Agricultural Adjustment Administration, Lexington 8
47. SUMMARY SHEETS, 1955 - 1956. Form ECR 9, summarizing statis-
tical data from reports of production of farms. These sheets are also
used in connection with application for payments; copies are prepared
in county office, one copy forwarded to state office, one retained by
county office. Filed alphabetically. (Daily, official.) 5 x 5 loose-
leaf books, 50 ft., on shelves. R. 115. (2555)
48. TECHNICAL SERIES, TOBACCO, 1955 - 1954. Correspondence from
supervisor of adjustment contracts to county agents pertaining to re-
quests for appraisals. Appraisals are made by persons authorized. Fil-
ed numerically. (Frequently, official.) 6i-x 10 folders, 2 ft., on
wooden shelves. Vault. (2595)
49. TOBACCO CONTRACTS, 1955 - 1956. Tobacco contracts showing
names and addresses of each producer, complete data on each farm and the
base acreage alloted to producer. Filed alphabetically by counties.
(Never.) 9 x 12 folders, 250 ft., in wooden boxes. Basement. (2829)
50. WHEAT FORMS, CCS WASHINGTON, 1955 - 1956. Circular letters and
forms on wheat production and compliance in completing and listing 1956
applications for wheat contracts. Filed alphabetically. (Daily, offi-
cial.) 8 x 10%-folders, 4 ft., in filing case. R. 115. (2505)
51. AAA GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE, 1954 - 1956. Supervisors correspond-
ence of adjustment contracts, to county agents pertaining to old AAA pro-
gram. Filed alphabetically. (Never.) 9g-x 12 folders, 20 ft., in fil-
ing eases. Vault. (2575)
52. AAA RECORDS, 1954. Correspondence, corn—hog referendums; T 161
summary, miscellaneous articles, maps, adjustments in base A and base
productions and reports on ACP letters. Filed alphabetically. (Infre-
quently, official.) 92 x 12 folders, 6 ft., in filing case. Basement.
county agents; also statements of administrative expenses incurred month-
ly by each eounty; Form 1025, receipts, code, sheet number, amount, and
signature of producers. Filed alphabetically. (Frequently, official.)
9%-x 12 folders, 12 ft., in filing case. R. 115. (2562)
54. BUDGET EXFEESE, 1954. Form 1027, administrative expenses allot-
ed to wheat control association for a period of one year. Each county is
alloted the yearly administrative expenses. Filed alphabetically. (Fre-
quently, official.) 10 x 12 folders, 2 ft., in filing case. R. 115.
55. COHPLIANCE CORRESPONDENCE, 1954 - 1956. Burley T 190, Fire-
cured T 191, Air—cured T 192, and correspondence with Washington. (Daily,
official.) 9 x 12 folders, 10 ft., in metal filing cases. R. 115. (2495)
56. COXPLIANCE-TRAUSKITTALS, 1954 — 1955. Compliance and trans-
mittal forms of tobacco contract procedures relating to all producers and
interested parties. Filed alphabetically. (Frequently, official.) 8 x
10% folders, 4 ft., in filing case. R. 115. (2500)