xt70rx937t9n_93 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70rx937t9n/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4.dao.xml unknown 13.63 Cubic Feet 34 boxes, 2 folders, 3 items In safe - drawer 3 archival material 46m4 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Laura Clay papers Temperance. Women -- Political activity -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- United States -- History. Women -- Suffrage -- Kentucky. Women -- Suffrage -- United States. Laura Clay correspondence with Harriet Taylor Upton text Laura Clay correspondence with Harriet Taylor Upton 2020 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4/Box_5/Folder_8/Multipage4114.pdf 1907 April-May 1907 1907 April-May section false xt70rx937t9n_93 xt70rx937t9n Natinnal Ampriran Woman gmffragv Azanriafinn


Preaidcnl, Rev. Anna Howard Shaw, Swarlhmore. Pa.
Firs! Vice Presidenl, Rachel Foster Avery. Swarlhmore, Pa.
Second Vice Presidenl, Florence Kelley.

105 East 22nd Street. New York City.

Corresponding Secrclam, Kate M. Gordon,
1800 Prytania Street. New Orleans. La.


Warren, Ohio

Racording Secrclary. Alice Stone Blackwell.
3 Park Street. Boston. Mass.

Treasurer, Harriet Taylor Upton. Warrcn. Ohio.
\Laurn Clay. Lexington. Ky.

Auditors : “ Mary Simpson Sperry. .
’ ZIOO Pacxfic Avenue. San Francisco, Cal.

0; 1" on, P7;

1"ri " 31


 ' r, w



 Natinnal Ampriran Mnman gmffragv Aaanriafinn


President, Rev. Anna Howard Shaw. Swarlhmore. Pa.
Firs! Vice President. Rachel Foster Avery, Swarlhmorc, Pa.
Second Vice Presidenl, Florence Kelley.
|05 Ens! 22nd Street. New York CiKy.
Corresponding Secrelary. Kate M. Cordon. NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS

1800 Prylania Street, New Orleans. La, Warren Ohio

1,3131 3'13 8

Recording Secretary, Alice Stone Blackwcll.
3 Park Street. Boskon. Mass‘
Trcasurer, Harriet Taylor Upton. Warren. Ohio.

( Laura Clay, chingkon. Ky.
Audilms : Mary Simpson Sperry.
’ 2‘00 Pacific Avenue. San Franckco. Cal.

a... -r —r-\—-.‘,!
t‘C‘ . L: 15

J _ 5v
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a onmitteea , :txmé. -



.4. ' ' ‘ ;
Hvrfit »a Panw;
becau%e &033 an;


but _
‘xgtAétatemanfi snowed tha

337‘ .L
'fimaéght cents more

. I

.r i. ..

apoxx; at :1 wornmq's 0131b, Fhid w“,

Roganapcrb :_
to Assocfiafiian


Dr would bucome auxiliary
ma30?i+j 0‘

Jed every hand went up. $1
”a far as she knows, eiah;r a or'Vokomo, are
it bwcome


a full suffrage club,


 “ an 1;; :21. 1:.

,,2. .1 0:16 'F'Q r mam flan "

' 1'1‘ a}; :3;r@:1"5

“(3.52837 hive no: flame

Gordiz‘al l;-~ 37 ours



09 5"

’ion "


“1' Z

rJaOIUfiiona aékirr

















"-13 ha in?





 tai Raabach, OklaaCityg Aprofi/iQDV

Dear Fran Upfi0n2~

I Pleaas c“am.ge our address from Guthrie ta
Woman LurLMLLa Headiuarters 1? 2 WnNain Sta,0klahoma . \ Oklah homaW
The romm,bor, rather rooms (it is fiiv3ded by an arunjxu 1: ,ha fourth
floor a? buildingn The rent gii_L ha 20 00 Pi” mo th .1iS inci1dea
”1.3” we, no: 3.1gkt nné janitor. We are fortunate in gm ting t“i$
100mu L; is 1ent Hal aufl the 7.VgCaAo sill 000ipy 5 rooms on ?h*e sams
flooro’We sur‘:; "17 a 1. Fa ahi: ;n j@: in touch 7‘.h lets
‘ amuefm” C? “A? >C$H Wow 3 Laagua will 1130 :w
, -2 infio iC‘ .owmorrow ”
wzfihrie on Tardag Ttfi» fl homr Ci.tya
decided on officu 1031:10 ,5: -r1 mo ing (i~'
Watohgao H9 d a In€7ti;-¢ th.u. 1.. iiU.€ inrs of
uni imflN.8 ‘ ' razlm1+ f r ;. n undieardy 7 VLu 2” =15” vs hefora
‘ " ' ' V :iit‘rmzz ..

