First Semester
September 16-18 — Monday, 7:45 a.m. through \Vednesday, 5:00 p.m.— Classi-
fication tests. physical examinations, and advising of all new students.
September 19—Thursday, 8:00 to 11:00 a.m. — Registration and classification
of new Freshmen.
September 19-21 — Thursday, 1:30 p.m. through Saturday, 11:00 a.1n. — Regis-
tration and classification of all other students, according to the alphabetical
schedule below;
Thursday Afternoon Friday Forenoon
1:30-1 :55 — A through Bau 8:00- 8:25 — Da through Eiz
2:00-2:25 — Bav through Broz 8:30- 8:55 — Ej through Carr
2:30-2:55 — Brp through Clar 9:00- 9:25 — Cars through Hamb
3:00-3:25 — Clas through Cz 9:30- 9:55 — Hamc through Hogg
3:30-3:55 — Miscellaneous 10:00-10:25 — Hogh through ]og
A through Cz 10:30-10:55 — _Ioh through Laf
11:00-11:25 — Lag through Mars
11:30-11 :55 — Miscellaneous
A through Mars
Friday Afternoon Saturday Forenoon
1:30-1:55 — Mart through Mix 8:00- 8:25 — Sha through Suiz
2:00-2:25 — Mj through Oz 8:30- 8:55 — Sn through '1`homa
2:30-2:55 — Pa through Raz 9:00- 9:25 — Thonib through \\'atl<
3:00-3:25 — Rba through Sax 9:30- 9:55 — \Vatl through Z
3:30-3:55 -— Miscellaneous 10:00-10:30 — Miscellaneous
A through Sax A through Z
September 23 — Monday -— Class work begins.
September 28 — Saturday — Last date one may enter an organized class for the
First Semester.
Second Semester
l*`ebruary 1— Saturday, 7:45 —Classification tests and physical examina-
tions for all new students.
l·`ebruary 3, 4 — Monday, 8:00 a.m. through Tuesday, 4:00 p.1n. — ltegistration
and classification of all students according to the alphabetical schedule be-