.  4
a. keen Z?  mysteries, it puts him on a footing of understanding with his male parent E
we can -i  and above all teaches him those things that a boy should be in his relation l A
growth  p. to his associates and to those with whom he comes in touch. .
  The boy is the potential manhood of tomorrow and it is the duty of
he per-   everyone to strive to make this manhood worthy of its inheritance.  
Phe ap-   i
fore ap-   We have received from Dr. Henry Van Dyke a letter E
  The Needs setting forth the dire state of the city of Lille. We all E
Qi of Lille know what Lille is and what she was before the Hun F.
» which   invasion that tore out her vitals and all but absolutely  
-6 needs ij? destroyed her. Now she is asking for funds to re-establish her University g
it YOU?   and Hospitals. Her needs are great, her requests most modest and your E
  support could be given to no more worthy cause. p f‘
tsideiliy   Dr. Van Dyke’s letter is published in part elsewhere.  
row e   ;·
UP this  `· - One of the most praiseworthy post-war services having §
fi  Kappa Alpha occurred in Lexington was the Memorial Service con- {
msmw   Convention ducted by the Kappa Alpha Fraternity, during their $·
» for H0 Q?  Thirtieth Biennial Convention, in honor of those of  
Striving   their number who had paid the "Supreme Sacriiice" during the late war. E
mts and   The Services were held in Christ Church Cathedral and were a most fit  
Y Whole   Memorial.  
  The fund for the erection of a Memorial Building upon
hat the   The Memorial the Campus is still far from being complete and we
ual Sub-   Building urge all alumni to send their subscriptions at the earli-
lry Saw   est possible time, as such a cause deserves the support
_°t_ Head   of all and we feel sure no alumnus will intentionally lose the opportunity
251;;*;   to subscribe to this tuna. »
lue of a  3
if such   `
ies Club   ,
adoption   Q
nts and   Q
to s1v¤  _     i
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ountries.   L
2 hearty T   ‘
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