l BY LYNN B. Evans, ’15. V
A A new and interesting feature has been added to the annual com-
mencement and home-coming week—that of Tau Beta Pi day.
The honorary engineering association, Tau Beta Pi, occupies a
unique position in the student activities of Kentucky State University.
Membership in this organization is the highest honor which the under-
graduate engineer can attain.
A standing in scholarship among the best one-fourth of the students
in the engineering colleges is the requirement for entrance, yet due con-
i sideration is given the reputation and character of the man elected. To
win the honor, every student naturally puts more energy into his work,
* and election is a fitting reward for his efforts.
l Tau Beta Pi stands for the up—building of technical schools, hence
i stands behind every organization which is working for the interests of the
1 University. And so in taking this step, the Association recognizes the
splendid work which the active alumni are doing, and wishes to put her
shoulder to the wheel in the work of making Kentucky State University
{ what it ought to be. _
Z The idea of having an annual reunion, and at that time, conferring
an honorary membership upon a distinguished engineer, and also of
initiating alumni whose records here showed that they were eligible, was
i discussed last summer, and this matter was laid before several faculty _
Q members, who pronounced it a good one. The active chapter, assisted by
- the faculty members, then carried the plans forward, and a most enjoyable
day resulted.
i A float, decorated with the Tau Beta Pi colors and emblems, in
which a number of members rode, formed a part of the parade for the
Alumni Circus.
Immediately after the parade, the initiatory degrees were conferred
J upon J. I. Lyle, ’96; A. V. Lester, ’00; Frank Daugherty, ’O1, and P. L.
  Kaufman, ’ O1, alumni, and David F. Crawford of the Pennsylvania Rail-
3 way, who received the degree of Doctor of Engineering from the Univer-
l sity on commencement day, was made an honorary member. A dinner at
I the Phoenix Hotel followed. Professor W. E. Freeman presided in his
usual delightful manner as toastmaster and a number of enjoyable
` speeches were heard.
.i The dinner was over in time for those present to attend the Alumni
Circus at the University.
t There was a marked falling off in attendance of alumni at reunions
S at many of the universities this year. This is attributed to the disturbed
il business conditions generally brought about by the war.