In the first year ot` the student at the College ottenses will .
· count one-third less than in the above scale. The Faculty will `
- classify to suit this scale the oitenses ordinarily eonnnitted by
y students. At the end of every month tbr wliieh lQl1L‘ nmnber of
_J demerits recordedagainst any student is less than 10 the dilter-
 V ence between 10 and the number recorded shall be dedueted l`1·om
 = his aggregate record ot` demerit.
. G5. Any student whose reeord ot` demerit at the elose of a
‘ session shall amount to 100 tor tl1at session, shall, xpm _f?eef0, be
dismissed. _
Discipline and 1901102. ‘
G8. \Vhen a student has been reported tbr any grave mis- j
- demeanor requiring severe punishment, the Commandant shall
order his arrest, either directly or through the Adjutant.
_ ($9. ln case of violent disturbance, open contumaey, or other _
outrageous conduet on the part of a student, the otiieer ot` the t
  day, or any member of the Faculty present, may place the
 g ottender in arrest, and order him to his quarters. ln all such
  cases the arrest nmst be promptly reported to the Commandant,
 _ and by him to the President.
i 70. A student placed in arrest is in duty bound to obey
the orders ot the otlicer making the arrest, and the conditions .
· attached to it, on pain ot dismissal. Any student guilty ot`
breach ot arrest shall be dismissed.
T1. No student in arrest is allowed to exercise command,
but shall eontine himse`lt` to his quarters until released, unless
otherwise specially ordered, except when required to be absent
tor the pertorinanee of some ot` his aeademie or military duties, I
and except on a necessary occasion, and tbr meals. y
T2. No student in arrest will make a visit to the comn1and— '
ing or other oilicer unless sent tor. ln case ot` business he shall
make known his object in writing, and he shall not apply lor the
usual indulgenees granted to the students. ’
T3. Xe student will be released from arrest exeept by the t
President or by the Commandant. ·
T-1. A student placed in eonlinement tor punishmentshall  
be subject to the same regulations as a student in arrest; and a it
breach ot. continement, or a tailure to perform any extra duty I