





Our beautiful
available for
ternity and
ority formals.
Other attractive
private dining
rooms for lunch- -

teas or


Founder's Day
banquets. Stu- dents organiza- tions are given
special consider- ation.



Campus Club
for the coming year were
a meeting of the Campus
elected at
club Wednesday night. In addition, one new office was created,
that of Director of Athletics, to
which Willllam Ferrell was elected.
New officers are: Perry Snyder,
president: Alexander Bruce, vice- president; Harry Varlle, secretary;
Max Dillon, treasurer; and Clyde
Adamson, sergeant-at-arm- s.
Retired officers are: Edward Du
val, president; Charles Fury,
Alexander Bruce, secretary; Perry Snyder, treasurer; and
Arthur Eyer, sergeant-at-arm- s.

Tho Wildcat thinllcs will meet
their second Southern Conference
test of the season Saturday when
they face- - the University of TennesAs Tennessee
see cinder artists.
was the only team to defeat the
Big Blue in dual competition last
year a great struggle Is expected,
and both teams won their meets last
week-en- d,
the Vols defeating
by the overwhelming score
of 83 H to 33.
The Volunteers have the best
track team ever to represent the
Knoxville institution duo to the
fact that the University of Tennessee has abolished baseball as a
collegiate sport, and every athlete
on the Vol campus Is out for the
track team.
Mindful of the defeat Imposed up
on them, by the Orange and White
last season the Wildcats arc anxious
to whip the boys from the hills of
But the chances are
highly probable that when the
return to their lair they
will carry the scalp of the Wildcats.
The Sprinfield demon, "Ship
wreck" Kelly, will again flash
against the Vols Saturday. The
blond Kentucky captain, who was
high point man In the Vandy meet
last week end, will enter the century, the 220, the broad Jump, and
will assume an additional burden
when he enters the 440. The Volunteers will remember "Shipwreck1'
from last year when he took first
place in the 100, 220, and 440. and
was second in the broad Jump. He
will also hurl the Javelin Saturday.
Led by such men as Clark, Cap
tain Corbett, Hickman and Haun
the Volunteers will put up a strong
fight. Especially In the field events
are the Tennesseans strong. Boasting of a shot putter, Hickman, who
is also well known to the 'Cats as
a football player. He threw the iron
ball 44 feet last Saturday to better
the Tennessee record by two feet
and is expected to do as much this
Saturday. Kentucky will send Seale
and Andrews out to stop him if

Captain Corbett of Tennessee has
lifted himself over the high bar 11
feet, 6 inches this season, while
Kentucky will offer Hubbell and
Porter or Turley. Hubbell vaulted
11 feet last Saturday against Van- derbllt, and the others have shown
Improvement In this department.
The 'Cats will miss
"Hoot" Gibson, who was hurt last
Wednesday when his pole broke
while he was In the air.
In the broad Jump Corbett the big
Tennessean, the only man ever to
defeat "Shipwreck" Kelly In a dual
meet, will again be on hand to
defeat the Springfield ace, the results of this event will be watched
with much interest as Kelly has
improved over last year.
"Scaly" Roberts and Fred McLane
back in form the Big Blue will give
the Tennessee high Jumpers, Green-bla- tt
and Hamlett, a tough time.
In the discus throw Kentucky
will present two stellar performers
in Tuttle, and Andrews who will be
opposed by Greenblatt. The javelin
throw should bring another victory
to Bud Cavana the Big Blue's field
ace. Undefeated this year, the big
boy should win handily.
The mile run should provide the
fans with many thrills as the entrants are about evenly matched.
'Jake" O'Bryant veteran Blue mller
and Haun. Tennessee, are apparently even In ability and the other

