. A T H I ID I A ` ` ’ |
V ‘*·`·· ——1*•————Y-* -1*****1-¤i?*'? '* ;11-• g;q-;;.• t,__q i • an -1
Q \ W
· tI•·<·Iar+·tI hy an authority to he equal In          
eftlr·|en¤·y to any in the entire country.           Y M y S • S J
Frank was also leader of the first. (los-     8      
Thtrtoen msn schools have ogsnmed The election of officers for the com-
pel tt-nm over sent out hy thls Unl- _
vpnmy their intention of sending a team to "'K "°“°“ Y0" the U1"' b“k°t bm      
I the lnterscholastlc track and field mam WM hsld M0¤d¤Y ¤ft¤r¤<>¤¤ N
Few students have such a tllversifled ` 316 L • 9 B S
HM or honors M Frank hu} H8 in meet to be held on Stoll Held, May 12 · • `   8    
(`"mmm of um Senior cmu "cm- to 15 inclusive, undo, tho nnsnioos of Miss lalsle ll. Heller was chosen cap-
' ' the tmtvsmty. it ls believed that the mm ¤¤¤ Miss N¤¤¤v ¤¤¤·>¤. munuw-
tary and treasurer of the Strollers, a D l d S, t
me h r f the mop Club for three number of schools represented will be MW! Heller has bwn with me mam un up an c son
tn e o . ,
th- d d,l.I,d.ll •
yew., cnptaln of NBER football team ‘"**·‘*'***'*·**°' ‘°·*’°*"‘· "° "`“'” “" ““ ‘“' ""` "° ‘“'”‘ " Derbres and Soft Hare
· · The following have entered teams ln 8 Winn"'! $KK"°K*m°“ should be
in 'l2, student manager of the Univer- ‘ ‘ $3___$4__$5
the meet· Loulsvllle Manual Louis- turned °“t frvm Mw University-
slty cafeteria and a member of the ` '
pm Dena Them framrnny and Mystic ville Male, Lexington, Hardlnsburg, Other makes $2.00 up.
Thirteen qocmty Quite B HB, for one Erlanger, Maysville, (Jynthlana, Stan-      
mlm but Frank has nhgld down,. every ford, Somerset, Shelbyville, Hender-      
thing he has tried with grace and SO"' Paducah and L8 Gr°'n8°' lireathes there a man with hair so
abmty The tournament is open to all the dud Hart SCh¢Zff7`!€T 8 MGT!
· I
tteputlsp he had travelled over near- "‘““ “""°°"‘ °' “"’ 8***** ““" "‘ “"‘“‘ ro whom the barber hath never ¤¤i<1= Spring Suits and Top Coat;
_ tlon to the track meet, contests will be .. t 1
Zd;:°T:rf:;1:ft:;° cgzzizilgrankgfs held in publlc speaking, plano, voice D0 s:’;\:n:0:m B on C, massage or Q And other High'gTad€ Clothes
parents live ln Ohio but he calls Lex- and other branches °f high °°h°°l °n` 'Twlll make your hair grow as nothing $12-50 to $35 00
· O lngton his home now, State and the d°°'v°r‘ will do.' '
people here so appealing to htm that ' ° ' New Shirts, New Neckwear, New Collars and all the
he decided to make this his perma-     Barbers, from the Latin word "bar- other New Things for young men.
nent home. I-lis many friends here bar0us," have been found in all coun-
appreclate him and his intluence and d The molyglcm Club Miemblcd Fgltries since time began. They are the
ight n Science Hal to hear ..
are glad he has determined to stay. ay n men who get over you with a razor f •
IF. Farquhar, on Literature iniand make you agree to nu mon. no"_       CO.
|Sclence." Professor Farquhar ln his cies They know more about nn Boom]
  I ` ’
  Iaddmss showed Mw me m°st°rpi°°°° political and religious questions than
R   of literature are scientific in compost- has ever been written. ———- ———————-———-—————·—--—---————·;i..
tlon. The Magnus Opus of Milton and Dcmosthencs was n poor talker,
of Dante were pointed out as resting Socrates had no philosophy, and P rl O E N . X H O T E L
upon the Ptolmalc System of Astrono- nurkds arguments were a joke, whon
· · x my. In Sooth U18 n€ldB of BCIQDCB and we compare their qualities with those ;;·*.....;T...i:,:2;..:  :· ;·+:···  
fr ':°"““"° i“"° “° b‘i‘°“°K' °m":’ “‘“* of the average barber. Club BI'€8kf8StS fI‘0I11 ISC to 60€
` J" . ‘ °’ ‘"° ““°*""“ °· °"“° “g "' narbm new- have out mes.
