i` graduate courses. However, such admission does not obligate the
_1 University to accept all credit granted by the undergraduate school.
_ When full credit is not granted, the student will be required to do
E more than the normal amount of work to complete a graduate de-
;. gree. Applications from graduates of institutions not fully accred-
i . ited will be individually evaluated. However, a student from such
 · a school is encouraged to secure a bache1or’s degree from a fully
i . accredited institution before applying. .
3 Courses numbered 1 to 99, inclusive, may be taken for credit
Y only by undergraduate students. Courses numbered 100 to 199, !
inclusive, may be taken for credit by juniors, seniors, and graduate ,
students, provided that a course so numbered may carry graduate
j credit only with the approval of the student’s graduate committee.
Courses numbered 200 or above are open only to graduate students.
A The normal load for the summer quarter is from 16 to 18
. quarter hours, and for one term of the quarter, eight or nine hours.
For 1946 the fee for all resident students, except those en-
rolled in the Law School, will be $37.50 for the full summer quar-
ter, and $24.25 for either term. For non-resident students the cor-
` responding fees will be $57.50 and $29.25. For resident students
enrolled in the College of Law, the fee for the full summer quarter
_ will be $40.50 and for either term $26.25. The corresponding fees
A for non-resident students will be $60.50 and $31.25.
Part-time students will pay according to the number of quarter
g, hours carried, except that the full-time fee will be paid in all cases
 Q when the student load for one term equals or exceeds six quarter
 j' hours.
2. Students attending for the full quarter must register at the
 Z beginning of each term, paying the term fee for the first term
_‘ and the balance of the full-quarter fee for the second term.
  During the first week after the opening of either term of the
  Summer Quarter, students withdrawing from the University may
 E receive a refund on the amount paid in fees, not to exceed 70 per
  cent of all fees paid. During the second week a refund of 50 per
  cent may be secured, and during the third week a refund of 30 per ,
gif; cent. In no case shall the amount refunded exceed 70 per cent and
  . in no case will refunds be made after the first three weeks.
Qi, .