l J
é Gradugtg Pyggyams Leading tO the 603 Constitutional and Legal Basis of Public
School Administration (3) II 9
* i Education Specialist and A study oi cou; decisions to discover the legal principles involved
» · in pmctica pro ems of school administration. Prereq: Admission to
E     D1'0gl'¤m in Administration and Supervision.
k V For information concerning thc Educzitnon Spccmhst 60-} School Buzldzngs and Equzpment. (3)
, dcgl-Cc, the dggl-gg Of Doctor Of Philosophy with Cdu_ Nicnsmircmcnt g1n<5d·evalu§ti0n of existinglschool building facilities,
· _ I . . _ p anmng new ui mgs, etermining suitab e equipment, and {inn ` g
; L_ CAUOH ZIS 21 1D2l]OI`, Ol' HIC d€g1'CC Of DOCtOI' of Edl1C2lt1OIl, tim building program. Prereq: Admission to program in Admin?;;·?1-
ig students should consult thc Dczm of thc Graduate "°“ ““d S“”"""$‘°“·
  ichoénllfuid t;1€&EOOI'$llll€ltOf 0f Graduate Studies in 608 Intgmship in Educational
L ~· 4 . . . . .
_ E tlc O CSC O UCQUOU- Admzmstratzon and Superwszon. (3) I, II, S
‘ g` Field experiences are provided for prospective administrators under
  thc cooperative supervision of University personnel and principals,
` {Q supervisors, and superintendents in Kentucky public school systems.
`   (May be repeated once to a maximum of 6 credits.) Prereq: Ad-
    iy, mission to program in Administration and Supervision.
{ —i   628 F1eld Studzes 111 Lducatwnal
J   Administration and Supervision (3) I II
" -· FACUL'1‘Y gtgigy and evaluagon sf the majorhareas of school operation in actual
e situations. mp nsis upon t e synthesis of knowledge through
· ` .' . . . . . surveying, evaluating and developing recommendations for the im-
T           PTOVCITIBDY of HIE school Op€l'L`\ti0l'l. Pl’€l’€(]2 CDHS9Dt of il'lStY\1CtOT.
Y Professors 679 The Princi ”
- pal. (J) I, S
, Fred Edmgnds   Kentucky,   An aralysis of the bugding lunit lis a subiyste;1 within cihlargir
‘ . COIHI) €X OX'g8l'llZ8tlOD. ])€Ci£1 Cmp asis Ol"! { E C EIDQCS in t G TOE
l LYITIHH   G1Ilg€1'   K€HtUCkY,   of the principal as a result of changes in society and in the schools.
’ Jaynes BCI-ljmuin Killchcloc P]l_D_’ Peabody,   Prereq: Admission to Department program or consent of instructor.
’ _ {ip]? Ixolgcrt Oglctrcc Ph gd‘1§I‘* ({1°l“‘“b“» {956 633 Administration and Supervision of
y ‘ au tmct ‘ ‘* Ort Wcstcmi 947 Instructional Programs. (3)
- A study of the role of organizational leadership in the development
V ASSlSt(1TLt PTOf€SSOTS of instructional goals, instructional programs, evaluation procedures
G€0l”gC NILICICICH Ed_D_, Illinois, 1968 and the procedures for educntiorml ¤}m¤gEs_
g i Roy Nzssfrvm, Ir. MA, C=·iif¤r¤i¤, 1964 6;4 Administration of Educauomz Personnel. (2)
Consideration of the motivation and management of educational
_ _ _ _ _ personnel with special emphasis on the professional in complex
. Thc DCp2lIt1l1CHt of Adl]11l11Stl`2liZlOl`l zllld SLlpCIV1S1OIl ¤1‘g¤¤iZ=¤ii0¤S- Attention is given to the theory and practice of
  - · · · Il'*b.  ‘ ‘.
5 sccks t0 improve thc quality 0f American cducation °° e°u`° "g`"“"g In ed"°°t'°"
{3  through improved training and COHIPGYCHCC of 1tS 635 Business Administration and Finance 0f
>i - zld1H11’11$t1';ltOIs. The dCpz1Itm€11t 1S ]_)2l1't1ClllLlI'l}’ mllldfui Public Education (3) II S
'=  . . . 7
if  Of its Obl]g;]t10]] {O Supply [hc nccds Of [hg State of A course for prospective superintendents. Emphasizes school support,
,  _ · _ · · · · · · including state, local, und federal revenues; budgetary policy; pro-
`                  CGKIUYCS fOl’ plll’Ch1\Sil"|g, £`lCCGl\I`ltillg, and I`€p0l’tiIlg costs; l`|`I£ll'l{lg€I`H0l`I{
  Schools and In H val-lcty Of Cducatloyml ag€nC1CS_ The of lfundg, propsrty, equipment, amd supplies; payroll procedures, rec-
5  . OTLS {H1 I'(’pOl' S.
  dcpartmcnt also sccks to improve thc Held 0f educa-
I»—  tional administration through thc rcscarch and othcr 639 The Supervisor. (3) II, S
F;  activities Of its luclnbcrs and bv supplying top quality A·siudy.0f the role .0f {he supervisor of instruction as part of ad-
` *  . , l. , HUnlSt\’2`ltlV€ lC£\d€YShlp IH l|'“[)l'OV1\'1g il]Stl'1l(Iti0Tl€ll p1’Ogl'8I`I1S  
  PT0fC550TS of educational HdlUlYU$tl`?lt]OU· special emphasis on in-service education of sta}?. Prereq: Admission
ii  to program or consent of instructor.
]_  C D _ t, 768 Rcszdence Credzt for the Master’s Degree.
‘~  O'LH°S€ €SC7"l IOTIS
.  p b d O (0) L U, S
 Q _ _ _ _ I May 0 repentc oncc. ( nc to six credits equivalence.) Stuff.
··  SO2 'I he Ad77`Ll711StT(1t1071 0f Pupil Personnel. (3) S
·  Administrative problems relating to child accounting, including school   1{eSidence Credit for the Doctoral Degree
2  census, attendance records and reports, social and economic factors '
Iv  affecting school attendance, and duties and responsibilities of school   I, II, S
E "“d “0“'$ch00l Personnel and agencies- May be repeated indcHnitcly. (One to 12 credits cquivulvncc.) Staff.
, SO] Admmxstvjatzim 0fILducat1011al Orgar112c1t10i1$.   771 Seminar In Administration. (3) II, S
I adxggirof gw iusmncal g]°v°1°pT.€n:.°f €(%u?;:l°;*?l ,:11511 @*25:230;;; A critical study of selected problems in school administration. The
§ .. aw. D Ocessesk 6 HPPICRIOH ° B0 y ‘ coursc is designed primarily for students who have had some nd-
decision m·1km nd n trod t t m dem mmm emcnt methods
§ 1. d t ‘ d g 9 a m u° Km ° 0 ‘g ministrntive experience. Prereq: Admission to program in Administra-
é app le 0 e ucmmm tion amd Supervision. (May be repented cncc to :1 maximum of 6
[ _ _ _ _ _ credits.)
2 602 Orgamzatzon and Admuustratxon of
{ American Education. (3) I, II, S 772 Seminar lll Education. (1) I, II, S
  An analysis of the administration of local, suite and federal educational A course p|9¤m¤}i for graduate Students mnivrim; in educnficn, given
E agencies and their relationships. A study of the administrative tasks undcr the d¤r¤¤¤¤¤ of the faculty ¤f the Cvlicgc ¤f Educntncrn (May
=. in these agcnciex he repented oncc to n maximum of 2 credits.)