?-Loo for Hg,
(933.14 bklr S 9"” 0 Y Y‘FT: «31:13 ‘1 ‘ A

Hird} mav 3e aola 1:0 wor


-_:031(‘r"é-12 "q, 1111 50112;




I . pramonion
LL FLyWP cam. a".wimfl;;myww“s:
than and 3 .1 I‘m 1.3roWoods is

hepn tvying ' A; ' i“ !->.:;2.u ; i: r 'V ‘ mi l}dfieéo
We 0 8 Our success 1h031y ’": aw;l - ? nuthriau uhe was cur
stand-by in ‘U_THVi¢. Ia 3,:RHTflflv 1? 1“w 7513 Hedevation of Women’s

Clubs. When I told her I g . ‘ W0 ga , she wrote to Irgufleru
Sagan and landed me unfiul " 1: 1 ”L. Human apé LVe tijka I kzfi made
to :heir clubs in Guthrie 1he fatonga women are craZy to have a
club; an a Larked iha fiiwh ,ackatn Any othwr aluh >H1h fiouifl havn
done fiha amqe thinga

Shall he thiged t0 stag have at fihe hcfe} For x'week or
twoa Dr.Gay is hepairing her houeas and my room is "ociaa built“.
Then am to he her guest, «30 will he wanted} that expense“

Am impatiently awaiting instructions from fihe Business
Committeaa Have n01 been authorized L0 go ahead wifh laifletaaor t0
eng1ge local workara. The farmers and other unions are holding
their summer meeti.ngs and &rrwus1nw p‘u in: nwogvmms. We ough+ to be
represented. Am g1ievod that we sannot have anothar edition of the
111111024312115» MraoFarguson had a _00Py on her liI;razy table that she rea



ceived la3+ : u People preserved
:ractive ' ' "

J to save the leafletsoe
_ 1°"fi “Mayors of Fiva Cit
, and the smaller leafletgo W- a gain
until ‘e :an havg soms local fiter y int

meetlwn: average 3: to 40 per evening
" takf


33117.52 Vl‘i ‘2 ”we“.
is too big an opporm
affice for
‘L’afi;onga swan“; tna‘t '7
made it fi_mpazs
Hkl&nona Cit.

Portér Eover



 Natinnal Anwrimn 1331mm fiuffmgp Afianfiafinn


Presidcnl, Revl Anna Howard Shaw. Swarlhmore. Pa.
First Vice President. Rachel Foster Avery, Swanhmore, Pa.
Second Vice President, Florence Kelley.
l05 East 22nd Sheet, New York City.
Carresponding Sccrclary, Kale l\l. Gordon, NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS

lBOO Prylania Street. New Orleans, Len Warren Ohio

Recording Secretary, Alice Stone Blackwell,

3 Park Street. Boston, Mass.

Treasurer, Harriet Taylor Uplon, Warren, Ohio.

l Laura Clay. Lexington. Ky.
Auditors : ' Mary Simpson Sperry.


2l00 Pacific Avenue, San Francisco. Cal.



 Natimml Amerimn 1351mm fiuffragp Aaanfiafinn


Pruidcnl. Rev. Anna Howard Shaw. Swarlhmore. Pa‘
Firs! Vice President, Rachel Foster Avery, Swarlhmore. Pa.
Second Vice Presidcnl, Florence Kelley.
[05 East 22nd Street. New York City.
Corresponding Score/cry. Kate M. Cordon, NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS

‘800 Prytania Street, New Orlenns, La, Warren Ohio

Recording Secrclarg, Alice Sxone Blackwell.
3 Park Street. Boslon. Mass.
Treasurer, Harriet Taylor Upton. Warren, Ohio.

\ Laura Clay. Lexington. Ky.
Aud'iIors: ' Mary Simpson Sperry.
’ 2100 Pacific Avenue, San Francisco, Cal.




 Natinnal ‘Ampriran filament gmffragv Aaanriafinn


President, Rev. Anna Howard Shaw. Swarthmore. Pa. 4 Recording Secular/1, Alice Stone Blackwell.
Fin! Vice President, Rachel Foster Avery. Swarlhmore, Pa. 1;; , 3 Park Slreel. Boston, Mass.
Second Vice Presidcnl, Florence Kelley.