Dean C. W. Reeder
To Speak April 25

O. D.


It's all the rage



Junior Dean C. W. Reeder, of
the College of Commerce and Administration at the Ohio State University, will be the principal speaker
at a meeting at the Committee on
R. O. Stoll, Dean W. S. Taylor, Improvement of Teaching, at 1:30
Coach Bernie Shlvely, Kendall p. m., Saturday afternoon, April 25
Holmes, Horace Miner, Glenn Wle-ma- in McVey hall. The subject of his
Albert Kikel, Morton Walker, talk will be "Improvement of TeachKenneth Andrews, and Ben LeRoy. ing at Ohio State University." will
President Frank L. McVey
The officers of the fraternity are,
Carey Splcer, president; Ben Har- address the committee at 7 p. m.,
rison, vice president; and Howard Friday, April 24, In McVey hall.
Williams, secretary-treasure- r.
Ac The subject of his talk will be
tives include, L. G. "Floppy" For-que- r, "What Constitutes good Teaching."
Dean Reeder Is In charge of in
Gordan Finley. Rex Allison,
Stewart Augustus, Bill Young, Jim-m- le structional problems in the College
Chapman, Jack McGurk, Jake of Commerce ana Aamimsiraaon
at Ohio State University and is
Bronston, Bill Trott and Louis
familiar with what is being done in
other colleges in the matter of the
improvement of teaching,
, Afternoon Tea
Miss Artie Lee Taylor assisted bv State is outstanding in its attempts
the reading room staff will enter- to Improve college teaching and a
tain the library staff at tea at her program emphasis has been placed
home on South Limestone streeet upon the question relative to the
this afternoon from 3 until 5 o'clock. Improvement of teaching.


Lover, wife and husband
meet la a crowded sub
way train... iony muei
or same-imcu-

Tennessee man and Baker will fight
It out for the place money.
Conditions are the same In the
half mile as in the mile, the boys
being clocked In about the same
time. O'Bryant and Saunders of
(he local squad and Crane of Tennessee are entered in the event.
Burress, star Wildcat
will be extended to the limit to win
his event as Goddard and Fitzgerald, the Orange and White
are speedy, Goddard going
the route in 10:31
while the
best time the Kentucklan has made
has been 10:40 and
Corbett of Tennessee, Shipley and
Emmerich, Jof Kentucky, will be
evenly matched In the high hurdles
for 120 yards. The best time for
Corbett is 16.6 seconds, and Emmerich and Shipley have been clocked
In 16.5 seconds.
Williams and Wicmann of the
Bluegrass Institution and Clark, the
slight blond from Tennessee, will
stage a fierce dash for honors in
the 220 low hurdles.
Kelly and Foster or Mllllken will
do the gruelling 440 yard dash for
Kentucky, while Tennessee will offer Crane who went the distance In
5214 last Saturday.
With "Shipwreck" Kelly back in
form there should be little difficulty
for the Blue in winning the 220.
Clark will be the only threat the
lennessee vols can offer to the
Kentucky phantom.
The hundred yard dash will be a
feature event of the day, with Shipwreck Kelly facing stiff opposition
from his own team mate John
Heber, who has done the route In
10 seconds.
Tennessee's little dash
man can hardly hope to cope with
these great Kentucky sprinters.
The track meet last Saturday was
best attended meet In years at jthe
university, and a large crowd Is
expected to attend the Wildcat-Voluntefracas Saturday


Students of the University of
Pittsburgh have been charged with
"profiteering" in the operation of
the cafeteria. One of the chief items
listed was prunes. The prunes, for
which there is a great demand
among the students, is 1,100 per
cent. The prunes are bought for
8 cents a pound, which makes 13
ten-cedishes, or a total of $1.30.

This should Interest the
Princeton a men's dancing
chorus of 32 members has been
organized. The director says that
the public in general is tired of
Women's choruses and thinks that
there Is a big future in choruses
composed of men. What does the
director think the
(to say nothing of the college stu
dents) secure all the front seats at
musical reviews. But then the little
damsels, old maids and possibly the
married women who would flock to
the front sections might pay.


The next epochal achievement of
medical science was predicted by
Dr. Morris Flshbeln, editor of the
Journal of the American Medical
association, will be birth control by
vaccination. Dr. Flshbeln had Just
Co-eat Purdue are really ener finished the translation of reports
per cent of the concerning sensational experiments
getic. Twenty-nin- e
girls enrolled in the school of home of Russian women. Dairy Trojan.
economics last year earned part of
their expenses and at the same The Junior Prom Committee of
time carried the regular schedule University of Denver was charged
of work.
with libel when one of the members
Dean Everett Lord of Boston Uni was alleged to be purchased $260
versity says that due to the increas- worth of prom favors without aued capacity of a college graduate a thorization.
It was not genuine,
college degree is worth $72,000. How however, but merely a publicity
Important a graduate should feel stunt. A very clever stunt.
and doesn't.
No novelty Wlfey: "There's an
Vale filiimniis believes that a. old clothes man at the door."
Hubby: "Tell him I've got all I
New York branch of the university
at tne notei uuunore wouia oe a need."

