’g  22 rim KENTUCKY ALUMNUS.  
A   ‘ Mar Scru ham is attendjn the University of California for the V 
.,  S 5g _ S g _ 
ly  ummer ession. {
  R. C. Terrell, Kentucky Commissioner of Public Roads, was one S 
 ’ of the speakers at the dedication of the Boone Monument at Cumberland ; 
 *’ Gap. This monument was erected by the D. A. R.’s of three bordering .- 
5  States and is situated on the Boone Highway.  
  S. C. Jones of Purdue was back for Commencement and is very much i =l’
 yi pleased with Indiana. His soil map of Graves County has just been pub- " 
  lished by the Kentucky Experiment Station. ;.
 ij A. T. Lewis is too busy making money in Philadelphia to act as Sec- i
ll retary, and that is the reason some one else is writing the ’06 notes. Did  
 jy you know he had two sons ?——A. T., Jr., and D. G.  
.  Chauncey is still editing the Evening Independent at St. Petersburg, . Qt
 q Fla., and he is housed in the most attractive building. Scottie is in St.  ,2
Q  b Petersburg also.  
?·  Presley Atkins is City Editor of the Lexington Herald, and he seems  it
 gg to be the busiest man in town. M 
`V  I wish I could tell you something about every member of the class, `* 
 j? but some of them forget to let us know about themselves. Wilmott Free-  
 Q man, who has been all over the country since graduating, is now located  j»
 I at Nashville, teaching manual training. George Montgomery and family  
  are living in Toledo, Ohio. .  
 Q mm  
  CLASS OF ’15  
 it Br CLYDE Tsrroiz, Olass Secretary.  
 { Members of Class ’15 are literally scattered to the four corners of  
  our country. Information has been received concerning a number of  
 H them, most of whom have been very successful in securing nice positions.  
  Many, however, have failed to return the information form sent out by  
 g the Secretary of the Association. If any one has lost the blank originally  
yl  sent, another can be obtained from the Secretary.  
{:  The following notes of some of the members have been gathered by ` 
 |_ the class secretary and should be of interest to all the members:  aj;
 L; Max C. Batsel of Fulton, Ky., has entered the Student Educational  
 i Department of the Western Electrical Co., at Cicero, Ill. After a year’s I. 
  preparatory work he will go to one of the main construction departments. ii
h William S. Berkshire completed his course in the Science of Juris-  if
i prudence at the end of the first Semester, and since that time has been  
it  [ A