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f` A `   A. Governor Morrow has always taken a keen  
  i     The New Chairman interest in affairs of the University and we can  
  ~ .   ` of the Board safely predict a continued and active growth  
  p for the University under his guidance.  
, '   n The Alumnus wishes to congratulate Mr. Morrow upon the per- 5, 
  c   _ sonnel of "The Board of Control" for the coming four years. The ap-  
.g   _ _ · pointment of such a Board puts the State upon a level never before ap-  A
`Y ·7 § As proached in the management of our institutions.  
- · if  
` ·.   _ Published elsewhere, in part, is this report, which  ‘
»   The President’s _ most concisely and emphatically sets forth the needs  Q
A jj   Biennial Report of the University, and we beg of you to give it your  ‘~
~   . most careful attention.  *
    The advance made at the University since Dr. McVey’s presidency  Z·
{ {   stands upon its merits, but one can readily see from his report how the Q 
  `. lack of funds for buildings and for administration is holding up this  
g 5 "Q  great work.  
· Y   ;._ We of Kentucky or any other State cannot expect to have an institu-  
’   rj tion of front rank when our teachers are paid a bare living wage, for no  
    man can be at his highest eiiiciency when he must constantly be striving  
  Q . to meet the necessities of everyday life. Let us realize these facts and   .
. `E   . n take steps to meet them for in our educational institutions lie our whole  *
»·   J strength as a State and as a nation.  
  v'_`  — One must not be unmindful of the fact that the  
T.   `_ The Call of the Government is constantly calling for additional sub-  
‘ ‘ 3   Government scriptions to the Thrift Stamp and Treasury Sav-  
A. A Ag ing Certificates. If the Government did not need  {
~ ;   this money they would not ask you to buy these securities and it is the  Q
I     `»_' Q duty of all to assist the Government at this and all times of stress from  
      any cause whatsoever.  
‘   Y ` * The Liberty Bond has thoroughly demonstrated to us the value of a  `
  j Hrst class investment over high or even excessive taxation and if such  
S ;_     securities are not bought there is but one answer-—TAXES.  
. Q.     There is being conducted through the World Trades Club  
{   The Metric of San Francisco an extensive campaign for the adoption  
    System of the Metric System as the standard of weights and  
» ?` QQ; measures of the United States and thus helping to give  ;
_ i QA to the world a much needed standardization. A great many States have  j
· { V   gone on record approving such a measure and in a short time we believe  _
3   it will be a fact and will greatly enhance trade relations between countries.  
_ "‘_{i There is no movement which deserves a more heartY  
G gi The Boy endorsement and support than the Scout Movement. To be  
_   Scout a scout a boy must, to speak succinctly, be a little man and  §I—
‘ _ {5,; there is nothing so valuable to a boy as an early schooling  
,   in the art of being a man, it teaches him to be independent, to be con-  Q
· A   siderate of others, to love and to understand nature and some of hel'  
T’ , .· In  =j