105 East 22nd Street. New York Ci|y.

Corresponding Secrclam, Kale M. Cordon. NATlONAL HEADQUARTERS Audilon: : mlvsgllysbnld§$$m Ky.

lBOO Prylania Sheel. New Orleans. La. Warren Ohio 2l00 Pacific Avenue, San Francisco. Cal.

Treasurer, Harrie! Taylor Upton. Warren, Ohio.

April 12,1907,


Deer 'ember of the Fusiness Committee,

. a ‘ . I ‘
I sent you a iew deg: etc a copy of ‘hs. Dunlway s letter.

We haw; leteTH been revising our club directo.y. We try to keg) this up

to date, but it is almost imp0ssible, because state presidents have not

yet gotten into tie way of keeping us posted as things happen. In sending

out the circuler letter, we sent onebo Oregon. This is the answer. She

refers to a.letter from the State Secretary, Elna Buckman. Miss Tuckman

says in her latte? that file cannot give me the information in regard to the

leesl clubs in Oregon because the county clubs hold their meetings inde—

pendent of the Ftete association. She says that the Executive Committee

of Oregon has made up its mind m» go about its work earnestly and quietly.

She also seys, “Perfect harmony exists among the members of the Association.
5 doféer on many things, but when it comes to suffrage, there is har-

mony.I It is a very weak letter and shows that nothing is being done.

Mrs. Duniway encloses a letter from Viss Pease, part of which astonishes

me. It is under date of "arch Blst. She says,

IDear ”rs. Duniwey. I am so glad everything is going on well and
that the outlook is so hopeful. I am sorry I have not been able to see you
but the pain has be?n so intense whenever I have ridden on the cars that I
have refrained from the same except at such times as I go to the Doctor's
and the Teaxher's meeting. Will be pleased to see you at any time your
busy life n.11 yermit a visit. I hope you received my statement of the
condition of the work that I sent you. Not hearing from you again in regard
to the matter, I thought perhops it had been miscarried. We were glad to
read this morning that perhzns the old soldiers will get our signatures for

e. If you intend to use the same blank petitions,whenever you desire it

I will see that you have all of the blanks you:’equire,as we have plenty
on hand. We will need, in round numbers, about 8000 more signatures to
allow for the loss in verifying. I hope we Oregon women can do our own
work and be successflzl in 1908. -———-- ".E. Peese.



The answers w‘wich have“ come from some 01" Be 1002 1 clubs :::1',

that, ‘r-rs. Dunlway 8 attack on the W.C,T‘_:7. has mafia mine-m ieel that they

can no longer work wit/r» Hie: strvim , grsiation at: ’1 ("fl-1t therefore the; have
disbanded or are working 1‘1"; the. ‘avflzks of ifi'1e‘v1’.-CI.'.E‘.I". There is; mowing

. . . . v H ,.
vex; startling or very 1111).,‘ortant in 15189: Pease s letha- e‘vcejn-t me Iact
that. she seems raibl‘xer to be illi‘m- .0 help ”HE’S. D*niwm3 with ’yequLiens
EC. Mien I SULPOsedall . ‘. fits—1b sh v. 07161 not, work wit}; 75‘

an 3-8an Ln 7': C:

V9 1‘,}; n: l 5; you 17:3,



N" v
~,_t__ Ad in:

“iaaes ghaw %

"e 31.1“


“VLA?OWA:« V %nve a lwz‘

Lhe field fa;

Faforfi atartink $0? Illinois.


»€t iaem faaierg
miles inst night afta?

try to talk 20 them, so i: seem:

‘xcellen: advance «ark. T aish

36 please let ma know

fianafiion of .tat much on fiklzhoma's

Chickaaha and OklahOma City out a

Elli?) 2’71 1, ”if?

sponded bravely every

.& someone else to g0 imam

lezvs here at this stageo*** Kiowa

membera, 88 unions, but it 1%

have the lines prefix? sell laid



fished to Keep m


their hig

was invited to speak a?

July 4 at ”cuntain Parka Whoever

"1 ‘ T I‘Y ' ‘.H



rtimeat of i
at L
from adfiressing "hem;

. 5

5' 1%

i—yren, April 15/1907

Wis mcrnin; ”van WT¢W00d8»

r, yhgre

Among Other

a weaoluticn 12;

1h? only are. .'