We serve hot chicken, croquettes, soups, chilli, delicious
salads and dainty sandwiches. Unusually fine
home-mad- e
pies and cakes


Benton's Sweet Shoppe

Contest Reveals
That Girlsj Are
Better Sleepers


Hamilton, N. Y, (NSFA) Girls
are far better sleepers than men,
according to Dr. Donald Laird,
"expert" on the subject of sleep and
professor of psychology at Colgate
University, where a recent sleep
survey was held.
An Intercollegiate good sleep contest was held between the men at
Colgate and the women at Skidmore

Resulting figures showed that
girls have less trouble going to sleep,
wake up fewer times during the
night, are less restless, and have
fewer dreams.
In addition, fewer girls have to
be called twice In the morning and
in general feel more peppy and less
grouchy and are less foggy mentally
In the morning.
Prof. Laird attributes this to
the theory that members of the
feminine sex are neither as active
physically or mentally as men.
"Only four hours may be sufficient to recuperate physically." he
maintains, "but mentally may need
eight hours more to be completely

French Club Will Be
Guests of Patroness

Have Luncheon
at our

Margaret Horsfield, patroness of Le Cercle Francals, will
entertain the club with an informal
party Monday afternoon at 3
at her home in Warren
court. This will take the place of
the annual banquet given by the
French club.
At this time Misses Eleanor Dawn,
son, Nelle Mahan. Dorothy
and Susan Jane Turner will
be pledged to Fleur de Lis, honorary
French organization, for their out
standing work in the French club
this year. Misses Nelle Mahan and
Mary Elizabeth Price will be in
charge of the program, which will
consist of playing bridge In French.


A sandwich, a soda and a walk Is a health tip

that is guaranteed to work,
light foods are healthful and prevent that afternoon drowsiness that comes from over eating.
For luncheon today, or any other time stop at
our modern fountain and try a sandwuh,
salad or any of our delicious fountain foods.

Consolidated Drug Stores

Sara (Watching love scene In
Why don't you make love
to me that way?
Frank Say, do you know the
salary he gets for doing that?
The Proper Odds
David R. What'll we do tonight? PHOENIX STORE
Chuck Randall We'll spin a coin.
If its heads we go to the movies; 100 E. Main St.
If it's tails we go to the dance
and if it stands on edge we'll study.



,101 W. Main





201 E. Main St.




Caught in his own
death trap!


A class at the University of California had the audacity ta order a
supply of Eskimo p4cs from a drug
store and tell them to eharge them
to the dean of the schooL
Is an Ideal way to flunk out to
say nothing of the numerous ways
already known.

Track Men Here Saturday XchangeS

K. Banquet
The banquet and initiation of
Omlcron Delta Kappa, national
honorary men's campus leadership
Thursday night
Lafayette I fraternity, was held Lafayette Judge
at o'clock at the
The new Initiates include


solution for the
prevalent in Eastern universities.

