MiAnutes of the Ileeting of the Executive Co.mrimittee
 of the Board of irustees of the University of Kentuclcy
     for its regular monthly meeting, i.arch 26, 1919.

     The Executive Comittee of the Board of Trusttes of
 the Uhiversitv of Kentuczi.z met in regular iaont-nly session
 in the office of the President of the University .t 11:00
 o'clock, a. m., M2rch 26, 1919.   The follo.-ing-i-zm embers
 %were present:  R. C. Stoll, P.    Johnston, Jr., and J. M.
 Elliston.   President Frank L.. hcVey and Wellington :Patrick-,
 Secretary of the Board, vere also :.?resei-t.  he mninutes of
 the previous -meetinlg v;ere read, and after certain imiinor Cer-*
 rections vwe.e m^lade, tne followorinS resolution w-ith res-.ect
 thereto was adoi-)tod:, i7hereas a :,iecting o- the hxcacutivc Coia-
 raittee was held ou 1ebruary 19, 1919, e.t v.xhich thcre was nit
 a ouoruai of the rmernbers )resent, (.the )rescilce o' Denltor Pro-
 man vfho was asked to attend as a i.1cmober of the Board mahings
 the necessary niunber to transact t:he business of the Co;m-.uiyittre),
 and, at h-.riich cer-tailn Univeirsity -:azttez-s \jere l.ese21ed anc .
 passed u-on, now therefore be it resolved that the actions
 taken at the mceting of the Conmittee at that time are hereby
 a-proved' ratified, and adopted as the .action of the Erecu-
 tive Comnittee.

     (1) A counniication was read from 'mr. .LcCorkle, Cosmnis-
sioner of Public V.Works of the City of Lexington, asking tirht
the University of Xentucky cooperate with the City of Le:;i-n,-
ton in paying for certain paving on South Limestone street on
the west side of the University campus.   On motion, ma,;de,
seconded, and .unanimously adopted, the President of the Univer-
sity rwas authorized to inform i*. 2.cCorkle that in the opinion
of the Attorney General an institution cannot exienc! money
specifica11y asv.propriatcdfor .wving-. 1nProTCotts.

     (2) A commiunication was read from i-r. Dunlap, COIqis-
sioner of Public Property of the City of Lexington, offering
to give to the University the tract of land in front of the
University Imorn as Scovel Parl, the land to be held in per-
petuity by the Institution, the City retaining the right to
continue to use the park as a city dump, and also reserving
the right to place bn it a children's playground.    A r so-
lution was offered, seconded, and unanimously ado:,ted, in-
structing the President of the University to thank the City