NOVEMBE]R 15. 1916

     The Executive board of University of tentuckz met in
President Barker's office with Chairman Nichols, seesrs.
Johnston, Stoll and B-own present.

     President Barker read the report made by Cantain Fair-
fax and himself affecting the revined course of Silitary
Instruction called for at the nrevious meeting of the -6oard.

     Mr. Stoll moved that the treport be referred to the
Baord of Trustees in its forthcoming meeting, December 12
for action with certain sections of the Army bill attached,
the aDvended matter to be snread unon the minutes of the
Sxecutive hoard.   his motion carried. The report follows:

                                   November 1, 1916.

     Pursuant to a motion which was passed at the last
meeting of the Executive Committee of the Doard of Trustees
of the University of kentucky, held on the 25th of October,
1916, to the effect that the resident :fthe University,
Judge Henry 5. Barker, and the Commandant of the Dadets,
Caitain John C. Fairfax,  .S. Infantry, would be requested
to report upon the proposed system of the iiatlonal Defense
Act. known as the officers* lieserve Training Corps. these
officials resnectfully report and recommend as follows:

     Under the so-called National Defense Act, which be-
came a law on June 3. of this year, urovision is made there-
in for the establishment of the Reserve Officers' Train-
ing Corps, the object of the latter being "to qun~lify,
by systematin arn! stanrdrrd methods of training, students
at civil educational institutions for reserve officers";
nrimarily, the lower grad-9 of officers in the reserve,
until the scheme shall have become Derfecte6.

     This university has it in its power to decide whether
or not it desires to maiht&in one or more units (comnanies)
of the R.O.T.C.  If It does, being an institution of
learning maintained under the so-called Morrell Act of
1862, the training, will be comnulsory for all male students
over fourteen years of age, whose bodily condition indicates
tha  they are Dhysically fit to perform military duty
under U.S. Army regulations, or, who will be so upon arri-
val at military age. If the University should decide not
to maintain any units of the R.O.T.C., things in the 1fi1-
itary Denartment would remain in statu quo, as the korrell
Act is not r oealed, simply enlarged by the National Defense

     In connection with the above, ,ranting that the Univer-
sity should come in under the N.D. cet, would be the pro-
vision for the housin6 of one of mope Army non-commissioned
officers as assistants to the Army officer on duty at the
University.  ehe Fovernnent will give these soldiers full