#0 ?fi1$h

‘iss “Ammbell


6 Y \
.., F .‘ A,
3.. f1: i: ,-. 4 ,L


(5,. ~55 v '. J. M
,“\Z‘)(HE, datum 1,0 gel}?

mu v
o .ULQH 1

Dale, for «h»; have both re”

.Emn Aish

.c“ :1

Jar is seems too bad to

Gounty h%$ 39000 farmara union

30 be nwrdef theregi xhink I

”agent” There war& Bhoae who

“‘ «on om i; that, am: than


tflfi EOLitical speaking

the :iat ;

here can fill just 35

Vrae Qoyrr regpended to my @ivia mederation invitatien up here, and

:46? liked her

down t were."


all fihe time, and now thinks tWere i

Suffrage Association before laaviwj

right away, for many reasons, for she leaves there Lhe

miss “haae seem

better than they liked me. “0 it will be all rignt

a to be more and more encourageé

* H}'~ of forminb a Siat¢

there; soD She ~¢nts t0 do it

first of May.


 Army on: any
ihole irip would d9
3% fen Vuw‘s if ”fir Trorkn
4611 along 28

Trs.?c“u1lo h

f0? uh?


_.. .1 _
um 3,11? lumms.m,

, 1'» as J ucviL Mu ”ting, “we now nda
dad fwxr ne . . I: ; app “ up>r1nt9naen+s of _93 as 5, 1e g.1ala—
:ive york 1nd inc 1! T mem71.fu Wigs olf,vne on r 11n/er who
helped 1n gfittinnr =11 3'.m 2*; ,u .21 praaent legism&,flre to allow
WOmen so practice,ia one o? 9&9 n f Wemhersn gazedesz "y am almoat
surprised at nfie infiereat manifested in our ca ,and if ‘e arouse
anon). ’nteresz in the rtwte b? fall 50 fiflwbl’ me £0 holfi a fitafie
conf renee or convention,T 5: m we eat have yéae Qhaw awd “153 Clay

fiordially vnurg



hand to pay

the busts, incaive
r posseasio- HA'



T know she

money, nd WC thidk

it and raporged :13 mut—

madn E9 accept our conditionu;


 Natinnal Amm‘imn lflflnman Smffragp Afifinriatinn


President, Rev. Anna Howard Shaw. Swartllmorc, Pa. 8‘- Recording Sccrelary, Alice Stone Blackwell.
First Vice Prasidenl. Rachel Foster Avery. Swarlhmore. Pa. "3 ' 3 Park Snack. Boston. Mass.
Second Vice Presidenl, Florence Kelley.

”)5 East 22nd Slrecl, New York City.

Corresponding Sccrclary. Kale lVl. Cordon. NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS Audilon: : LMaall‘?S(i:nl1apb;)nL§:l-3ffnl IXY-

N300 Prylania Sheet, New Orleans, La. Warren Ohio 2100 Pacific Avenue,San Francisco, Cal.

Treasurer, Harriet Taylor Upton. Warren. Ohio.

April 17,1907.

Your two letta's of u: 15th. duly received. A copy of ”re
Duniway's letter was sent you. I do not kvow why you did not
I am having another copy made or, if I can get the original . or out of
the files, without defacing it, I will send you thet. Please return it.

I note what you say about Wise Pease's offer to Mrs. Duniway
I guess it is all right tier.

st. Foyer's expense acoount which she seals .n 'rom the
field now are something awful. See H s E { no every Week for postage for
press work. “hat ie more than the National Association uses. Every dew
partmeet of her work seems to be oeuduoted on expensive lines. I think
that is her neturfl, disposition. ?he says Her father never was able to save
any money. He would buy a coal mine and make a lot of mOney and they
would live like millionaires and then when it was gone they would have :0


do their own work. See oaunot help it I guess: but we oufiht to be careful
about how we let her have charge of money. A little time ago we paid a
bill of $302 00 and now the bill which ehe sends in today is for $274 46
covering three weeks.

I do not think you knew that ”rs. Ringers has never recovered
from her winter's work, is really quite miserable and wents tor'esign frOm

the presilenoy, but Hus. FoyeT has insisted that she let her name stand for

the good of the cause; so when you say Mrs. Foyer must depemi largely on “rs.