A view of all the great scientists and when you go mw a barber shop they       to 55(Q
poets t()0k place   made the lec- try to Ben you, Over your protests, the LKZTTT TTl?'T?"Y*  
COLLAR ima *¤¢·=··¤¤¤¤¤- ¤¤¤¤¢ ¤¤¤ *¤¤t¤¤¢¤·lf(,...,wl,.g; A hair treatment, has The new Grill i• the mon beautiful room in Central Ken.
` "°· — ·· lr d ted 'thR k o0dP
¤_ug]··[pgAgQ¤Y&(1)_TR¤Y)|] slnge, electric brushing, manicuring, tuc Y, ECM'! Wl 00 W ottery.
  lshlne eye wash skin softener com- `
¥     plexion aider, talcum powder, face 4
‘   I`IS' I` OF "AG." SOCIETY mum wrinkle remover and many  
other things which they carry in t
Th° Agricultural Society met Mom stock. You are also expected to tlp ’
1.27-     day evening in the Agricultural Build` the cashier, the man who brushes your a n S      
GPS! 2 lng. Prof. T. R. Bryant did not take . _
I. ' coat and soils your collar, and the man SEE KAHN FOR FRESH SU 
_ part in the program as he was out of , _
HWY! 8 |·m· W 8 Wm- Phew 864 X who opens the door for you. The bar AT WHOLESALE PRICES
.... ¤<>w¤· H*· mk wm bs ¤*v¢¤ lm- ber tm, md., you .. cate of soap —~~ ————————~ —~~~»— E·—————
, ( C- L- M°"g“° "°“d °·“ *'“°'°“““g p“p°’ which can be detected at a distance or Supphes f0r Parties. Banq uets. Etc.
[     s °n Bsmgethmg $b°utd:F"m (Lats Ganz nine miles, smiles sweetly, Bild S¤Y¤» Phone 483 or 1690-y. Call for Solicitor
‘ ·— E tl. . ance a y scusse " oo ., .. ,
•   * call again. Thus for barbers.
‘ I - Roads", \loral· Ilse a bowl and scissors at ""°_`__""` `—_";`T
’     ` TIIG QUOBUOII of accepting the (;)hBl’ home-  
{ y L i g§~h;\ Ienge of the Law College to a de ate __M_ PISGAH
· / U ji ·.g' REXTQ ` Iwas brought up and it was deemed ad- _____,_•_______, J. J. Graddy Nick Ryan T. C. Br•dI•y Jn. T. Mccarty
F ' J` °` ' , ' ble to reject the proposition for p { ·· r gary is dglivgrin lectures
  j   ..\ visa ro esso g T T
\*\‘ to   ml? i` the present, The question may, how- to tho High School Students through.      
/     S S . ever. be reconsidered later- out nie Eastern portion or the state GRADDY-RYAN C0.
UACEPY SATURDAY ' ’L""°'°°”"""” this week His subject is "The Min- l¤°°rp°mt°d
_ _ Q   ta E-E EXPERIMENT STATION NO1-Es' mg I“d“s"y· jms “'°rk ls "` °°n` PATTERSON. RYAN G. McMARTY AND GRADDY A BRADLEY
  T Mv,mt¤1t39tMAtM>¥ Lt¤lN<.l0N.KY `*_ '" nection with the Extension Depart- Furnishings, Shoes, Clothing, Hats and Tailoring
l   -·-~- —··· ········ Prof. T. R. Bryant, of the Station, mont of the C0ugge_ Pho", ooo No W", Mlm ou",
  lwas in Harrison County the past week _____._
F Ionklri I F¤¢|¤h» Pr¤P¤‘|•*•¤‘• Ifurthering the alfalfa work in which Dr. Mackenzie was the speaker in  
l       his department is actively interested. chapel Wednesday, giving a very inter-
' An Alfalfa Club of sixteen members esting and instructive talk on "The
107 South L|m••t0n• 8tr••i ` . _ , . .   Mi. • •
q Oppouu th. Pmunlx Ho"' mock Iwas organized and plots varying from Ball of Senaccherib s Army. ss c    
L•xln¤t°n’ Ky_ Itwo to twenty acres selected on each Katherine Mitchell sang two beauti-
Fmu-_O|__A88 WORK OuAgAN1·;;¤‘of sixteen farms for the tests to beltul solos with Miss Frances Geisel as i Corner |.lm••¢¤n• and Wlnglqw,
  made. Soil samples were taken fromlnccompanist.
