Mr. Crider ex,)ressed the same views as Mr. Coozer and
 insisted that in his judgment ani in judgment of his friends
 and neighbors, Doctor Uutchler's selection was the real so-
 lution of the problem of a successor to Doctor Kastle.

      The report of Dean F.P. Anderson. College of Mechanical
 and Electric,_1 3ngineering. containing a blue print of the
 enrbllment of all students in the various desartments of his
 work was read and the re-oort ordered scread upon the minutes
 as follows:

                                      November 14, 1916

 To the Executive Gommittee,
 University of Kentucky


      In accordance wtth your order I here-ith submit to you
 a monthly report relative to the College of Mechanical and
 ilectrical "ngineeringg

      The four technical societies, the Watt %ociety comaposed
 of seniors, the Edison-Joule Society commosed of juniors, the
 Westinghouse Society composed of sophomores, and "he newly
 organized Marconi Society composed of freshmen, have each
 planned some very interestin activities for the year. Each
 society meets twice every month and a calendar of npn-resi-
 dent lecturers has been arranged by each society.    his will
 give for the five reaaining months of the college year ten
 lectures, or forty that can be attnded by the students in
 the department. -Although each society conductG Its own pro-
 gram the othez classmen are cermitted to attend sach lectures
 as may be of special interest to iudividuals. Through the
 Bureau of Commercial Economics in Washington suite a "UZI er
 of these lecturers have been furntshed.  The iaihilcngton  ureau
 furnish the lecturers, and the moving picture films in a
 number of cases. without expense to the University.

     Notice has been received by the Deoprtment of two very
creditable scientific papers published by the General Slectric
Goapany written by Bryan hanklin, '11, apnroved by Charles P.
Steinmetz, who Is regarded by electric l engineers as the fore-
most electrical engineer living. Xr. Shanklin is one of Mr.
Stelnsaets's oer^onal assistants. We hpffe the best prepared
freshmen class in the history of the entire Department.
I am attaching herewith a blue print schedule which ahown the
classification of every man In the College of Mechanical. and
Electrical engineering. Kindly observe that there are only
three special or short course students. Ur. Edmonds. who was
in the short course list, has been given regular classification.
The balance of numbers is also gratifying, tacering uniformly
from the freshmen to the senior class.

     Evidently only those High 8chool graduates with an adequate
preapration for four years exacting training have matricul ted
In this department.

     The routine work of the department is being carried on with
great matisfa tion and it would be very gratifying to hav* the
memoers of the Executive Gommittee Inspect the