Unitod States Dmploymont Scrvico, Ashland 2
Ashland City Bldg., 17th E Groonup
This sgcncy was ostoblishod Octobor l, 1955, ond until Loy 1, 1954,
oporotod on a county basis. from May l, 1954, it has opcrotod is o
V district offico, with jurisdiction ovsr tlowon cauntios as follows:
Both, Boyd, Cnrtor, Elliott, Flowing, Oroonup, Lawronco, Louis, Noni-
foo, Morgan, and Rowan. Copins of doily ind wcckly rc orts nrc sont
to tho Stoto Officc at Frankfort.
l. AGRICULTURnL APPLICANTS, Oct. l, 1955 to doto. USES Form 526A,
history of spplicwnt showing ago, sox, nationality, physical condition,
and oxpsrioncs. Gross-indcx. (Occasionally, confidential.) 5 x B
cards, 1 ft. 6 in., in drawer. R. 512. (7027)
to dats. UEES Form 511, history of applicant showing ago, sox, nstion—
ality, physical condition, and cxporionco. Filod by cods numbcr.
(Daily, confidential.) 5 x 5 cords, 8 ft., in 5 drawers. R. 512.
5. DONDSTIC AND 5WRV1CE APPLICANTS, Oot. 1, 1955 to dats. USES
Form 512, history of applicant, showing sgo, sox, nationality, ohysi—
col condition, and oxporicnco. Cross—indsx. (Occasionally, confi-
dcntidl.) 5 x 5 cards, 5 ft., in 2 woodon drnwors. R. 512. (5598)
4. FIEDING LISYE, Oct. 1, 1955 to dntc. Cross—indox cords for
applicants. "ilod mlphoboticdlly. (Daily, official.) 5 X 5 oirds,
55 ft., in 24 drdwors of woodon and 5 drawers of stool filing cwsos
and 5 pnpor filo boxos. 5:. 512, 515. (5585)
5. FIRY VITIT LCEEDULE, Oct. l, 1955 to dots. UTDF Form 550, vis-
its to various firms rcgordinj plmoomcnts of npplicsmts. (Frcqu ·,.· ntly,
official.) 5 x 3 cnrds, 2 ft., ir popor boxes. Hs. 512, 515. (5579)
6. IDEITIFICATIOE CLRDB, Oct. 1, IH55 to ddtc. hpq1iconts' moins
of identification. (Occosiondllv, confidential.) 5 x 5 cords, 5 ft.,
in 2 drdwors of filing oosc and 5 driwors of cord omtinot ond postc-
boord box. H. 515. (assi)
7. ?HYlITaL Ln50x A?PL;'l’“;, Oct. 1, 1955 to d~to. "LFC Form 510,
history of npolivnnt, showin] nje, sox, ndtiondlitv, why ical condition,
and cxpcrioioo. Yross—Yndox. (bail?. oonfidontinl.) 5 x 5 cnrds,
4 ft . 6 in. , in vroodén ’i1‘rii,*.w;r: . F .   l 2 .  WFZUG