Fridciy, Jdnudry 6, 1988 8
Memoridl Coliseum, Lexingion, Ky., 7:30 p.m.
The Keniucky Lody KoTs hope lody luck will smile of The besT inside pldyers who ore very mobile ond
. upon Them in l989 os They open Souihedsiern Con- severdl ofTheirgudrds con score fromTheThree-poinT
ference ploy ogdinsi The highly-regorded Vdnderbili ronge.'
UniversiTy Lody Commodoresin whoT UK hopeswill be Keniucky, coming off on upseTTing 74-70 loss Gi
‘ iTs firsT win of The new yedr ond in conference iv‘lorehedd Tuesddy nighT,willfdce The Commodores
ploy. The gdme is dlso The SEC opener for Vdndy. wiTh d bdlonced oTTdck ThdT is led by gudrds Jodie
The Lody KoTs, picked To finish ldsT in The con- WhiToker(i2.9ppg)ond KrisTiCushenberry(l2.2 ppg).
ference in d preseoson poll of SEC codches,finished Forword Pom Shrum (l2.l ppg, 5.8 rpg) ond cenTer
The l988 sedson wiTh on 0-9 SEC record. VdnderbilT, Vonesso Fosfer-SuTTon (i0.3 pgg, 7.i rpg) ore UK’s
mednwhile, wds picked To finish si>”·i   T·4».    9;*;; iiii     Denion, d long-
her Teom will fdce dgdinsi Vondy. "VdnderbilT hos  Q     iT·`  T  rdnge bomber,
consisTenTIy hdd some of The besT TolenT ln The con-   .  Q i    i_y¢   pifches in T7.9
ferencef sold UK’s second-yedr cooch. "Wendy     poinTs for Cooch
Scholiens wds one of The besT pldyers ldsT yedr ond pm gmm gvgqggs T2] pgimfg Gnd Phil Lee’s sduod.
everybody on Their Teom con ploy. They hove some 5.8rebounds.
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