2. To consider the finances of the University and to consider the report of

the expert accountant which will then be made to the Board.

     3. To consider and act upon recommendations of the Executive Committee and


     4. For the purpose of re-organizing the University, including all departments,

courses of study, fees, charges, tuition, transportation of students, appointments and

all other matters incident thereto, and for the further purpose of considering whether

or. no the Model School shall be discontinued as a department of the University.

                                            (Signed)  H. S. Barker
                                                       C. B. Nichols
                                                       R. C. Stoll
                                                         by W. T. Lafferty.

     Mlotion made by Tr. Brown that the meeting proceed at once to business, in

accordance with the call as issued by the Secretary and just read.  Seconded and

carried unanimously.

     Governor MeCreary then read the first paragraph of the call, which is as


    Ill. For the purpose of considering, and acting upon the recommendation of the

Committee appointed by the Legislature to investigate the affairs of the University,

and to consider, act upon, reaffirm or repeal the order of the Board of Trustees made

December 14, 1909, prescribing the conditions of the resignation and retirement of

Tames K. Patterson as President of the UTniversity.I?

     President Barker offered a resolution that the contract made on December 14,

1909 by the Board of Trustees with Ex-President Patterson be set aside and held for


     Br. Davies seconded this resolution, with the statement that an effort was being

made to harmonize and adjust the discordant elements in the University, and expressed

the belief that a compromise could be brought about, if action on this matter could

be deferred a few hours.

.1.  kDril 12, 1912