leadership, and good citizenship; character through high standards of honor
and integrity, leadership through the acquisition and use of knowledge, good h
citizenship through the idea of service as the real measurement of accomplish- ${1
ment and success. Clin
Discipline of Body and Mind. The following characteristics of an oflicer Spa
and a gentleman will be insisted upon: Neamess in dress, the cultivation of the the
manners and habits of a gentleman, a digniHed and military bearing, devotion to t
to duty and consideration of others; the cultivation in the student body of
esprit de corps, obedience to orders, acceptance of responsibility, and avoid- Of I
ance of excuses. WO,
Uniform Equipment. Covemment UIllfOl'Il'lS and Bquipmétlf 8136 fumished kno
the University for issue to basic students without cost to the individual. Each hm
basic student is required to make a deposit of $25.00 with the Comptroller of ent.
the University to cover the cost of any lost or damaged articles. If no clothing gdg
is lost or damaged, the entire sum is refunded to the student when he com- spe
pletes the course or leaves school. scie
Advanced students will obtain uniforms through a commutation of uni- per
forms system. The University acts as the agent of the advanced course student
in whose behalf commutation of uniform is drawn, and purchases a uniform for
the advanced student with the allowance received. This uniform becomes the
property of the student only after fulfillment of the advanced course contract SiO]
and, as such, is his sole responsibility to maintain and keep. Advanced course V6!
students are required to deposit $25.00 with the Comptroller of the University ml]
prior to receipt of the Uniform. Refund of this deposit, during the period be-
tween academic years, is governed by the same rules as for the basic student. Ml
Subsistence. Advanced course ROTC enrollees receive an allowance of Sel
90 cents per day for subsistence in lieu of rations. mi
Basic Course. The military department offers a two years’ basic course th(
in military science and tactics. The basic course is required of all male fresh- ge;
men and sophomores who are citizens of the United States, and who conform ju]
to the physical requirements as prescribed by the Department of Defense for mz
units of the Reserve OfHcers’ Training Corps. Veterans with over ninety days' fu]
active military service are excused from the basic course, which fulfills the A;
university requirement for graduation. This does not, however, qualify the dg
student for the advanced course. im
The successful completion of the basic course is a prerequisite for grad-
uation in the University.
Advanced Course. The advanced course of two years, including a six- Fi
wceks summer encampment at the conclusion of the junior (M S III) year, SO.
is offered to students who have successfully completed the basic course, hs
and who have been recommended by the President of the University and N
the Professor of Military Science and Tactics for further training. Recom- Se
mendations for this course will be limited to those students who have mani- tu
fested special interest and demonstrated ability during the basic course, and ` H
who meet other standards, with a view to qualifying for a commission in the `
United States Army Reserve. An advanced course student, who makes and  
maintains a minimum graduation point standing of 2.5 and meets other stand- a
ards, may be designated a Distinguished Military Student which makes him 1 W
eligible to apply for a commission in the Regular Army. A Distinguished   Oi
Military Student may be designated a Distinguished Military Graduate upon I
his being awarded a baccalaureate degree, provided he continues to meet the   g(
required standards. 1