IS THE ESSENCE OF

Kate of Kate Hall,

whose reputation was made by her first book,
"' Concerning Isabel Carnaby," and enhanced by her
last success, " Place and Power."
   " In 'Kate of Kate Hall,' by Ellen Thomeycroft Fowler, the ques-
tion of imminent concern is the marriage of super-dainty, peppery-
tempered Lady Katherine Clare, whose wealthy godmother, erstwhile
deceased, has left her a vast fortune, on condition that she shall be
wedded within six calendar months from date of the testator's death.
   "An easy matter, it would seem, for bonny Kate, notwithstanding
her aptness at sharp repartee, is a morsel fit for the gods.
   " The accepted suitor appears in due time; but comes to grief at the
last moment in a quarrel with Lady Kate over a kiss bestowed by her
upon her godmother's former man of affairs and secretary. This inci-
dent she haughtily refuses to explain. Moreover, she shatters the bond
of engagement, although but three weeks remain of the fatal six months.
She would rather break stones on :he road all day and sleep in a
pauper's grave all night, than marry a man who, while professing to love
her, would listen to mean and malicious gossips picked up by tell-tales
in the servants' hall.
   " So the great estate is likely to be lost to Kate and her debt-ridden
father, Lord Claverley. How it is conserved at last, and gloomy appre-
hension chased away by dazzling visions of material splendor-that is
the author's well-kept secret, not to be shared here with a careless and
indolent public."--Philade/phia Xortli American.
   "The long-standing reproach that women are seldom humorists
seems in a fair way of passing out of existence. Several contemporary
feminine writers have at least sufficient sense of humor to produce char-
acters as deliciously humorous as delightful.  Of such order is the
Countess Claverley, made whimsically real and lovable in the recent
book by Ellen Thorneycroft Fowler and A. L. Felkin, 'Kate of Kate
Hall.' "-Chicago Record-Herald.
   "' Kate of Kate Hall' is a novel iTi which Ellen Thorneycroft Fowler
displays her brilliant abilities at their best. The story is well constructed,
the plot develops beautifully, the incic ents are varied and brisk, and the
dialogue is deliciously clever."-Rochester Democrat and Chronicle.