mechanical engineering curriculum with emphasis on industrial engineering, a
curriculum in metallurgical engineering, and a curriculum in mining engi-
College of Law. In the College of Law the student may complete a six—
year program leading to the degree of Bachelor of Laws or he may complete a
six-year program leading (l) to the degrees of Bachelor of Science in Com-
merce and Bachelor of Laws, or (2) to the degrees of Bachelor of Arts and
Bachelor of Laws.
College of Education. The College of Education grants the Bachelor of
Arts in Education degree to students who major in education and select their
group work from art, biological sciences, business education, chemistry, English, vit
foreign languages, library science, mathematics, music, physical education, hi!
physics, social sciences, or education for teaching exceptional children. Stu- C0
dents who complete the curriculum for elementary teachers are also eligible ad
for the degree of Bachelor of Arts in Education.
College of Commerce. The programs of study in the College of Com- E;
merce include a general-business curriculum, an economics curriculum, a busi- pl.
ness-management curriculum, an industrial-administration curriculum, a mar- an
keting and advertising curriculum, a commerce-law curriculum, a secretarial
curriculum, accounting curriculum, banking and finance curriculum, and per- tm
sonnel management curriculum. The large amount of elective work allowed in kr
some of the curricula makes it possible to combine a business program with st,
other professional fields or with groups of liberal arts courses. py
College of Pharmacy. In the College of Pharmacy a four—year curriculum Nl
is offered, leading to the degree of Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy. ac
College of Medicine. The College of Medicine will offer a four year
curriculum leading to the degree of Doctor of Medicine. Post doctoral training d(
at the inteme and residency level will also be provided. Long range plans for  
the Medical Center include programs of instruction in dentistry, nursing, certain Isl
of the fields associated with medicine, and graduate programs in the basic Og
medical sciences.  
The College of Adult and Extension Education. This college makes avail- S<
able the instructional and research facilities of the University of Kentucky S<
through a variety of programs and services. These include extension classes, Pl
either credit or non-credit, taught in any community where suflicient interest S<
is assured. and home study courses on both the college and high school levels.
There is also a Northern Center at Covington which maintains a regular staif G,
and offers a full two-year curriculum. Graduate classes taught by University tl
faculty members arc offered at the Center by extension. Credit eamed through h_
the College of Adult and Extension Education may be applied toward degrees 0,
in the College in which the student is registered.
Graduate School. Graduate courses are available in all colleges and de- ai
partrnents. The degree of Doctor of Philosophy is offered with major work in az
the following departments: Agricultural Economics, Animal Industry, Bacteri- si
ology, Chemistry, Education, Economics, English, History, Mathematics, Phy- a.
sics, Psychology, Political Science, and in the combined fields of Sociology and le
Rural Sociology. Minor work may be carried in any department offering grad-
uate courses. Thc Doctor of Education and Doctor of Engineering degrees are
also offered. fl