pay and allowances, but the W-r Denartment desires to
know if the University could Provide quarte-s. In the
case facing this institution, it is possible that one of
these soldiers would be married men who would want a four
or five room house; the other soldier could be Quartered
in a room in one of the dormitories, if such could be
snared; if not, the Dayment of rental would be involved.

      What the Federal government does for the student and
 vice versa will now be touched upon:

      The two lower classes, as now, will be required to
 drill, at least, three hoiurs ner week, after a nhysical
 examination as indicated sunra shall have eliminated the
 unfit.  after two years training shall have been completed,
 during which time each student undergoing training, will
 receive from the government one complete service uniform,
 including one nair of shoes, the uniform to last two years.

      After the comnletion of this time, any cadet woo has
 been selected for further military training by the   resi-
 dent of the University and the Co-nandant and who agrees,
 in writing, to take military training for the remainder
 of his course in the University, will be entitled, when
 not subsisted in kind, to the commutation of rations at
 the rate of, at present, thirty cents ner day; however,
 in addition the upner classmen would have to attu-ad at
 least one summer training cam-o on the order of those here-
 tofore .maintained at ?lattsburg, N.Y, and more if necess-
 ary up to thq time of his arrival at the age of twenty-
 one. For each cadet attending such camps, additional uni-
 form for field use will be issued.

     A distinctive insignia will be issued to the cadets
and worn by them and later on insignia for excellence in
training and target practice will be issued by the govern-
ment to such corps as may be entitled to same.

     "uhe president of the United States, alone, that is,
'(without the consent and advice of the Senate) IS hereby
authorised to ap-oint and commission as a temporary second
lieutenant of the deegular Army in time of neace for the
purpose of instruction, for a neriod not 6xceeding six
months, with the allowances no,. nrovided by law for that
grade, but with pay at the rate of $100.00 per month, any
reserve officer apnointed pursuant to sections 49 and 51
of this Act, and to attach him to a unit of the Regular
rmy for duty and training during the period covered by
his annointment as such temporary second Lieutenant, and
upon the expiration of such service with the Regular Army
auch officer shall revert to his stat 9 a- a reserve officer."

     'ieserve officers may be annointed by the President
of the U.S., alone, from asy graduate of the R.O.T.C. in
this University, who shall have taken the two camps and
the advanced training shown sunra, who is twenty-one years
of age, and who shall agree under oath, in writing, to
serve the U.S. in the canacity of a reserve officer during
the period of ton years, unless discharged by oroper