bar.
W. Vaughn, Chester D. Adams, all of the
fices at 1060
E. Reed Wilson is engaged in the coal
W. Va.
Lee S. Moore is with the Federal
hardware and truck business as
Unmns E. Mahan is un attorney
John F. Ford. Jr.. is city attorney. Reserve bank, Louisville, Ky.
member of the firm of B. B. Wilson, and
of the High Splint ucorgetown, Ky.
Jesse F. Gregory's address is miss
139 North Mill street, Lexington.
coni i onipany, Williamsburg, Ky.
Earl L. Fowler is practicing law ing in this office. Kindl" send it' to us.
Joseph F. W. Morrison is living at in tho 'Waller building, Morganfield, He was formerly in tho adjusted comCOLLEGE OF LAW
Thomas H. Burruss. Jr.. who re siutgari, Ark.
pensation division of the U. S. Veter
ceived his LL. M. in 1912, is practic
Jamec H. Nutter is secretary in tho
John T. Gooch. attorney, is vinir ans Bureau, Washington, D. C.
The senior member of the College of Law faculty is Judge Lyman Chalking law in the bpencer Futch build sales department of the Louisville at Madisonvillc, Ky.
Mark S. Godman is high school su
ley, who came to the law school as Professor of Law in 1910. Judge Chalkley ing in Lakeland, Fla. He is living Gas and Flectric Company, 172 PennKicharu 11. Hood is a member of pervisor, in the department of educagraduated from the University of Virginia in 1882. He attended the Uni on Avalon Court, and should bo ad sylvania avenue, Louisville, Ky.
law firm of Wills, Weak and Hood, tion, Frankfort, Ky.
versity of Berlin in 1885-8and the University of Bonn m 1880-8He re- - dressed P. O. Box 146,
Roscoe 0. Preston is a member of
Orie L. Fowler, attorney, has ofceived the degree of Bachelor of Law from Washington and Lee University
Matison G. Colson is nn attorney the law grin of Dainron and Preston, Murray, D. Ihrig is in the claim de fices in
tho First National Bank build
years thereafter he practiced law at Covington and Staun- at Pineville, Ky.
in 1889. For four
partment of tho Travelers Insurance ing, Owensboro, Ky.
Williamson, w. va.
ton, Virginia. In 1891 he was elected judge by the legislature of Virginia for
McDowell A.
is practicing
James D. Sory. Jr.. is secretary of Company, Indianapolis, Ind.
Kit C. Elswick,
Ky is
the district of Allegheny and Craig counties. During his term of office, in 1993, law at Hartford, Ky.
mo neniucKy
buas Jacobs is living at Bratton. county attorney of Lawrence county.
he was elected by the legislature to serve as judge of Augusta county, and
Otto C. Martin is u member of the Men's Board, 310 Louisville Trust Ky.
uuoru r. uotson, an active member
from 1897 to 1903 he served as judge of Auirusta and Highland counties. He law firm of Heavrin and Martin at building, Louisville, Ky.
Jeff T. Jones should bo addressed
the association since graduation,
removed to Lexington in 1904 and practiced law in Lexington until the fall Hartford, Ky.
James Polk South ia practicing law 411 Elm street, New Haven, Conn.
an attorney at Harlan. Kv.
of 1905 when he became Professor of Law and dean of the Law School at
Evert Mathis is an attorney at at Frankfort, Ky.
He is Internal Revenue agent there.
Thomas L. Creek more is practicing
Transylvania University. From 1907 to 1910 he was Professor of Law West Liberty, Ky.
Dailey S. Stafford is police Judge
Love is practicing law law at Pikeville, Ky.
and dean of the Law School at the University of the South.
James u. Kees is farming at Co- - at Covina, California. His residence nt bamuel E. National Bank build520 First
Jerome u. Chamberlain, attorney
Judge Chalkley has served continuously as Professor of Law at the nora, Saskatchewan, Cunada.
address is 212 East Center street.
ing, Huntington, W. Va.
Dallas Texas, has offices at 231
he acted
University of Kentucky since 1910. During the session of 1922-2Marion R. Schnaittor is tonrMntr
Andrew B. Thomason is an attorney
Major Wesley McBrayer is n hard
cstcrn Indemnity building.
as dean of the college. He has published various articles on Virginia and in the department of Economics, State with offices at 726 McClelland build- ware merchant at Lawrenceburg. Ky.
Roscoo C. Back ia living at Jack- Kentucky law and on American constitutional and statutory law. Ho is Normal School, Milwaukee, Wis,
ing, Lexington, Ky.
Marlon it. McCaulley is a member 'son, Ky.


a member of the American Bar Association nnd of the Kentucky State Bar
Professor Roberts
Professor William Lewis Roberta received his neademic education at
Brown University, from which ho graduated with the degree of A. B. in
For the next four years he taught in the public high schools of New
York state nnd then attended the Harvard Law School for two years.
From 1913 to 1918 Professor Roberta wns Professor of English at Pennsylvania State College and thereafter for one year nt Colby College. In
1920 he received the degree of J. D. (Cum lnrdc) from Chicago University.
He nlso received the degree of M. A. from Pennsylvania State College.
Professor Roberts practiced law three years nt Boston. Massachusetts,
and Kceno, New Hampshire. Ho came to the University of Kentucky in
1920 nnd since 1922, in addition to his teaching, he has been faculty editor
of the Kentucky Law Journal. Under his direction the Law Journal has
made great progress and is now ranked an one of the most important law
reviews in the country. I'rofessor Roberts has published numerous articles
on real property law nnd other topics in the Kentucky Law Journnl nnd the
Illinois Lnw Quarterly. He is a mcrrber of the American Bar Association.
Professor Scarborough
Professor Hnrland Jnv Scarborough is n trraduato of the National Normal University nnd of Antioch College with the degree of A. B. For thirteen
years after his graduation in 1908 lie taught in the public high schools of
Ohio. In 1918 he received the degree of LL. B. from the University of Michigan School of Lnw, and thereafter practiced law at Youngstown, Ohio.
In 1922 Professor Scarborough became a member of the lnw faculty at
the University of Kentucky. He published vnrious articles in the Kentucky
Law Journal, chiefly on matters of corporation nnd tort lnw. He is a member
of the Ohio State Bar Association and the American Bar Association.
Dean Turck
Dean Charles J. Turck was educated at Tulanc University, graduating in
1911 with the degree of A. B. He received the degrees of A. M. in 1912
nnd of LL. B. in 1913 from Columbin University, nnd for three years thereafter practiced law in New York City He was professor of Law at Tulane
University from 1916 to 1920, except for one year during the World Wnr
when ho served with the Y. M C. A. at Pensncola and Paris Island. From
1920 to 1924 he wns professor of law and secretary of the Law School
at Vandcrbilt University.
From Vandcrbilt Dean Turck came to the University of Kentucky, in
1924. He is a member of Phi Beta Knppa and also of the American Bar Association and the Kentucky Bnr Association. Ho is n member of the Lexington Rotary Club.

Home-comin- g


Nor-ber- to






grad-mtio- n,




















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