Agricultural Adjustment Administration, Lexington 9
57. CORRESPONDENCE, 1954. Copies of AC letters from supervisor
of adjustment contracts to county agents pertaining to certain 1954 A
second adjustment payments. Filed numerically. (Never.) 8 x 1O fold-
ers, 2 ft., on shelf. Vault. (2598)
correspondence from principal field officer to county agent and super-
visors; marketing cards for 1954 - 1955, burley tobacco crop. Filed
alphabetically, by counties. (Frequently, official.) 1O x 12 folders,
4 ft., in filing case. R. 115. (2485)
59. CONTRACTS APPROVED, 1954 - 1956. Form CRT 205-55, schedule of
contracts approved, state and county serial number, name, type, option
code, base acreage, rented acreage, gross and net 1955 rental payments.
Form CRT 205B schedule marketing cards approved for second adjustment.
Filed alphabetically. (Never.) 12 x 18 folders, 15 ft., on metal
shelves. vauie. (2575)
60. CONTRACT CORRESPONDENCE, 1954 - 1956. Correspondence pertain-
ing to tobacco contracts, to and from county, state and Washin ton as to
procedure to be followed. Filed alphabetically by counties. (Frequent-
ly, official.) 8 x lO folders, 52 ft., in filing cases. R. 115. (2497)
61. COTTON, 1954 — 1956. Form lOl, check sheets and correspondence
of executives in which cotton program for 1956 - 1957 was discussed; also
mimeographed literature on cotton. Filed alphabetically. (Frequently,
official.) 9 x 12 folders, 2 ft., in filing case. R. 115. (2551)
62. FIRST CERTIFICATION ON COMPLIANCE, 1954. Form T102, first certi-
fication of compliance for burley tobacco. Filed alphabetically. (In-
frequently, official.) 9 x 12 folders, 2 ft., on shelf. Vault. (2821)
65. KENTUCKY AC CIRCULAR LETTERS, 1954 - 1955. Circular letters
which deal with the procedure of tobacco contracts; letters also contain
specific instructions to the county agents and supervisors. Filed alpha-
betically. (Frequently, official.) lO x 12 folders, 4 ft., in filing
case. R. 115. (2489)
64. KENTUCKY TOBACCO FORMS, 1954 — 1955. Form Tobacco 5, serial
numbers, county, name of producer, base acreage, base poundage and type
of tobacco grown. Filed alphabetically. (Frequently, official.) 8 x
14 and 9 x 12 leaves and folders, 17 ft., on shelves. Vault. (2599,
65. LETTERS CONCERNING CLAIMS, 1954 - 1956. Correspondence on 1954
rentals and first adjustments, correspondence about claims that have been
submitted, but not approved; circular letters and letters from county
agents concerning first adjustment payments and carbon copies of replies
by supervisor of adjustment contracts. Filed alphabetically. (Frequent-
ly, official.) 9%·x 12 folders, 2 ft., in filing case. R. 115. (2558)
66. LIST OF OFFICERS, 1954 - 1956. List of officers under ACT in
Kentucky; includes all counties and official positions. Filed alpha-
betically. (Frequently, official.) 9;-x 12 folders, 2 ft., in filing
case. R. 115. (2572)