3 - . ‘ .
Biggers opinion, you see sue has not the chance to do that. The Biggerses


hare bought a farm awl are going to live on
I think Miss Shaw will send a Business Committee letter
in regarfl to Oquhoma. We must vote on it Womehow ani Fave it
4 f.“

Jriting you today about several d.

goes with

Cordivlly yours,


Enclosefl find erpense accoun , la in by “rs. “lagers for t”

w 800 00 forwarded to you in Oquhoma.

from you $291 55 thus leaving a balance of $8 45 unan1ounted

verkans she never Kai the full amount. Cav1you understand or xplqin this?

If so, please do, qnfl if not, shall have to refer it back to Mrs. Blggers.


 189 N.Iill, Lexington; Ky.
Kay 5rd, 1907.

My deer Mrs.Upton,

Ireturned to Lexington on Honday, and found letters
'from you which, by some mistake, had not been forwarded. They were those
which I emntioned had not been receiVed. But I am writing now more es-
pecially to 9 nd you a copy of the letter I have just written to Kiss
Shaw in answer to hers asking a vote on the Iregon proposition. I have vo-
ted to accede to it, preferably with the limitations I mention in my let—
ter.I think $2000 is cheap to put the question to the voters; and I would
be glad to pay that every year where there is the Referendum law till Suc-
cess crowned our efforts.te see how the expenses are running up in Ok-
lahoma, and if we have eve‘n a mederate confidence in the workers in
Oregon we ought to be thankful that we can shift the burden of the cam-
paign to their shoulders. You know that home workers can wield a vast'
deal of influence and can obtain icon help, indirectly and otherwiSe, that
is wholly unattainable by outsiders; so that we need not feel that nothing
can be done because they are to spend so much less than we had to do.
I do hope you will cast your final vote to go on with work in Oregon. We
must exercise some courage in working with disagreeable women, or we will
be driven out of every state. You know Miss Shaw and hrs.Kelly though
we ought not to send Miss Chase to Indian na on account of Mrs.G., and yet
she has done splendidn work there. \

Cordially yours,

P.S.P1ease send my answer to Miss Shaw to,Miss Blackwell.‘


 189 H.Iill fitrtut, Lexingtcn, Z7.

My dear Mrr. Upton,

I wrote form Richmond on the 19th of April that I
would send my Oklahoma account when I returnefi to Lexington..l have not
been very prompt in doing so, is I have been here a week; but I enclose

it now.

You sent 090.1312, 1900 1100.00

u . ' H Februlst 1907))300.00

I paid out

Jan.5tn, 1907 Boyer, Postrge.
" 18, ‘ - Boyer, T3ostnge,
” 24, Kent 0! Type-writer ‘H-
29, Boyer, ”Tinting at Leaderfif “.-ya
Febr.I ‘ Gregg. - “
" 2 Bronson, rent of office,

Boyer, >ostege, , ‘ 8350
Capital Imisng/W 5/25

Orner, salary, 10.00
Green, extra etenography' w
Boyer, postage’on circ
lers, ‘ _

' ‘ 0 Isl @0 flue me. A
All the items explain themselves except the 10.00 paid to flies Gregg. As
VI remember this. it was ten dollars she advanced to me when I went to

South MeAlester to deliver a lecture which they thought ought to be given

on an invitatidfi. Had I known how much the expense would be I might have

‘thought differently; however. I went, spent the $10.00, and something more,
aid took up a small collection, which did not quite pay the additional ex-

pense, but of Which, if I have a recorfl; I cannot now lay my hands on it.


 In add 1tion to the $520.00 you sent, Hr.Robe t Owens gave us e check for
$136.oo, which I paid 5;; as follows,

Opera House, for Mass M:i"ing advised by Hr.0wens,

Postage, on oiroulare to {:gpereUnionS and Labor

Ufii-ES advised By M [Qwene

“s I wrote to you and Kiss Seatrl yould do, I paid 5rdividuully
Lucy Camlboll, for work not grdered from Heerfiuartere,
I 350.00
23, Hrs.Laskey ‘2. 10.00
" Mrs.Beiley, 33‘ 'fi 5.00
29, 'Mre.Laskéy, ‘j‘v' 2.00