Tennessee Meets Varsity


Miss Baroness Payne, Covington,
has been visiting Miss Lucille Cook.
Misses Elolse
Dickinson, Eliza-so- n,
Elizabeth Graham, and Winona suit, Covington, spent last
week-en- d
at the Delta Zeta house.
Misses Kay Kennedy and Elizabeth Ann Ewlng have gone to Ann
Arbor, Mich., to attend the annual
convention of the Women's Student
Government Association. Miss KenUIT V BiBllIU
nedy is the retiring president, and
Miss Ewlng Is the newly elected
one. They will return Sunday.
Miss Dorothy Blatz, Louisville;
Miss Louise Wendt. and Mrs. Glenn
Roberts, Newport, will be guests at
If your nose Is close to the grind- cil, presided as toastmlstress and the Alpha XI Delta house to atcalled on the following for toasts, tend the
stone rough
Founders' Day banquet of
And you hold It down there long Nell Montgomery, freshman class; the sorority on Saturday evening.
Ruth Wehle, sophomore class; Eleyou 11 say there's no such anor Smith, Junior class; and Mary
In tine
Virginia Halley, senior class.
President McVey was the princiAs brooks that babble and birds
pal speaker at the banquet. Kay
that sing.
Themarriage of Miss Dora Kath- These three will all your world Kennedy, president of W. 8. O. A.
presented the award of $100 to the erlne Hill and Mr. John S. Baugh- compose
Just you, the stone, and your darned outstanding Junior woman of the man was announced Saturday, April
Mr. and Mrs. Baughman
campus, to Elisabeth Ann Swing, 18th.
old nose.
The Alpha Gamma are both from Stanford, Kentucky.
Life Associated News
Baughman attended Hamll- Mrs.
Delta cup was presented by Margaret Cundlff to Alice Lang, Lex- man Is a student of the University
ington, for the outstanding fresh- of Kentucky from which he will
graduate in June. He is a member
FrMay, AbtH 24:
man woman on the campus.
The new Y. W. C. A. officers an- of Kappa Alpha, social fraternity.
Art Exhibit In the Art Center.
Tau Beta PI formal dance in gym- nounced at the meeting are, Eleanor
Smith, Lexington, president; EleanPhi Upsllon O micron
nasium from 9 to 12 o'clock.
Mrs. Nell Lconln, Morgantown,
Law School Banquet, 6:30 o'clock, or Dawson, Louisville,
Louisville, W. Va., district councillor of Phi
Lafayette hotel.
Martha Carlton,
secretary; Mary Allison Threlkeld, Upsllon Omlcron, the guest of the
Satarday, April 25:
Traek meet with University of Morganfleld, treasurer.
local chapter this week-en- d
Guests of honor at the banquet national inspecting officer. During
Tennis match with the University
were Pres. and Mrs. Frank L. Mc- her visit the pledges of the sorority
of Cincinnati there.
Tennessee, 2:30 o'clock at Stoll field. Vey, Dean .Sarah Blandlng, Mrs. which were announced at the W. A.
Kappa Delta benefit bridge, 3 o'- P. K. Holmes, Miss Laura Gill C. banquet will be Initiated Friday.
clock and 8 at the chapter house. Hoffman.
Following the Initiation services,
Erlckson, honorary
Kappa Alpha house dance, 9 to 12
Miss Statle
member of Iota chapter, will enterSigma DeKa Chi Fledges
Alpha Gamma Rho, informal
Sigma Delta Chi, honorary Journ- tain with an Informal buffet supper
dance, 9 to 12 o'clock In the Gold alistic fraternity,
announces the at her home.
Saturday, the Home Economics
room of the Lafayette hotel.
of Lawrence Herron, Covat8:15 pledging Keith Hemphill, Lexington; faculty will be invited to meet Mrs.
Sigma Pi Sigma dinner
o'clock in the colonial room of the Edgar Turley, Owensboro; John Leonin at a luncheon to be given
Lafayette hotel
Commons. In
Watts, North Judson, Ind., and Gil- at the University motor
Saaday, AprH 26:
drive has
Kingsbury, Lexington, and Wil- the afternoon a
Vespers at 4 o'clock at Memorial bert Luther.
been planned In her honor. Followliam
ing the drive the spring Initiation
Faculty club tea, at 5 o'clock in
banquet will be held at the Phoenix
Afternoon Tea
McVey hall.
hotel. A number of out of town
Wednesday afternoon, President alumnae are expected to attend.
and Mrs. Frank L. McVey were at
W. A. C. Baaaaei
The Woman's Administrative home to the students and faculty
Initiation and Banquet
Council banquet was held Tuesday from 4 until 6 o'clock at Maxwell
Eta Sigma Phi, national honor
evening at 6:30 o'clock in the ball Place. Quantities of spring flowers ary, classical rraternity gave a
room of the Phoenix hotel. Qeorg-ett- a were arranged attractively through formal banquet last Saturday eveWalker, president of the coun the house.
ning in the Iris room of the Phoe
nix hotel.
The decorations were La Gold
basket filled with irises, and lighted candes carried out the fraternity
colors of purple and gold.
The following program was pre
Welcome Miss Elizabeth Collins,
Introductions Miss Collins.
Solo Miss Helen Connell.
A Talk Dr. T. T. Jones.
fraPiano Solo Miss Mary Esther
sor- Address, "Rome" Rev. Robert L.
Farewell Miss Elizabeth Collins.
The banquet
1 tion of Misses followed by the lnia- Katherine Walker,
Margaret Rowbotham and Jean-nett- e




Friday, April 24, 1931




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