them we should return tiem to the Comnany, and i  that
becare necessar.r, it wouli . im-air ou. work very much.

      I wish ,he members of the Executive Committee would
visit our Department, that they might be more familiar
with the work we are doing.  I believe that a personal in-
spection would be of great value to them, and be much
appreciated by usc

                                  Res nectfully submitted,

                                  W. T. Lafferty, Dean.

     The report of Dean C. J. j'orwood of the Gollege of
Mines and Metallurgy was read and ordered spread upon the
minutes ad follows:

                                  November 14, 1916

 he Executive Gommittee,
 University of entucky.

 bent lemen:

     I have the honor to make the follwwing report for
the month of October:

     There is little of unusual consequence -o renort con-
cerning class-work and conduct of students. In subjects
taught in this building, our students are doing well, and
in the absence of reports to the wntrary from the Regis-
trar, I assume that bhis is also true of their class
work generally.   o far as 1 have been able to ascertain,
their conduct is good both on and off the Campus.   One
of them (E. V. Elder) was arrested on Hallowe' en, but,
as the president will doubtless inform you, the arrest
was without good reason.

     Elmer B. Jones, one of our Seniors, has done acre-
ditable thing in discovering an important error In   ent's
well kn.-,wn "Nechanical -ngineers" rocket -book.  he'error
occurs in a formula given gor so'ving certain problems
relating tp ventilation.   he correction has been acknow-
ledged by rofessor Kent in an appreciative letter to r.
Jones. '*

     William C. &yl, one of our Seniors, has been granted
a short leave of absence, in order that he might accept
an offer for his services as consulting engineer for some
Danville people interested in mineral properties near
Robbins, Tennessee.

     It may interest you to know that Kessack D. White
('11), a graduate of this %11ege, has recently closed
a yearly contract for his services with the olumbian
Syndicate, a strong Philadelphga organisation, at a salary
of $10,000 (U.S.) nerannum.  blr. 6hite, when here recent-ly
stated that he is glad that he obtainad his ttainihg'1in
this school.