Febr. 2 Hr Stevens,

T , _ L l. x $55“ I“ w: _ T firs. Stevens
.1— LG :‘LO'U \v‘lS'L but; _:.=:: 'L‘,\,. , ‘

was paid really $1.70, ‘ r " t ‘ * _£.‘.Boyer to pay itm
and forgot to return it. I T” '%3.: y a. t;' me to her next ac—
cfunt? or, if it is inconven'

myself. Let me know.

nave eonsi ered them, you

cafi\§::tle with me fa ,iae Jelence 7 - u . u'would Wrefer to do so,


you ca»\{::iln hundred and ten dollare\>e j individtal pledges to

the Anthony Keg;

I was so y ad ’ :et the good nev S of the SROC“SS of t e Garrett-T one
as Fund? I e ,awaiting particulars ' ously.I got 1 r let er announcing
-' ‘1
it after had closed mine to ten; but I. wrote :* the 0 said; that the

clubs in :y. at Barboursvallg and Arlington had ceased mu ~ ‘0 my regret.
Cordilly yours,


 *‘3n to the flSQC.OO you sent, Er.fioborfi Omens gave a check for


mhich I paifl out on aavice of fine ofiice farcé as fallows,
RouSe, for Iass mépting, afivised by fr.0wens, . $5C.QO
'?w5thge on circulars to Farmer$'Uni n: a:& Labor
Unions, afivisefi by Hr.Owens, ' 86.50
As I wrote ' :i 2“ 31~ 3'“: i :,¢ 1* 4 22_ infiiviiually ,for
work not ordered_by Herdnuarters,
Jan.18, Miss Lucy Campbell,
" .25, Hrs.Laskey,
" Hrs.Bailey,

Febr.2, Mrs.8teven5,


I do nofi wish skis refundea.
Please examine chase accaumtS, and meTT we: “ac? consiflarefl tiem, you
'Cun setwle with me for nae balance due me. If it is mogt convenionL for
the irnasury, gou can retain the fiII0.00»for my individual pledges to the
Anthony Hemoriul Fund.

I was so glad to get the good news of the success of the Garrett-
'Thomas Fund. I am awaiting particulars anxiously. I got your letter anncunu

cing it after i had closefi‘mine in you; but I wrote on the outside thafi

the clubs in Ky. at Barboursville and firlington had ceasefi, much to my

Love to all in phe office.

Corfiially yours,


 Le; ington, Ely.

My deer Ire.Upton,
I have just receivefi y3ur special delivery letter; and
write at once to say ~net 1 could not go to Indiana even if flies
moi able to go. I have 2 Very eeer eunsin, xho ie
is left alone in 1101* house for some Km» nomnlmm

entil one of no? family see ehle i: J.Y'EJ‘\- ‘. . . 5. ' ' “ ' “ " f "' 'V’v/ H



- v _ 'r‘ ..,-,‘ v~
2w nv:';-°,T‘1_0W‘.a ' . HWH’V


("fir/.7“ tvlj"Y" "'IM‘. T11,“ 47.21"“. 7‘1‘7’21‘

A .. _._ e \ » ' I ; ' ="‘W‘
an". 1.7‘¢-_/‘<»?w m. “norm ..,»- - r..~‘ ’7'.-

Dgwhnn—t. i' 41171.7". I: ‘W? 3 "ha” Tl‘”C‘" ‘ll.

.3 7,)

V")!i_ifl 1.‘.“r, - 11: V‘ .10 lqht E :1/\ YT" t 1'rt‘li’}


53 -‘ Hanoi)" €314.53. “.10 ill 31 fill

my 1, m: Mum, MIG ‘i - 4



 189 N.iill St., Lexington, Ky.
I May 151m, 1907.
fly deer firs.fipton,

I have just received your last letter about Indiana,'
and write at once to tell you not to expect me under any circumstances to
go to Indians, for I have'Just received a Letter from my sister fiery, tel-
ling me that Mr.Bennett is very feeble, and to all appearance can surviye
but a few days. His children have been summonsed; end while I shall not
go yo Richmond till I e alled, I would not on any account go away. I have
‘seen him very recentl;, and feel that the little strength he has he would

rather expend in seeing his own family; so I shall not go.

