there being no questions, on motion duly made, seconded, and carried, the
budget revisions recommended in PR 6 were authorized and approved. (See
PR 6 at the end of the Minutes. )

       I. President Authorized to Take Action to Protect University's
Interests in Robinson Forest

       President Singletary indicated that he would like to request guidance
from the Executive Committee on the position which the University should take
relative to a threat to the Robinson Forest posed by the issuance of a permit on
Tuesday, June 1, 1971 to Vols Cloal, Inc. by the Kentucky Division of Strip
Mining and Reclamation to operate a strip mine on Hurricane Creek in Knott
County about four miles front the forest. He explained that surface mining in
this area would undoubtedly cause ecological changes in the headwaters above
the forest and would thereby endanger the research potential of the Robinson
Forest area. He continued that three previous requests for permits have been
turned down and he did not know at this point why the permit had been issued nor
the exact degree to which the proposed strip mining would affect the University's
holdings; however, he felt that the University could not wait for another meeting
of the Board before taking action and requested that the Board give him adminis-
trative authority to take whatever steps would be necessary, up to and including
legal action if that is the only relief available.

       Mr. Goss asked if the President could give the Board members some idea
of what the University is doing in this area. President Singletary said the Uni-
versity has a $400, 000 planned investment in the study of the watershed area and
has requested $250, 000 in Federal funds for additional work there. The forest
is the primary research laboratory for the University's Department of Forestry
and it is irreplaceable as the source for watershed, wildlife, ecology and
forestry products studies. He added that this is the one place left in this part of
the world where such research can be done for the Buckhorn has not been polluted
as yet.

       Mr. Goss then moved that the President be authorized and directed to give
further study to the problem and that he be empowered to take whatever action is
reasonably necessary to protect the University's interests. His motion was
seconded by Mr. Cooper and all present voted "aye".

       J. Chairman Authorized to Execute Contracts with President and
Vice Presidents

       Mr. Clay said that in accordance with past practice the Chairman of the
Executive Committee executes contracts with the President and the Vice Presi-
dents and requested authorization from the Executive Committee to execute the
contracts with these individuals for the 1971-72 fiscal year. On motion duly made,
seconded, and carried, it was so ordered.