and a number of good High School players are out for the team. Mr.
. George Buchheit, star athlete from the University of Illinois, is coaching `
E, the team. Mr. Buchheit played on the Foot Ball team, Basket Ball team
T and Track team at Illinois. He understands the system of Coach Ralph ‘
l Jones, one of the best Basket Ball coaches in the Western Conference.
. E
, The Kentucky High School Athletic Association will hold its annual  
{ Tournament at the University of Kentucky March 12 and 13. A letter Q
j has been sent to all the High Schools of the State in regard to the Tourna—  
4 ment and a number of schools have indicated that their team will be  
 ‘ present to take part in the Tournament. The University of Kentucky g
._ will furnish local entertainment for eight players and coach and will  
2 present the winning team with a silver cup.  
A meeting of all the letter men and women of the University was held  
‘ Friday afternoon, December 5, in Chapel, for the purpose of re-organizing  
S the University "K" Association. Thirty men and women who have won  
 ‘ letters in Kentucky athletics were present at the meeting.  
‘?  Eger Murphree was elected president of the organization, Lily Crom— Y
. well, vice-president and Patrick Campbell, secretary-treasurer. A com—
 . mittee, composed of Messrs. Campbell, Lavin and Thompson, were ap-
 _ pointed to draft a constitution for the organization. Every effort will be
 Z made to improve the athletics of the institution and to secure winning
  teams in all branches of collegiate sport. . ,
rf  A meeting of all the old "K" men of the University of Kentucky was j
{ held Thursday morning, November 27, at the Phoenix Hotel. Eighteen »_‘»_
i "has—beens" in Kentucky athletics, and especially of Kentucky football {I
 · teams of the past, answered the call of Athletic Director S. A. Boles, of Q
 g the University of Kentucky promptly at 10:30 o’clock.  
 · R. C. Stoll was elected temporary chairman of the meeting and Dr.  
E. Cronley Elliott, secretary. The chairman announced that the purpose of  
the meeting was to perfect a permanent organization to be known as the  
 . "K Association," which would include as members all alumni of the Uni- ij
 . versity of Kentucky who wore the coveted "K" for participation in any  
~’  of the athletics of the institution. The duties of the Association would   ` ,
. bé, he said, to assist in any way possible the advancement of clean athletics  
 _‘ in the University and to see that their Alma Mater took her proper place  
 ` in the realm of collegiate sports. It was explained that the Association Eg
 ` would not be an inactive organization, but would be a live, energetic,  
 ` 10YHl machine which would work in perfect harmony with the faculty,  
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