I note what you say about giving money to Jrs.Duuiwey. how I never wanted

to give any money to Mrs.huniway; nor do I think putting money in Mrs.Coe's

hands or That of the rest or her Board, isvgiving‘it to Mrs. Duniway.As far
as I cznsee, Mrs. Coe, Eire. Evans and others of her Boerd of whom I know
are as responsible as any women who can be found; and the idea is strained,
in my judgment, that we cannot know that money is spent at least honestly, 1
Oregon, unless we ourselves pay it Out. I am willing that the bills shall
be paid in any manner that is necessary to reassure the most séruoulous,.
but it is terrible to me to think that we shall throw awey all the benefit
of our $15000 campaign there because we are not willing to allow the suf-'
fragists to manage their own affe ire to a moderate degree. m did not know
tggge were any millionaires in the suffrage ranks thereiiI supposed iheyr
all in the ranks of the opvonents. Certainly, all the women with whom Ill
came in touch were either distinctly poor or in very moderate circumstances.

I Should not even call Mrs. Coo very rich; and  she seemed to he.ve by far


 the most money of any I saw. As lung as they have the Initiative and Ref~

erendum, it seems to me to be Chelp to pay $2000 to have the question sub--

mitted to the voters. I See no hole of our Aeeociation eVer winning a vic~
tie polls if we ,en find n3 may to help a campaign in a stete like

I trust that at least we will.help t the extent of getting the pe—
. .

titicn Signefi and filefi nith t


me Secretary of Stafie.

But I have said and Written all that I can do of use, so l will snare


yO‘l .

“lease be certain to write me the‘addreeses of flissee Garrett and

Thomas. I cannot find my minutes of I906, and perhaps their addresses are
not there any way.
Love-to all in the offiee, and to veurself.

Cordielly yours,


 National Amvrimn Woman gmffragp Afianfiafinn

(Member National Council of Women and International Woman Suffrage Alliance)

Presidenf, Rev. Anna Howard Shaw, Swarllimore, Pa. Recording Secrelary, Alice Stone Blackwell,
Firs! Vice Presidenl, Rachel Foster Avery, Swarthmore. Pa. I 3 Park Street, Boston. Mass.

Second Vice President. Florence Kellen Treasurer, Harriet Taylor Upton, Warren, Ohio.

105 East 22nd Street, New York City. V 7 , ,
Corresponding Secrelary. Kate M. Cordon, NATIONAL HEADQL ARTERS Audilors:§kileilrr; gtzgkegfiir' ky.

1800 Prytania Street, New Orleans. La. Warren Ohio 2| 0 Pacific Ave., San Francisco, Ca
’ May 18/.90?

Dear N353 Clay2“

V01: latter of May 13 duly received. I hav read care:

fully wnat you say about.firs.fiun;way, out I cannot feel any other

way than I do; a is . af‘ before, I do hate to oppan you.


But I believ., . __ ; my a;%' Mrs.Duniway nonoot, that a woman
who has lived in . ”tats all the years that she has, and could not
have any organ.zation, and oovld not summons influeno« enough to
:0 us as long as

advisability of going to

got started and.I found we
had to ., g A go, i . names I Was willing to do it, for I hen
lievea that one reason we had not sucoéeded in the past was because
we had always been afraid and drawn off money and workers at a time
when we ought to have held on. I ": tneroforo willing to use all
our forced taking Miss Gr f” out of Oklahoma (which I think now was a
mistakol, and all the money we could rake and scrape to send there.
When the call coma for the last $3,000, and I didn’t know where in
the worlfi we were going to get it, I still thought we ought to koop
at it; hut now I know that as long as Mrs, Duniway lives we never
can get anything in Gregon. I am just as sure of thfs as I am that
I breatho. 90 that even if I thought she were not
the money to herself (and I think aha does) I would I. 'H ,. y to
continue our work there under her supervision. Of course this is
simply a matter of my personal opinion and belief; I do not feel that

I know as much about the situation as you, Miss Qhaw, Miss Gordon



and Mrs. Poyer; Vut what I believe

course ought to act an
The M .. ,V z~ ‘ , i2 as follows:
N Parey Thomas, H; r ,- V4 W 2 Hawr, Penna.



 the lung ran to em;


L -'.{,7;



"= .1.
C u ,

or t


races like-Infiians anQ negroes to

person to senfi

:111 Ct., lexington,

W 3. ,


3-? 81‘» .4.


managemah L,

"ling tn vote

irrv "1V1: -r- w "
..V. ,1 J-(...€, 13-20“,

~4iea.1it 19 Lot ’0? aggreciat?