l •
Mm M, An., tn. gm. •• lem no, n has been me mmm no _____ Full Lme of STATIONERY and SUPPLIES
° ‘ M GURK’S ="“"“°“ ""““"‘ ‘° “°“' ‘*‘“"'“ °“ "°· ““’“"°'“ °' “‘° "“"°'“"’ ‘“°“"’ w~c»• COUNTER OPEN SEVEN one me N.¤,m_
C Rusing no limestone or nhosnhoros who are also members of the Board of
'* _ . . , _ ·_ ESPECIALLY ON SUNDAY.
when dl il wen md G00D_ Yields of 3 to 4 tons have been 0b_l(0IllIH€l`('€, inet last night in Methant  
tained under these circumstances, but IMI Hall to °n°°t “ gmup °rgamZau°n£ W, F,     C0,
Hot ch°°°l·t'• Cady wd l°“ those pushing the work believe thatland to take Steps to w°"k in m°r° Sym`;
  mo plots trontoo with umostono ono pathetic harmony with the spirit audi
DrO ]·   GOrd0niDh0BDh0TUB will show yields gf frqm 5 DUVDOSPS of U18 Board of (`OIIIIIIBFCO. 1 {••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
it DENTIST to 7 was per acm. Prof- (`· K M"l°h€"· Of the Moderug WCTC YOU at the P8!] HEUCIIIC DSIICQ DCC. IS?
• EONONJOULE SOCIETY Language Department, addressed the _
__i“i‘i°__....... “"“*°“"‘“"' ___ ,,,,,,,l.S and ,,,.m,..B ofthe Mt. smug if “°* y°“ *““° *‘°“'d “b°“* ‘*·
L ,00 T0 The Edis0n·Joule Society held a reg-itémded “ch°°|“ l““t week °“ the °°b` `_ _ _ _
d ]0hI\|’ Dri]: St0I‘€l¤l**' m¢*>U¤K Saturday morning KI jen Of ""E‘"°°v°'*" I“°mu°i°°° °t 1`lfty'hV€ of those €X(]UlSIt€ €0l`S8g‘€s were fur-
; Q N•xt to Put OffIo• Ewhich Professor Decker and Dean An. L¢*¤¤`¤i¤H- 1 nishod by us. Nuff  
A For   uons Shanna. swrderson gave heart talks to the men. . .
{ watt! cutie', ’Hp,s andyhgarsg A votnmittee of three was appointed S€I\I0l'S, order y0\%I° Capel
_____;_____   _ _ __ ·to arrange for a Freshman inspection 8lld GOWIIS Bt UHlVQYS\tyi   A.    
· ltrip to Cincinnati.   St0l'€. ·—C0l¥\II\ltt€€. `
4 0  
  • • , ° ,
j ... Kmkead Coal C°·i N0T.cE_ III! QHIOAED TEAI!IlE|l$' AGENCY n 123 East Sixth Street.
Allthflttité Bhd Bit\II\\il\0\l|l PROMPT-—l\ILlABLE··Il·`F|tIIENTi , •
I   'l‘he Masonic t‘lub will meet Tues- TM WW W TM B“t B°*““°"“ m l JEFF     U. Rt‘Dl`t‘S£‘I\t8tI\/Q Phone  
;   _ _ The Norm, wen and Mtutue wen t
l l*’“’· M“""‘ J"- “‘ MU *’· “'·· '“ “*° Atasar r. •»ncs•r,rn.¤.tu.•tc.> rm.
if ‘
4 P
° I