Admission to Colleges ond The Graduate School
College of Arts and Sciences. Admission to this college is governed by
the general admission requirements of the University outlined on the preceding
College of Agriculture and Home Economics. Admission to this college
is governed by the general admission requirements of the University outlined
on the preceding pages.
College of Engineering. In addition to meeting the general requirements
for admission to the University, the applicant for admission to the freshman
class of the College of Engineering shall include in high school credits one
unit of plane geometry and one and one-half units of algebra. It is recom-
mended that the student offer one—half unit in solid geometry; otherwise this
subject will be added to the requirements of the freshman year.
Students whose scores on the University classihcation tests are in the lower
one-fourth or those lacking in the requirements for algebra may enter the Col-
lege of Engineering. The schedules of such students will be adjusted in ac-
cordance with their placement tests as directed by a special orientation com-
mittee of the College of Engineering and the Personnel Oflice.
College of Law. An applicant for admission to the College of Law must
be at least eighteen years of age and have had the standard high school course
that will satisfy the general requirements for admission to the University. In
addition, three years of college credit (90 semester hours, at least 6 of which
must be in English and not more than 9 of which may be in nontheory courses)
constitute the normal admission requirement. Any applicant who seeks to enter
should communicate well in advance with the Registrar's OH:ice in order that
the Registrar may evaluate the individuals credentials. An academic standing
of at least 2.3 or the equivalent for all pre-law college work is required. Ex-
ception to this rule may be made only upon compliance with the policies
described under “Admission of Regular Students” on page 121.
While there is no prescribed pre-law curriculum, other than as set forth
above, prospective law students are advised in their own interest to plan their
pre-law work so as to qualify for some academic degree in addition to the pro-
fessional degree of Bachelor of Laws. Thus, they should read the requirements
of the combined Arts-Law curriculum on page 55, and the combined Com-
merce-Law curriculum on page 147, as well as the description of these pro-
grams on page 124.
College of Education. Admission to this college is governed by the gen-
eral admission requirements of the University outlined on the preceding pages.
In order to transfer to the College of Education from another institution or
from another college of the University, a student must have a standing of 2.0
or higher.
College of Commerce. Requirements for admission to the College of Com-
merce as a freshman, or with advanced standing, or as a special student, are
the same as those outlined in the General Catalog of the University. Students
whose scores rank in the lower fourth on the University classification tests will
of the combined Arts-Law curriculum on page 55, and the combined Com-
be advised by a special committee of the College of Commerce and the Per-
sonnel Office.
College of Pharmacy. Admission to the pre-phannacy requirements of