. ]an. 6 Monday, 8:00 a.m.— Christmas holidays end.
. ]an. 20-24 Monday through Friday—Final examinations.
Jan. 24 Friday, 6:00 p.m.— End of First Semester.
Second Semester
Feb. 1 Saturday, 7:45 a.m.— Classification tests and physical exami-
nations for all new students.
Feb. 8,4 Monday, 8:00 a.m. through Tuesday, 4:00 p.m.— Registra-
tion and classification of all students according to an al-
phabetical schedule.
Feb. 5 \Nednesday—Class work begins.
Feb. 11 Tuesday—Last date one may enter an organized class for
the second semester.
Feb. 28-Mar. 1 Friday and Saturday—Period for filing applications for de-
March 10 Monday—Last date one may drop a course without a grade.
Apr. 4-8 Friday, 8:00 a.m. to Tuesday, 8:00 a.m.— Easter holidays.
May 24 Saturday—Alumni Day.
May 25 Sunday—Baccalaureate Services.
May 26 Monday—Ninety-first Annual Commencement.
May 27-31 Tuesday through Saturday—Final examinations.
May 31 Saturday—End of Second Semester.
]une 3-7 Tuesday through Saturday—4-H Club Week.
Summer Session, 1958
june 9 Monday—ClassiHcation tests and physical examinations for all
new students.
june 10 Tuesclay—8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.—— Registration and classifi-
cation of all students according to an alphabetical sched-
_Iune 11 \Vedncsday—Class work begins.
]une 14 Saturday—Last date one may enter an organized class for
the Summer Session.
june 21 Saturday-Last date one may drop a course without a grade.
july 4 Friday—Independence Day holiday.
August 1 Friday—Summer Session Commencement.
August 2 Saturday Noon—End of Summer Session.
Sept. 14 Sunday—Opening of Fall Semester of 1958-59.