j 2. Teaching Fields  
J ’ Two majors (36+36) .......................................... 72 i
2 or 1
3 One major, two minors (36+24+24) ............ 84  
· or
V An Area of Concentration ................................ 72
A 3. Professional Prepa.ration*
Education 35 ........................................................ 4
Education 16 or 122 ............................................ 5
_ Education 101 ...................................................... 5
t Education 105 ...................................................... 4
Directed Teaching ................................................ 9
l 4. Core Curriculum 40
At least forty quarter hours must be sub-
· mitted from the iields listed below. No candi-
date may present fewer than three nor more
than four fields, nor fewer than eight quarter
hours in any Held; nor may any candidate
select under the core curriculum any field
which he uses as a major or minor.
- Fine Arts Philosophy and Psychology
Science Foreign Languages
Social Science Vocational Subjects
Mathematics Health, Physical Education,
and Safety
( V General Requirements for Students in the Field of Elementary
, Quarter Hours
-` 1. English ........................................................................ 16
a. Oral and Written Composition
 . V b. History of English Literature
'jv 2. Science ........................................................................ 16
" a. Heredity
.'·` b. Electives
-; 3. Social Sciences .......................................................... 36
 V 4 a. History-American and Kentucky
 `· b. Political Science
gl c. Sociology
  ‘ cl. Geography
  ’ 4, Fine Arts .................................................................... 12
 `gi a. Public School Art
  b. Elective in Art
  . c. Public School Music ·
  * Physical Education, Music, and Art Majors should substitute Educa-
 :» tion 16, and Education C44 for Education 35 and Education 122. Business
 2. Education Majors should substitute Education 104 and Education 158:1, b .
  for Education 101 and Education 105.
It .
` ( .