. .L


anon interestbd Std Hi-"OOGS

t ‘- *‘
21'5“ TE} x - (1 L A

1h!) HC: 6. LIC’TP’

‘ ,
~., ”1‘.” , .,
*2 u,\,‘u.h JUL:

LC a atute where we are carrylbg an &

»;eyience 1n aregon ,rd elsewhere have led


forgive much to their own Momen, and hOLu

will at




that outaitters rhea their are 11.81115;

ave y

I hink Lies Boxers, from Sauth Dakota, a very unprom~
t ‘wo

0 Q”Lahoma, an esseitially Suuthern Sfihfe..¥iih
« ‘ - 11:1 ’
probiticn boiling hot.


 Dr.Woods’ instructions would be valuxe fig her and $0 u$; but even with

x _ L

inis aflvanta§e I wald nofi like he? tfio $0 iklahoma. In fact. I fio no»
. V

want any more outsi&ers sent into ,“",:;ax ;¢‘~ w": 0f

tho: = ; ‘« Vury Aesirous

i: 3“” “a; 3: :;s a x. (NIT nuaana

3L3 it gulc‘w=;gmt10ularig
some 2” "TL . . atisch d

as hélp ass in S.Lakota as me are no:
I do not remember Lhac.e aver pTuaisefl ” x '; LWS.JOY€T-
discuseed, 9; p s; “'7 in avilafile gnfson; ‘.4'“: a;na 9 seemed
“fl one more eligihlc. If muse of the 5 arm lion her
merit 38 a Sweaker :RE 0*aanizer, I ”onld be willing 10 vote fie
hqr, but not in Oklahoma“ 4 a» anxfiient Share are 10y;1 néfififi
will do better Lhan ou-- * if LC exart oureeiwe;
umflloy then.
‘I enclos my rep;
you may be iater&sbed

Love L O


Marlor, 1.1%. May 23,1907.
My dear “f s. Unbon,
I hare but a moment to wr the. In a letter rereiver} from Mrs.

Boyer I learn that, she has, 0» is. about to Gerri 171 her resignation. I m more
sorry than I can tel 1 mi [:ertninly hope you TH. the “mat of the “118171.339, Com—
mittee will try anri arrange to keep her here. ”Where is; no one I know who can
take "3191‘ 121306,. I do not think any one unacqwmin‘oed with com? itionn and neo—

ple ox.‘ come. into the territory and do. 5.3““? wow}: «he can c: M would do

course it seems =3. large price to pay for her services and if "’1: one

found W110 can give as much for lea-0. money, we $101111 Have hen I"


I hope you will pardon me for "built ing in" but I feel so keenly the loss to
us, to have her go that Mr. niggersa is. going 3.0 drive to town, over three miles
an ‘curpose to mail this protest for me. I don't want to wait for the R.B‘.D.
man tomorrow.
Am very busy- carpenter left yestervlay, thn
Sincerel; ,

"(a be I? . Mtgers .,


 7,727?" »’ 91v “—





 MMght {.0- ma ‘zn r-nge aim along; 3.

‘50" 1 .5341.” .

33am“ , :3??eggi;

a}; “it" m 1.10am an. Vatur‘hjf "m-‘i «fir;

241mm farm an.» the street. I mww

that :‘gim 3'3


M5351 the suffrragm z-aml.::himn,~

5i» mbber: 2"“: 2‘22 i!" {mint}?

:4 ff, 7 — - I "5'2'21‘fmg-EH:

them worked :2


1!??? afi'fi‘n‘?‘ "=3?

“Hm't, Latin to sm.




"(jngzgry {21.1% ‘3} #2"; max?

:=- 101:.

9,6 know i.’ I “$113.3 3,32?sz

I will

trig; before; T3221:

:5:an a, ref-17:12:? guaninala for

"an ‘i 9"‘xct-eé. '1“. r.



U .L ..L J.


Wem. Tnis put

crganimors, afl-


fwwm Ear {asiaL
her Judgment, and therefere
ters at 1% st “ill

W 6



In giving my oyinjon tan

in Oklahoma, I 2 ,; *1: , ’ givwn on

”e I1iative and 1 r; ‘:x w ” J=y ; * y a ambiguous
. J,expentatinn 99- ‘
w1Lh haeAex¢vnfin 01 wn~

nimum'eost of a OLA _ a: T ” , sucomei


.V. ,
uk , d



”7'ured 'ork- _ _
lahema, lusteaa of

war esticns )f 1h(

Knothervtybé#wri%ef for 0k